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Match Footage Stryker Videos


"More stealthful than the night"
Premium Supporter
just when i thought the video couldnt possibly get any better, the beverly hills cop theme came on..

the next one BETTER have the big bossmans theme on it.


"Thanks" button abuser.
That's fucking sweet. As a Shang mainer I'm more than happy to spend some days in the lab with Stryker(And then using him for a long time). Fun stuff.


Let's go green!!!!
Ok I just tested it:
- EN baton sweep does 12% pre-patch and 14% post patch.
- Regular baton does 6% pre-patch...post-patch ???

NRS just need to correct the damage for the grenades

Vulcan Hades

To be honest, the only buffs that are really going to make a difference are the long armor on EN Roll Toss, the faster Roll and the quicker recovery on grenades. Everything else is pretty minor.

B1,2,2 being safe is cool but at the same time Stryker already had a safe block string. And even the unsafe ones could be canceled into Roll Toss to remain safe. Though now we will be at +0 instead of -3 which is pretty cool actually. But still not a game changer.

All these buffs really mean is that our 2-8 and 3-7 matchups are now 4-6 and some 4-6 matchups are probably closer to 5-5.


To be honest, the only buffs that are really going to make a difference are the long armor on EN Roll Toss, the faster Roll and the quicker recovery on grenades. Everything else is pretty minor.

B1,2,2 being safe is cool but at the same time Stryker already had a safe block string. And even the unsafe ones could be canceled into Roll Toss to remain safe. Though now we will be at +0 instead of -3 which is pretty cool actually. But still not a game changer.

All these buffs really mean is that our 2-8 and 3-7 matchups are now 4-6 and some 4-6 matchups are probably closer to 5-5.
thank you very much for that video... I'm not even a Stryker player and I loved it.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

If I were a chick, I wouldve shed a tear when he rolled through Kabal's wheel.

That fucking gun cancel is almost instant.
With meter, he may very well be a Top 3 In The Game zoner between the pistol and the EX roll.
This...I could go on for days. I'm a happy Box. I'll keep it at that.

I. Cannot. Wait. For. NEC.

Stryker's winning a major before year's end. Calling it now. He has the tools to do it, and I can see enough people blowing this off and underestimating the awesomeness of these new powers for him to take a tourney by surprise and get on the big screen.

And doesn't this mean he can basically dissect Sub-Zero?
At fullscreen and turtling, all he's really got is the Freeze/Ice Kamehameha, which can be beat by the gunshot or blocked and Rolled, and the Slide/EX Slide, which can be blocked and SEVERELY punished, or Rolled back to fullscreen to start over.
I could be missing something, but I was pondering it all day, and I can't see SZ having even a remotely easy time against a Kurtis who knows how to keep his distance. Amirite?


Let's go green!!!!
To be honest, the only buffs that are really going to make a difference are the long armor on EN Roll Toss, the faster Roll and the quicker recovery on grenades. Everything else is pretty minor.

B1,2,2 being safe is cool but at the same time Stryker already had a safe block string. And even the unsafe ones could be canceled into Roll Toss to remain safe. Though now we will be at +0 instead of -3 which is pretty cool actually. But still not a game changer.

All these buffs really mean is that our 2-8 and 3-7 matchups are now 4-6 and some 4-6 matchups are probably closer to 5-5.
I think the grenade damage slight increase is important as well. im not sure if they will fix it at this point

Vulcan Hades

You guys don't have to do that. I don't want the world to know they can't punish us after B1,2,2 or EN Baton Sweep anymore. :D Let them press buttons lol.

Vulcan Hades

I'm not sure I see what was amazing in that match lol. I just made a lot of good reads with EN Roll Toss. But I dropped combos and setups like crazy.

I was feeling left out and decided to upload the choppy matches anyway and to my surprise they do not cut off at all. I guess the problem is with the MIUI rom that im running. I deleted a bunch of matches too, especially the ones where i got blown up because they were not even close to being watchable. I would have love to post them instead so you guys can help me :-(

Anyway here are the ones that I thought were watchable

Stryker Vs Ermac

In this matchup I was mainly focusing on zoning and hard punish. I didnt go for any resets whatsoever
Man I missed this post.

You played that match very well. No fooling around, just straight max damage punish into roll toss to keep Ermac as far away as possible. Nicely done. That's something I should do more often. I just love to rushdown too much sometimes.. btw I really liked that B1,2 cancel into Baton Sweep. :) I might borrow that from you.

Liu Kang is tough man. I sometimes get blown up by scrubby Lius that just spam random flying kicks/bicycle kick from far away and mash that string and parry up close.. It's pretty embarrassing. :(

Some decent matches I had in the last 2 days:

That was one hell of a laggy match. We were both dropping stuff constantly. And it really didn't help that I was fighting a such an annoying Raiden lol. It's also funny how I didn't even land a single combo on him the entire time. I just beat him with random pokes basically.

I've played a lot of Noobs yesterday, seems like people are jumping on him like he's the new S broken character. And he almost is online. If you're not full screen it's actually pretty hard to react to his clones. At midscreen you have to guess block low or high. And if you jump he can just Up Knee your ass and start zoning again. Up close, wow. He can end any blockstring with a low or overhead clone and it's a complete guess. Or he can end his strings with nothing and just throw or jump over you and you're standing there blocking like an idiot so it works. And his wake up seems a lot better also, especially with meter. Noob is up there now. I'm calling it right now: top 10 material easy.

edit: I just realize I still use B2,F2 most of the times... I should really start taking advantage of that godlike B1,2,2.


It Stinks!
Curious, Vulcan, but have you done extensive testing with the (possibly new) standing 4 into the buffed Roll Toss combo wise? I'm curious if B1, 2, 2, NJP, 2, Gunshot, 4, Roll Toss will work now.


It Stinks!
That was one hell of a laggy match. We were both dropping stuff constantly. And it really didn't help that I was fighting a such annoying Raiden lol.
I don't know what it is, dude, but Raiden just royally rubs me the wrong way. You can ask anyone in the FL MK scene on this forum that I've played against so far; I'm pretty humble and enjoyable to be around. I'll be genuine all smiles even when I'm losing and hardly ever get salty at the other player/character, but not against Raiden. This character is just dumb to me. His teleport just completely and utterly alters the playing field(as well as being a get out of jail free card in the corner), for no reason and little actual output from the opposing player. It doesn't help that his Electric Fly move is the most obnoxious special move in any fighting game I've ever played. I'd rather fight Ivan Ooze than deal with a Raiden player who will make you work 10x as hard and force you to make ridiculous reads because he can simply push :d :u and throw you into a Las Vegas casino guessing game...especially online. I mean, you were outplaying this guy like nuts, and even making good reads on his teleports, but it was still so close in the end because he was able to pull off his Sesame Street combo in the corner.

Rant aside, a general thing about all your videos, Vulcan. I don't see you going for throws enough. Your mixup is definitely great, no complaints, but don't forget to tick throw from time to time to keep them guessing. The funny thing is that I see you did go for a throw vs. Noob in the first match you posted, and it ended up costing you the match. Insert foot in mouth, but still. :)

Other thing is just preference, I suppose, but go for a bit more damage before ending your launchers with 3. The stagger isn't enough even at the peak height to get a completely safe continuation, so might as well go for the extra 10'ish percent.

But yeah, I'm in complete agreement with you on Noob. Character was already top zoner in the game, easily, with a pretty good counter zoning tool. All of that just got better, along with his D1.


Let's go green!!!!
I still think that noob's shadow being an overhead is beyond overpowered. If it comes down to the wire and you are at jumping distance, noob got more of a chance to knock you out with that ridiculous guessing game. A project that fast with pushback on top of it should never have this ridiculous mind game behind it. Anyway, on a more positive note, LOOK AT OUR BOY SHINE!!! I still think roll toss is even faster on wakeup. I'm loving the pressure game at the end of the first noob match. I guess B3 really is faster. Those gun cancel at the end were really a work of art lol.

For some reason noob players at jumping distance kinda slow down on the shadow spamming. Maybe there is something about him that I don't know yet... Ridiculous recovery who knows.

I don't know about you, but the reaction to raiden's teleport is a lot easier now. It's funny how two added frame can make a difference :)

Your match vs cyrax really showcase how gdlk roll toss has become.

All in all, I enjoyed every single seconds of all the matches. You really have improved your gun cancel pressure game. However, you going to need to work on that standing 2 of yours. Give me standing 2 into something lol... Gunshot or cancel, 2,3 roll or gunshot or gun cancel. You had so many opportunities to inflict more damage but for some reason you always stop.

Again, nicely done man and I can definitely see the improvement compare to your previous matches :)


Awesome, this just made my damn DAY!!!
Ive been playing Styker non stop, even though some matchups are horrible. This makes me feel so much better now.

I like the ability to roll-toss after b3-2

And armor on roll-toss should have been a day 1 ability... Awesome


What is the best punish for "rolling" atacks..
Ie, raidens roll after a blocked teleport, smokes roll after a blocked teleport, and milennas?


Let's go green!!!!
What is the best punish for "rolling" atacks..
Ie, raidens roll after a blocked teleport, smokes roll after a blocked teleport, and milennas?
You can do 1xx gunshot.. 12 roll toss

Or do standing 3 after the gunshot for reset

You haven't do it during the ball animation tho. Maybe someone else can comment on this but raiden's is a bit different because of the pushback. I usually do B32 for his case

This is an example


Let's go green!!!!
You can do 1xx gunshot.. 12 roll toss

Or do standing 3 after the gunshot for reset

You haven't do it during the ball animation tho. Maybe someone else can comment on this but raiden's is a bit different because of the pushback. I usually do B32 for his case

This is an example on how to punish ermac's ball animation
The same goes for quan chi, Scorpion, and smoke, I think mileena ball animation last longer

EDIT: Wth I mean to edit my original post, not quote myself lol. Im using my phone sorry


Man, awesome video. I've actually been in training with him for the past two days and he now has a lot more options. Like you said, this buff isn't a complete game changer that will suddenly make people afraid of Stryker, but it is a buff that will allow Stryker players to compete on a higher level against more characters and I'm really excited to see what I can do with this in casuals.


Let's go green!!!!
Curious, Vulcan, but have you done extensive testing with the (possibly new) standing 4 into the buffed Roll Toss combo wise? I'm curious if B1, 2, 2, NJP, 2, Gunshot, 4, Roll Toss will work now.
I more curious about the B122, (maybe njp), 1 xx gunshot, 1 xx EN gunshot, (D4, D1, 1, or even 4) into roll toss. Maybe EN roll toss since it's faster