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13 minutes of Black Canary Gameplay released by IGN UPDATE: Walkthrough with Tyler Lansdown

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Today we've been treated to some more Injustice 2 footage via IGN. Here we can see the most recently announced character, Black Canary, in action against Super Girl and Deadshot (who we had seen minimal footage of until now).

Watch the video below to see more gameplay footage of these characters and gain exclusive insight into the move-sets of Black Canary and Deadshot.

UPDATE: 07/02/2017

We have been given some more Black Canary footage, with a great Walkthrough by NRS' own @tylerlansdown. In it we see A LOT more of Black Canary's capabilities showcased. Enjoy.

"So much for the Sonya Clone, the demonflip is real boyz, and we can meterburn it. We can even jk into demon flip" - Eddy Wang

Sneakily edited / promoted by the Tortoise
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x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
Thanks Eddie I'm at work so couldn't really make a thread. She's perfect. Everything I need in this life of sin. So excited for may 16th!


3 stages stun move? oh I see, she's more like a Master of Souls clone... and Deadshot trait is Ancestral Kung Jin? :p

Btw, did the ING guy know the moves? I saw him trying the parry and failing at it multiple times but apart from that most of the moves on the reveal trailer are nowhere to be seen, only the scream that just needs him to press 4 (and he didn' even hold it).


The Aquatic Ace
Her trait looks amazing. At lvl 3 it looks like it hits full screen and puts the opponent into crumble state.


Worst NRS player
Red light: damage over time
Blue light: additional chip damage
Green light: meter drain

I think...


Wtf does deadshot's trait do?

Fire- Dot?

Blue- Meter drain?

Green- more chip?
I checked before and the blue doesn't seem to remove meter from the opponent so IDK. Fire is dot, I didn't realize there was a green one but I wasn't paying attention (and also, daltonism lol).