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A few things about explodey guy


Unfortunately you can only otg with Explosive Parademon of the 12 1+23 but this set up stops all wake ups and if they try to wake up they will get hit and give you a free confirm of the j2. If they block the explosive parademon you're still plus enough to jump in and get a 50/50. Hope this helps.

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This isn't very practical cause the 12 1+3 only works as an OTG on the grounded opponent, if the opponent is in the juggled state the explosive parademon will combo, so you can only do this set up off j2 or raw 12 1+3.
But this begs a question: why go for 13% and potential mix off j2 on hit, if you can go into full 40-50% combo?


This isn't very practical cause the 12 1+3 only works as an OTG on the grounded opponent, if the opponent is in the juggled state the explosive parademon will combo, so you can only do this set up off j2 or raw 12 1+3.
But this begs a question: why go for 13% and potential mix off j2 on hit, if you can go into full 40-50% combo?
Dood how is this not pratical when jump 2 crosses up in the corner? And the reason for this video wasn't so I can show combos but a better set up if you decide to cross up with j2 and also stop wake ups. This is just something extra on top of darkseid's crazy mix up game in the corner.


Dood how is this not pratical when jump 2 crosses up in the corner? And the reason for this video wasn't so I can show combos but a better set up if you decide to cross up with j2 and also stop wake ups. This is just something extra on top of darkseid's crazy mix up game in the corner.
I know that it crosses up and you can get a 40-50% combo of such cross up. But you are suggesting opening you opponent up with a tricky cross up just to do 13% and then a set up. Again you can't get more then 13% into this set up because the red parademon restands and resets the combo only if 121+3 hits the opponent standing, to do it off a bigger combo you will have to juggle but the demon explosion will not restand.

Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
Does the opponent have any reason at all not to block the jump-over in the corner? It's a very telegraphed cross-up that doesn't really have any alternative mix-up options they could go for instead there.


It's funny how ya ignore the fact that i posted "stops all wake ups" and you guys are talking blocking mix ups and damage when all this is tech for darkseid players(like myself) that can be use for other options in corner. I'm just trying to help the community. There are always an escape option for every situation no matter how good it might be but this is just simply a way to switch it up and always have your opponent guessing. Like for example if your opponent does block this you can neutral jump 2 the next time around and most likely open them up because with good enough knockdown like darkseid's 112 string you can always turn a jumping attack into a 50/50 in the corner. Another would be to just empty neutral jump and grab and get parademon to explode for combo potential. I've seen many darkseid players use that and even though it scales and you wont get much from it they still do it because its different and it messes with your opponent.
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Administrator and Community Engineer
Does the opponent have any reason at all not to block the jump-over in the corner? It's a very telegraphed cross-up that doesn't really have any alternative mix-up options they could go for instead there.
There's always his usual mixup, crossup low stomp vs. the overhead jump-in.


What's the point in making them guess again if you land a jump 2? Why not just go into the 40-50% combos?
the same can be said about flash. Why waste trait on resets? When you can go into 50-60 and sometimes even close 80 percent combos? Why risk and give your opponent a chance to block when you can just cash out. This is just a way to put one of minions to good use when trying to go for cross up jumping 2. So good that you take away wake ups and still be super plus enough to go for another mix up if he blocks the minion
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Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
There's always his usual mixup, crossup low stomp vs. the overhead jump-in.
No, I'm talking about the part that LEADS to the set-up. He does his trait summon combo, then he does a cross-up j2 into this wake-up stopping set-up. A cross-up j2 that the opponent has no reason not to block literally every time.

And if he goes for a mix-up off that j2 then he's not doing his set-up at all (grounded 121+3). There's literally no reason whatsoever to end up IN this set-up in the first place, not that the post set-up, wake-up stopping factor isn't good.

Did anyone actually watch the fucking video? He ends a combo and then telegraphs a cross-up j2 that cannot be blocked in order for this to even happen and the opponent would never not block that...
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No, in talking about the part that LEADS to the set-up. He does his trait summon combo, then he does a cross-up j2 into this wake-up stopping set-up. A cross-up j2 that the opponent has no reason not to block literally every time.

And if he goes for a mix-up off that j2 then he's not doing his set-up at all (grounded 121+3). There's literally no reason whatsoever to end up IN this set-up in the first place, not that the post set-up, wake-up stopping factor isn't good.

Did anyone actually watch the fucking video? He ends a combo and then telegraphs a cross-up j2 that cannot be blocked in order for this to even happen and the opponent would never not block that...
the whole point was to use the minion another way after a cross up j2. If you feel like this was useless tech then that's fine but don't argue with those that find this tech quite useful for guaranteed hit or super plus frames on block. Oh and not to mention it takes away wake ups. And as I said before you don't always have to cross up with j2.
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the same can be said about flash. Why waste trait on resets? When you can go into 50-60 and sometimes even close 80 percent combos? Why risk and give your opponent a chance to block when you can just cash out. This is just a way to put one of minions to good use when trying to go for cross up jumping 2. So good that you take away wake ups and still be super plus enough to go for another mix up if he blocks the minion
Flash players don't do 12% combos when they could do 50%, for resets. They often just lose a few percent.


Flash players don't do 12% combos when they could do 50%, for resets. They often just lose a few percent.
I'm a flash player also and you're not getting more than 30 percent depending on the cast after reset now after patch and for the simple fact that they nerfed his rms 2 and also d2 scaling the damage. like I said I'm just trying to help the community. Not all but some.
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Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
the whole point was to use the minion another way after a cross up j2. If you feel like this was useless tech then that's fine but don't argue with those that find this tech quite useful for guaranteed hit or super plus frames on block. Oh and not to mention it takes away wake ups. And as I said before you don't always have to cross up with j2.
Here, let's try to break this down again:

Your tech that stops wake-ups comes after you land the 121+3 on a grounded opponent with the exploding parademon already out, right?

Okay, cool.

So you can get the exploding parademon out mid combo off a lot of different starters, from mix-ups to whiff punishes to you name it, right?

Okay, cool, so that's great.

You then need to land a jump over j2 into 121+3 throwing them back into the corner in order to set up your tech with the demon already out from the previous combo, right?

Well holy shit wtf how does that happen? That's where I'm not understanding how this tech ever even sees the light of day in the first place. That j2 into 121+3 there, after you did your little parademon set-up combo but before you actually showcase your wake-up stopping tech itself, THAT'S the part I don't understand. How in the fuck do you actually hit someone with that? They have no reason not to block that telegraphed crossover j2, right?

Am I missing something? Does he have another option at THAT point to get them not to block that or fuck them up anyway if they do? It would be AWESOME tech if you ever could 121+3 a grounded opponent back into the corner with the demon already out but that's where my disconnect is: why isn't the j2-121+3 combo being blocked in the first place so they never even get to that point?

Does that make sense? Nobody is crushing your dreams and shitting in your mouth here, I'm just trying to understand how you're even setting this tech up with something an opponent seemingly needs to get hit by but shouldn't actually get hit by. If I'm missing something maybe you can showcase what happens when they do block the j2 before the 121+3 that always crosses up in the corner for us?


Alright this tech wasn't meant to work 100%. It was just to showcase another good use for minion. You're taking this way to serious and talking about openers and damage when it was just to showcase an otg after a hard knockdown and how you're still plus and can jail or hit confirm after explosion. But this is why tym has rumors about it being so dramatic. I seriously don't understand how you're looking at openers and damage and not the fact that the whole point of this video was a way to stop wake ups and another use for minion. Which is pretty useful because wake ups to my knowledge are invincible at start up. And like I said before j2 is a 50/50 in itself so is not always you have to cross up, you can also neutral j2 and forget about my set up and go for big damage and use the minion to be safe is blocked. This is just a way to make your set ups a little better as a darkseid player. I just don't understand why you're being so dramatic. My set up is just something you CAN use if not then that's fine but please don't questioned my motives when I've seen people grab while next to minion and get like 25 percent do to the heavy scaling when they can just go for a 50/50 and be safe.

Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
You're the only one being a fucking drama queen here dude, I literally posted a single fucking question in my first post that you STILL haven't answered. Stop talking about "stopping wake-ups" if that part doesn't come until after the 121+3 that isn't even possible to hit anyone with because it can only be done after a j2 that always blatantly crosses up. Doing a neutral j2 instead isn't a mix-up either; people with eyes can see if you jump straight up or over them lolol.

If you ever want to answer the question about how you actually hit people with a 121+3 into the corner to set your tech up in the first place, we can talk about how good your tech is or isn't lul. Until then your tech only exists in the training room.

*Edit: And again, for the record, I like the actual restand part of it that hits them if they try to wake up after the 121+3 and let's you confirm your follow-up j2. I just don't understand at all how you're supposed to get them to that point in the first place, like at all.
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What he's saying is that the tech only works if you crossup because the specific string throws them into the corner.

If you don't crossup and do the combo, it throws them out of the corner.

The only way this ever works is if you try to jump over them, which means they only have to block one way, thus they block correctly and completely negate the setup, hence him saying it would never see the light of day in the first place.

That's my take on his question, anyway.