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  1. TONY-T

    Noob Saibot Tournament Variation Combo Thread

    Just started with Noob. Found this..
  2. TONY-T

    E3 2018!

    So no MK trailer?
  3. TONY-T

    He-Man & The Masters of the Universe as the Next NRS Fighting Game (Not Confirmed)

    Whenever the subject of He-Man comes up, I'm always reminded of this video...
  4. TONY-T

    He-Man & The Masters of the Universe as the Next NRS Fighting Game (Not Confirmed)

    I'd be down for this. Imo it has some crazy potential!
  5. TONY-T

    Mortal Kombat 11 release trailer at Combo Breaker 2018?

    Where does it say it will have tag?? If it does, sign me up! Tag mode was my favorite feature of MK9.
  6. TONY-T

    MK9 Combo Breaker attendance up from UFGTX!

    MK9 is easily in my top 3 most fun games of all time. Was such a great game.
  7. TONY-T

    Superman Combos & Tips with GuamoKun

    Pretty basic stuff.
  8. TONY-T

    New Superman Corner Setup! (It's cheap, I promise)

    Yeah figured this one out a while a go. Adding the heat zap gives you a bit of extra chip damage plus still leaves you at plus 15. Though adding the heat zap means not all moves will be uninterruptible like f3 etc. Good tech.
  9. TONY-T

    Superman Midscreen two B3's mid Combo Concept

    Pretty useless combo, but its interesting to see whats possible.
  10. TONY-T

    Superman Combo and OKI Thread

  11. TONY-T

    Injustice 2: Superman High Damage Combo Video!

    Competitive mode set to "on" for all combos.
  12. TONY-T

    Injustice 2: Superman High Damage Combo Video!

    This video is all about pushing his limits and seeing whats possible. These combos aren't really meant for matches, however there is a good amount of new tech on display that can be incorporated into regular matches.. Some of the highlights.. 100% resets 100% reset setups A double trait combo...
  13. TONY-T

    Superman Combo and OKI Thread

    Found a 100%+ guaranteed reset combo. Also found some very interesting and possibly game changing tech. I'm almost finished the video, maybe only a couple combos left to do.. Will explain the tech when i release the video.
  14. TONY-T

    Another potential leak of the DLC lineup

    Where's my Deathstroke?
  15. TONY-T

    [Tech] Superman Trait xx Bounce-Cancel.

    Still working on his high damage combos, but had to take a break due to work. (I work 2 jobs). I got his midscreen meterless up to 651 damage so far. And I have a few combos that do well over 1000 points in damage. One that does nearly 100% too. This version of Superman isn't as good as...
  16. TONY-T

    [Tech] Superman Trait xx Bounce-Cancel.

    @Drecker Nice find.