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All force balls are currently glichtable

i have noticed over the last few days, if you throw a force ball and it is blocked that when you duck the opponent pops into the air has if been hit. it does not happen every time, however, it has occurred on both fast, slow and EX versions of the force ball. If anyone has any idea on how to actually trigger this or even prevent it, please feel free to share


Kenshi Moderator
Haha ty man. I can actually edit good and tons better than this ...for godsake it's my feild as a concept artist lol. though i dont edit my vids due to 2 reasons,. first my cam quality sucks ass! second, FUCKIN WARNER BROS ALWAYS TAKES DOWN MY SONGS! lol

was really nice of u to notice so ty :p. take it easy and am glad u liked it (whether editing or the vid)


Someone explain this to me? It just looked like he was using acid hand... big deal? I'm definitely missing something