Has anyone not seen NYC Fab's Lex, if you haven't, you should be.
Also just get on with the ban already. Obvious most the community seems to agree on doing this until he can get fix ( if he ever does, i dunno I don't care either way.)
I just like the idea that the community is at least trying to solidify itself and acted. Hopefully EVO hears your responses.
And this is just not EVO at stake. it's also Big E tournies like Summer Jam, NEC. Final Round , ECT, The Fall Classic and the rest of the major, region, and local tournies that need to know what's going on so they have clear communication.
Also Note.
People Bitch about Supes and Black Adam, but they really don't break the game at all. That's the point. Scorp in people's eyes as well top players and even top scorp players have come out and said that they he works destroys most of the game mechanics.