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MK Legacy director hints at new character coming to next Mortal Kombat game and film

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
Never played MKDC, what's the pro move system? is that like their meter burn or something? :p

I really want to know who the character is. I'm not good with teasers. :(
there're 2 versions of pro move, both require timing skill:
- the first version is like mk9 ex moves or injustice' mb. you can enhance your special move. example: GL can use hammer move 3 times, shangtsung can shoot flameskull 2 times, etc...
- the second version: you can cancel a special move and go right into another special move, example: you can cancel Liu Kang's bicycle kick -> into air Fireball -> into Dragon Kick.

lol Paulo Garcia and his beard.


Scary Bat
RYX I remember once reading this suggestion for MK9 before it came out. Saying that most people should have died at the end of MKA and then a next generation of fighters comes with sort of the same moves but slightly different. Like Kung Lao becomes old as bawls and is the sensei to a new Liu Kang.

Kind of like what they did with Frost in MKDA, but if Sub-Zero hadn't been playable.

Maybe the new character will be something like that :confused:


Well hope he is a decent character that fits the MK lore. Most of the 3D era characters were lame anyways so we definitely need some interesting newcomers


Infinite Meter Kombos
get back on topic, how about mkdc's pro move system for new MK game? shit i always love that system.
That would be lovely. However, as a way of promoting MK9's Enhanced Move style, Ed Boon said something along the lines of " Pro moves were too hard and not every player could do them" No shit. That's why they're called Pro Moves. It seems that Ed Boon would prefer a style that everybody can do so that masses can pick up and play MK, to Enhance sales, over making a deep, thinking game. Having said that, There are Pro Move animations in Injustice, for example, Superman's lift up opponent and shooting heat vision from the air. Think they're now called MB kombos, but the animation is basically the same as Pro Moves, even if the button implementation is different.
ha, so i should be ashamed of myself cuz i said what the fuck i want? thanks for letting me know this forum's new rule.
Ofcourse you can say whatever you want I'm just kidding. However I do feel like NRS should not change anything to the MK mechanics it currently plays like MK should play


Warlock Nerd
so since the announcement of a new original character is big news, i guess that means mk10 will probably still have most of (if not all) of the characters that died in mk9 as well as recreations of the post MK3 characters. i was hoping they would scratch most of the characters from the later games and try to come up with more original ones, but oh well, im still hyped :)

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
Ofcourse you can say whatever you want I'm just kidding. However I do feel like NRS should not change anything to the MK mechanics it currently plays like MK should play
ok, maybe i take it too seriously, but imo injustice's gameplay is probaly better than mk9, just make the fireballs slower & more technical requirement and mk10 will be great.
btw hector said something about mksm hd lol, mksm2 or mk fire & ice would be awesome.

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
That would be lovely. However, as a way of promoting MK9's Enhanced Move style, Ed Boon said something along the lines of " Pro moves were too hard and not every player could do them" No shit. That's why they're called Pro Moves. It seems that Ed Boon would prefer a style that everybody can do so that masses can pick up and play MK, to Enhance sales, over making a deep, thinking game. Having said that, There are Pro Move animations in Injustice, for example, Superman's lift up opponent and shooting heat vision from the air. Think they're now called MB kombos, but the animation is basically the same as Pro Moves, even if the button implementation is different.
i agree! as i said there're 2 versions of Pro Moves, they can keep Enhanced version and make it like MK9 EX/Inj MB, but bring back the second version of Pro Moves: cancelling special move into other special system, like some chars have in MKDC. BTW Pro Moves were never too hard for me, the hardest is probaly Liu Kang's, and i mastered it after 2-3 days, MKDC is also the first FG that i can do combo and use my timing skill.


Dojo Trainee
ha, so i should be ashamed of myself cuz i said what the fuck i want? thanks for letting me know this forum's new rule.
Cut the sarcasm about rules and please lets not start a conversation that it's your right to want it and shit. But saying you want MK10 to be delayed so Injustice can live longer is obviously gonna annoy MK fans. If you like Injustice so much go play it and leave us MK-only fans alone.


Infinite Meter Kombos
Cut the sarcasm about rules and please lets not start a conversation that it's your right to want it and shit. But saying you want MK10 to be delayed so Injustice can live longer is obviously gonna annoy MK fans. If you like Injustice so much go play it and leave us MK-only fans alone.
Why is there a dichotomy of MK/IGAU fans? Like, Seriously?
Or is that a can of Earthworm Jims not worth mentioning?
It should be NRS fans. You know, we are Lucky that MK10 is koming out so soon in the first place.... Usually MK games come out every 2 or 3 years after each other, Lucky MK10 is not coming out 3 years after IGAU

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
Cut the sarcasm about rules and please lets not start a conversation that it's your right to want it and shit. But saying you want MK10 to be delayed so Injustice can live longer is obviously gonna annoy MK fans. If you like Injustice so much go play it and leave us MK-only fans alone.
hah, read my fucking other post that i reply Whole Milk, i'm Injustice fanboy, give me a fucking break, even some members in here said that i'm a MK fanboy and i should stfu about MK9 in Inj thread. Did you read the thing i want MK10 to have, did you read what i said about Pro Moves System, were you even in this forum before MK9 cameout like me? Try harder fuckhead. You're notthing but troll who try so hard to be a "MK fan".


Dojo Trainee
hah, read my fucking other post that i reply Whole Milk, i'm Injustice fanboy, give me a fucking break, even some members in here said that i'm a MK fanboy. Did you read the thing i want MK10 to have, did you read what i said about Pro Moves System, were you even in this forum before MK9 cameout like me? Try harder fuckhead. You're notthing but troll who try so hard to be a "MK fan".

It doesn't matter who you are, what you did before, what you said about pro moves system (?) and whatever chocolate or banana milk and soda you are drinking (!). I would reply the same to anyone who would had written that - so don't take it personally.

You are still someone you wants:
1) MK10 to be delayed so Injustce can live longer
2) When MK10 is released, to have Injustice gameplay

My point was that some people, including me, don't like Injustice or any other fighting game (i.e we are only MK fans, not fighting games fans or NRS fans), so we are simply just waiting for MK10 to be released, and released 1) as soon as possible and 2) with NOT Injustice's gameplay.

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream

It doesn't matter who you are, what you did before, what you said about pro moves system (?) and whatever chocolate or banana milk and soda you are drinking (!). I would reply the same to anyone who would had written that - so don't take it personally.

You are still someone you wants:
1) MK10 to be delayed so Injustce can live longer
2) When MK10 is released, to have Injustice gameplay

My point was that some people, including me, don't like Injustice or any other fighting game (i.e we are only MK fans, not fighting games fans or NRS fans), so we are simply just waiting for MK10 to be released, and released 1) as soon as possible and 2) with NOT Injustice's gameplay.
seems likes you don't understand something in my post lol. but ok, whatever, at least i respect your opinion.