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Guide - Summoner 60% Corner

So I started pickin up Quan and I'm having a bit of difficulty in high damage corner combo it's concerning me that I can't land the 60% highest I've gotten is maxed 50% I need the combo string incorporated to do this and idk where to look cause youtube doesn't have the video I need if anyone knows any strings involving 60% please post videos to help a brother our plz and thank you


Designer for BxA
56% 1 Bar (Bat out)

B2 Skull L2(regular bat atk) NJP 4 4 EXRune 4 trance Summon Bat F212 Skull L2 141

You can increase the dmg for a second bar by using EX Skull on the first hit and increase it to 70+% using ex trance as well.

56% 1 Bar (Bat out)

B2 Skull L2(regular bat atk) NJP 4 4 EXRune 4 trance Summon Bat F212 Skull L2 141

You can increase the dmg for a second bar by using EX Skull on the first hit and increase it to 70+% using ex trance as well.

Thats awesome it said 57% but it's doable appreciated brody


Designer for BxA
Good mixup tool btw is if you hit them with trance to summon the bat and hit d3 into the b2 combo. Tons of people tend to stay blocking low because of the nearly free d3 b324 starter. By the time they realize they got hosed 57% is gone, which is pretty demoralizing. :joker:
Yeah that part I gathered for myself due to fundamentals my only conflict was getting high damage I wasn't sure where I was going wrong my buddy Mod hit me with a 60% bout a week agooooooooo so I was trying to emulate or get close to that same combo percentage and was having a brain far lol I main johnny cage but I was investing into Quan just cause I wanted to learn the matchup


11 11 11 11
B2 skull regular bat attack 4 exskull 4 exrunes 4 extrance summon bat f212 regular bat attack d2
Highest damage from a b2 with the bat already out again I believe. 72% I think.


Best damage for Quan in the corner with a low or overhead with one a bar is B32 up bat 4 4exrune 4trance bat summon f212skull normal bat 141 62%
Its actually quite easy if you practice , i land them constently in online even if its a bad connection , on a side note here are his highest damaging bat combos i ise all of this online no problem.

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
with bat out.

b2 skull bat NJP 4,4 exrune 4 trance f212 skull, bat, 141 57%

with bat out

b2 skull, bat , 4 ex skull, 4 ex rune, 4 trance, f212 skull bat 141 67% two bars

with bat out

b2 skull, 4 ex skull, 4 ex rune, 4 ex trance, f212skull,bat, 141 72% three bars.

xxFalcon Loverxx

Ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget.
Leave Quan alone! He a good boy! He dindu nuffin!
It is revenge for getting kung lao nerfs but now literally no one is siding me with the "this character broke as hell" bandwagon in the quan forums so i must march alone.........To nerf this mofo to oblivion!!


xxFalcon Loverxx

Ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget.
with bat out.

b2 skull bat NJP 4,4 exrune 4 trance f212 skull, bat, 141 57%

with bat out

b2 skull, bat , 4 ex skull, 4 ex rune, 4 trance, f212 skull bat 141 67% two bars

with bat out

b2 skull, 4 ex skull, 4 ex rune, 4 ex trance, f212skull,bat, 141 72% three bars.
Uhhhh dink you can't connect a standing 4 after a raw skull in the corner