TI need an endless supply of popcorn and soda....
So since other games were broken this one has to be? Maybe people DONT WANT TO PLAY A BROKEN GAME and aren't scared to ban a character UNTILL HE IS FIXED.MK players are so fucking lazy...
No wonder you don't play other fighting games...well. LMFAO!
I wish all u fools played Sheeva when MK9 was popular. Especially againt Kabal. Grow a pair and STFU and play.
Scorpion isn't banned until consistent tourney results PROOVE he's over powered. End of discussion...
Where's CORN at with their coins when you need them?
Interesting read.
Here is some perspective from a newer member of the community. I consider myself a recreational gamer who is competitive, desires to improve, desires to become a recognized part of the TYM community, and will put in the extra work to make those things a reality. I like many of us on the forum come from different backgrounds. Some of us have careers (manage a financial services practice), some of us are in college, some of us are in high school, and others may be in a completely different situation.
If you fancy yourself a professional gamer (9 to 5 PM) I'm making the assumption this person's sole source of income is coming from tournament winnings, sponsors, consulting, and residual income (blogs, affiliate marketing etc.).
To insult the work ethic of a community of a game you specialize in, to insult other professional gaming peers, and to have the audacity to publish the post on your own blog sounds like a practice management public relations disaster to me.
I've got a tremendous amount of respect for the tournaments that Perfect Legend has won and the time he obviously dedicates to his craft but he gains nothing with this blog post. It's simply not the smartest thing to do if your running a business and ultimately piss off your consumers or have them look at you in a negative light.
And are we really ignorant enough to compare a video game character to a war which has destroyed thousands of homes, lives, and drove America into recession? jfc
I don't always care for his demeanor, but lets give credit where credit is due. He's a competitive tournament player with a bunch of other characters than Scorpion. This guy still puts his time in. It's not laziness, but a guy clinging to an advantage.LOL. I'm so sick of this guy he's so selfish it's ridiculous. And LOL at the irony in that post.
Talks about the laziness of the MK community, mains Scorpion.
WELCOME TO FIGHTING GAMES BBBBRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOBut i probably lose to scorp 0-18 because overnight i got stupid
How much PR is he getting off these tactics? Maybe he's actually building his persona.To insult the work ethic of a community of a game you specialize in, to insult other professional gaming peers, and to have the audacity to publish the post on your own blog sounds like a practice management public relations disaster to me.
I've got a tremendous amount of respect for the tournaments that Perfect Legend has won and the time he obviously dedicates to his craft but he gains nothing with this blog post. It's simply not the smartest thing to do if your running a business and ultimately piss off your consumers or have them look at you in a negative light.
He could have at least tagged himself the right way: REOI like how you tried to tag yourself, lol.
We might seriously have to enforce a rule on this kind of posting/trolling. You're only going to have others that will want to follow you...new blog released by PL calling out all the people who think scorpion is busted
he also exposes and calls out reo's tom's m2fdave's pig's etc. TRUE MOTIVES for wanting the char banned
Tom Brady
general m2dave
AK Pig Of The Hut
It's so sad that Perfect Legend now has to resort to attacking top players in order to legitimize himself. Everyone knew that PL wasn't a threat in this game after his dismal performance at UFGT. PL finally believes he is a good player after playing scorpion but he is no more than a coward. Never before have we seen such a coalition of top players take up arms against this travesty of a character. Yet Carl, 3-time EVO Champion, is the only player advocating Scorpion's remaining tournament legal? After Scorpion is banned, PL will drop out of the limelight and will regress into the lackluster player he has always been and all of you who have been listening to PL can hold that.