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Your top 10 favorite films of all time

AZ MotherBrain

If you believe enough, -7 could be +7
Not in any order, i'm pretty big into film, I actually have wanted to be an actor for a long time :D
10. Pulpfiction
8. American History X
7. Both of Tim Burton's Batman flicks
6. The Exorcist
5. Tommy Boy
4. Starship Troopers
3. The Warriors
2. SLC Punk
1. Army of Darkness
And Elvira's movies of course :D


Filled with determination
I could do a top ten games list no problem not a huge movie buff but here's what I can think of.
Saw- legitimately tense interesting killer, good twist, Hello Zepp is a freaking great theme.
The Exorcist- horror is hard to do and this is the only one that has ever truly scared me
Pirates of the Carribean- just such a fun movie, the sequels lacked fun, though the newest one started to bring it back
Terminator 2- I love Arnold and this is him at his best
Misery- sledgehammer scene Nuff said
The Departed- some of the biggest names in a great gangster movie
Drag me to Hell- another movie that was just fun, though it does lose points for the ending, man that was so unfair.
Pans Labyrinth- ok the movie wasn't horror so what I said about the exorcist is still true but man that eye monster had me at the edge of my seat the rest of the movie was great too with a true asshole villain
Mulan- best Disney movie easy, the lets get down to business song is the only Disney song that makes me sing along
I Robot- I still don't understand why this never got a sequel it has so much potential.


I can't say I don't agree with you, but lets not blow people up for their opinion on movies. :)

I'm not. I even think Daredevil gets more hate than it should. I was just making a point about the difference of liking something that the majority of people don't and something being underrated.


I just don't understand how movies like Iron Man 3 and the Avengers get good ratings while DD and GR (which I thought had much better storylines) get trash talked. It's like all people care about these days in Marvel movies is action and special effects.


Stay Puft
I have too many favorites, but a few come to mind
The Illusionist
Perfume: story of a murderer
Star Wars return of the Jedi
Next (a surprisingly good movie with Nicholas Cage where he doesn't act like a crazy person for a change)
Catch Me if you Can
Kill Bill
V for Vendetta
Great picks. :) I really liked Cloverfield until the point where they showed the main monster.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

This is tough. I've seen WAAAAY too many movies.

1. Donnie Darko.
2. Sunshine.
3. Titanic.
4. Kill Bill.
5. Clerks.
6. The Matrix Trilogy (can't have one without them all.)
7. The Dark Knight.
8. American History X.
9. Braveheart.
10. Wreck-It Ralph.

Honorable Next 10:

11. The Terminal.
12. Clerks 2.
13. No Country For Old Men.
14. Pulp Fiction.
15. Castaway.
16. Little Miss Sunshine.
17. Seven.
18. K-PAX.
19. Life As A House.
20. Michael Clayton.


1.Die hard
2. Aliens
3. Jurassic park
4. True lies
5. Legend of the drunken master
6. Predator
7. Vanilla sky
8. Bad boys 2 (fuck you, its awesome)
9. King Kong (New)
10. The departed
1. Ghostbusters
2. Psycho (1960)
3. Jurassic Park
4. Alien
5. Aliens
6. Predator
7. Army of Darkness
8. Shutter (Thailand)
9. The Big Lebowski
10. Die Hard


This is tough. I've seen WAAAAY too many movies.

1. Donnie Darko.
2. Sunshine.
3. Titanic.
4. Kill Bill.
5. Clerks.
6. The Matrix Trilogy (can't have one without them all.)
7. The Dark Knight.
8. American History X.
9. Braveheart.
10. Wreck-It Ralph.

Honorable Next 10:

11. The Terminal.
12. Clerks 2.
13. No Country For Old Men.
14. Pulp Fiction.
15. Castaway.
16. Little Miss Sunshine.
17. Seven.
18. K-PAX.
19. Life As A House.
20. Michael Clayton.
Dude, I love sunshine. Most ppl haven't seen it though.


Filled with determination
I just don't understand how movies like Iron Man 3 and the Avengers get good ratings while DD and GR (which I thought had much better storylines) get trash talked. It's like all people care about these days in Marvel movies is action and special effects.
For the record I thought the directors cut for Daredevil was great.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
1. Fight Club
2. The Lion King
3. The Dark Knight
4. Saving Private Ryan
5. Star Wars movies
6. LoTR Trilogy
7. 300
8. Silver Linings Playbook
9. Limitless
10. The Dark Knight Rises

I probably missed a whole lot but my top 6 are definites


2.The Town
3.The Dark Knight
5.The departed
7.The avengers
8.pineapple express
10.Man of steel


Online Punching Bag
I just don't understand how movies like Iron Man 3 and the Avengers get good ratings while DD and GR (which I thought had much better storylines) get trash talked. It's like all people care about these days in Marvel movies is action and special effects.
If it makes you feel any better I think GR was ok and the DD directors cut is way better than the theatrical version. I also think Iron Man 3 sucked. Avengers though, gotta say I loved it, so fast paced, didn't drag on and the story kept moving. The only big downfall I'd say for GR was the villains renditions were really lame, they were like emo villains.


Stay Puft
If it makes you feel any better I think GR was ok and the DD directors cut is way better than the theatrical version. I also think Iron Man 3 sucked. Avengers though, gotta say I loved it, so fast paced, didn't drag on and the story kept moving. The only big downfall I'd say for GR was the villains renditions were really lame, they were like emo villains.
Nicholas Cage ruined Ghost Rider for me I couldn't take it seriously lol