I don't have much exp. fighting a good Scorpion player and no one even touched him at the last local tourney I played. One guy used him casually and showed off some of the insanity he can do and I have to admit, it is shady as hell. PL is just making himself sound like he is an arrogant incompetent jackass though and I can see he is trying to build hype, but all it is accomplishing is making people have more and more less respect for him. I feel Scorpy is going to get the ban hammer simply due to such a backlash from not just the community, but from the top pro-level players out there. If
REO can use this character and he even believes that a ban should be done and
Tom Brady has legitimate concerns of why this guys breaks the game's mechanics and according to the POD cast they have been at it for 3 weeks and still cannot find a viable solution to defeating this character. Also factor in the tweet from Boon about him being broken, as well all the other top players having issues as well. Maybe the Ban Hammer is the current solution to the issue at hand.
PL here though has no place to speak, I have read through many of his tweets and all I can think when looking at the guy is one quote, "Better to die the hero, than live long enough to become the villain". PL has had many victories and has gained much attention and now the stakes have gotten higher and he feels he alone can stop the character from being banned.
Lastly, Scorpy is gonna get some hard nerfing, look at the trend every time enough is said in the community tourney and casual, a nerf gets dropped hard, just look at the Deathstroke. ITs ok though PL will get put in his place eventually, because one thing we all have to remember is no matter how good you are someone is better.