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The laziness of the MK community - by Perfect Legend


Not to mention Phoenix Wright, whose nerf brought him down to the bottom of viability.
Haha that nerf made him so forgettable I literally forgot him.

EDIT: I hope everyone sees this but I wanted to avoid a double post. To everyone saying "man fighting gamers just cry all the damn time", have you considered that people only cry when it's about things that don't let them play with their god damn face? "Deathstroke too good I can't rush down and play with my god damn face pls nerf." "Doomsday too good must block no face mash pls nerf". "Phoenix Wright, character who is useless without his unique ability to negate face-mashing, prevents me from face-mashing pls nerf." "Sentinel has too much life for me to facemash him to death pls nerf"

Then Scorpion comes out who was DESIGNED for face-mashing and everyone says "LEVEL UP EVERYBODY ELSE GET ON MY LEVEL GDLK CHAR GDLK PLAYER GREAT TOURNAMENT GREAT EXPERIENCE". Gtfo out of here.


Ya'll stingy
tym community does cry a lot, but to be fair, other games didn't have a dlc character that had a free way around the game's mechanics.

what happened to p. wright?


Haha that nerf made him so forgettable I literally forgot him.
That's pretty funny, I had such high hopes for him too. :(

And then the Marvel community took out his only tool.


He had a thing where if you called out his assist while he was in turnabout mode (his super mode) the front of the character while in assist was completely invincible, so horizontal attacks could be body-blocked by him.

If you jumped over your opponent when he called Phoenix Wright you could whiff punish it.

The only thing is, if you ever played a semi-decent player at Marvel as Phoenix Wright, it's ridiculously hard to get into turnabout mode and you need to get really lucky.


Phoenix Wright and Sentinel and original scorpion were not nerfs due to the community. That is the way the games were intended day 1 they simply couldn't have the changes they wanted on disc.


Phoenix Wright and Sentinel and original scorpion were not nerfs due to the community. That is the way the games were intended day 1 they simply couldn't have the changes they wanted on disc.
That's the excuse about Sentinel, which I still don't believe.


So much misinformation in the FGC.
How so? I saw all the complaints of "Phoenix Wright OP". And the especially trivial complaint of having Phoenix Wright "Take This" vs "Take That". They had to make a cosmetic change because the community demanded it.


I do because I know how long patches actual take to get approved. Pro-tip you can't make a patch and get it approved by Sony and Microsoft in 1 week.
Even if the nerf was not a direct result of the crying, they still cried about it before the nerf came. Just to reiterate my earlier point, crying 90% of the time comes from people who just wish they could face-mash.

"I hope everyone sees this but I wanted to avoid a double post. To everyone saying "man fighting gamers just cry all the damn time", have you considered that people only cry when it's about things that don't let them play with their god damn face? "Deathstroke too good I can't rush down and play with my god damn face pls nerf." "Doomsday too good must block no face mash pls nerf". "Phoenix Wright, character who is useless without his unique ability to negate face-mashing, prevents me from face-mashing pls nerf." "Sentinel has too much life for me to facemash him to death pls nerf"

Then Scorpion comes out who was DESIGNED for face-mashing and everyone says "LEVEL UP EVERYBODY ELSE GET ON MY LEVEL GDLK CHAR GDLK PLAYER GREAT TOURNAMENT GREAT EXPERIENCE". Gtfo with that."


i stopped reading at this part..
" Is Scorp cheap? No doubt. Does he break the pace and rules of the game? Obviously. Is he broken? Maybe."

is clear to me he is trying not to get this character banned. maybe because he wants those easy wins or who knows. but according to your first sentence you clearly said, he is cheap, breaks the pace and rules of the game and is probably broke.


I saw all of this coming the moment they even hinted at Scorpion being in Injustice because I knew that the tele-punch would not fit into Injustice's mechanics. When I actually got my hands on him and saw that this move was soo fast you could almost kombo it into itself, I told everyone then and there that Scorpion needs to be banned. This is not a "wait and see" scenario. Scorpion is kool for shits and giggles, but has no place anywhere near a tournament in his present form.

As far as the "learn the matchup" crap, I'm always the first to say "shut up and play" but this is retarded. Not only does the tele-punch not conform to Injustice's ruleset, it is really hard to react to due to it's speed. I have to agree with Tom Brady on this one in that sure, people are finding "anti-Scorpion" tech but Scorpion mains aren't putting in the work to level up that the rest are. So what happens IF we find a way to beat him and then Scorp mains go "Holy shit! We gotta level up now!" Then where are we?

A lot of excellent reasons for banning the character have been posted in this thread, but for me, the best reason was watching that charity stream and seeing CDJR vs. REO. Seeing two top players go at it and REO is damn-near passed out from boredom while JR looks like he's about to physically gnaw on the monitor he is trying so hard to beat Scorpion (REO). If a room full of the top players can't deal with Scorpion's BS, then I think it's safe to say that Scorp's BS is in fact BS.

PS. I have missed REO's troll threads. This made my day :D

PPS. Perfect Legend, I'll be looking for you @EVO.....
I knew PL would get blown up bad for this lol. Also I still dnt know why they ever put scorpion in this game ( I knew before he came out that he'd be an issue). So yep i'm sticking with deathstroke :).


I knew PL would get blown up bad for this lol. Also I still dnt know why they ever put scorpion in this game ( I knew before he came out that he'd be an issue). So yep i'm sticking with deathstroke :).


This guy looks kind of tuff...

The Borax Kid

It's true that everyone wants nerfs all the time, but when have so many top players ever agreed to the brokeness of one character this soon after their release?

Scorp at EVO would ruin the game, it can't be risked.
Reactions: RYX


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
@PerfectLegend just REALLY wants that 3rd EVO huh...how bout you stop being lazy and just USE A DIFFERENT CHARACTER! (you Scorpion players loooove to tell us to do that)


93% of the MKC need to wear a helmet just to walk through their house, and you PL... are the king of them all so quit tryna come foul at them when you are the most retarded cry baby of them all. To the other 7% you are awesome!!!!