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200 Skeleton keys for a tower key??

It’s a prime example of NRS at their assholeist. I forget which after Which patch, but for time I would open ten chests or vaults and at least seven would contain skeleton keys. I read a post from NRS saying they were going to address the issue. Well this the end result. I swear I think every employee at NRS is a f’n toddler trapped in a middle aged douche bag’s body. They can never find a happy medium for a patch, buff, etc. it’s either one extreme or another. My dog has better self control.


Every time someone farts, a demon gets his wings
And that comes after they fixed the guaranteed Skeleton key chest and lowered the dropchances of the keys lol

Oh NRS...…….

Art Lean

Already got BOLO which is literally the only Jacqui skin I really like, so this is utterly pointless for me.

Hope she eventually gets some DLC outfits.