TYM resident party pooper
Excuse me? Blindly?Would you rather have them rush out patches and just buff characters blindly?
NRS has said with every DLC there will be patch changes. As another member mentioned, there are 4 more opportunities for balance changes to Lobo. You just have to be patient. So far, they've done a much better job on this than they did with the MK9 patches.
Lobo's problems are widely known. Only the idiots who don't use him keep shouting he's fine. He's not fine. At all.
Ever since week 1 any person who tried to main him knew his problems.
Many have been vocal. Most gave up due to NRS simply not caring at all.
Out of the 3 dlc characters we got so far, he's the only one who didn't release broken at all. He was released bottom tier. And out of those 3 he has been consistedly the only one not getting anything in every patch.
His chains are unsafe. His projectile is ridiculously bad. Sf4 Dan tier.
He has no wake-up move.
His MB b f +3 doesn't have armor until his chain hits the ground. Then has one hit of armor for less than a second.
b+1, 2, requires an instant frame link in order to be used as a combo starter.
b+2, u+1 CAN BE BACKSTEPPED MID LINK. Not to mention how ridiculously slow the damn link is.
He is meter heavy.
His moveset has two good things. His 3. And his jump d+3. Other than that? Nothing that everyone else doesn't have too and better.
That's not to say you can't win with the character. You can. You can with against any character. You just have to work 4 times as hard. But I guess that justifies no buffs to some people.
I'd rather trade some of his damage potential for the chance to be able to follow b+1,2 with a jump 2 for a combo.
That alone would move him up in tiers.