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The Mop Stop Special Edition: Scorpion Ban? Episode Feat: Pig of the Hut, REO, Tom Brady and m2dave


"Burn baby! Burn!"
This is the second time I've seen someone tell you to level up and go to the lab. Do people just live under a rock or something?
Now you are putting words in my mouth! Where did I say that pig of the hut needed to level up or to go the lab? Don't make shit up, learn how to read please.

The question wasn't offensive at all, made a legit question like:"Hey Pig of The Hut, have you eaten your lunch?" Now if one feels insulted by that...well...*rolls eyes* can't do much about it expect to apologize.


People tend to take an overpowered tool and abuse it. That's irracional and plain dumb, characters have potential and often are 'hurt' because they take something on over and over and over again to pubstomp people. It doesn't prove that the said character is broken, that needs to be nerfed to the ground. He really needs to get the j3 fixed, it is really strong.
This is how competition works: You pick a character and use his best easiest tools for winning. The way the game develops is that people learn to counter that, then you learn to counter the counter and the game develops and the "juice" is found. This is why black adamas are doing more than divekick now because people learned to counter it. The problem with scorpion is that there is no counter. There is no way to stop it. The games progress grinds to a stop until this character is fixed.

AZ MotherBrain

If you believe enough, -7 could be +7
Here's my humble opinion for scorpion if he were to be fixed.
Buff his walk speed, I think its too slow for an aggressive character, speed up his f3, its pretty slow, make flip kick -6
Make his teleports hit mid, like batgirls, but instead of the ball animation on block, perhaps make it like batgirls, or even like how kabal looked when his nomad dash was block. I feel the ball is really awkward to get a decent punish off of, at least for my characters. I think his j.3 should be 10-12 frames as well. Other than that, I think hes fine. even if he's still number one after a fix, im alright with that, I mean somebody has to be number one, just as long as the scorpion has to actually take some real risks in order to be successful.


You think you bad? You aint bad.
I don't know what idiot is telling you that Catwoman is only for casuals. I play RunwayMafia and Birdsongs catwoman, and I have a really hard time winning with BA. I am not complaining, it is fun fighting catwoman and she is alot better than people give her credit for.
I've been told by various online players. Yea I know online doesn't matter but I can't find any high level Catwoman players.
From what I've been told.
She gets zoned out pretty bad. Not many reliable wake ups as Cat Scratch is punished.
Not much range. No projectiles. (Neither did Yun in SF)
But I like her. I haven't taken her into any matches till I feel ready so i don't honestly know.
Plus working 15 hours a day really doesn't help either.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
You haven't replied soooo...how is it have you or have you not? You look like to be really butthurt with those kind posts lol

And if you feel insulted, I'm sorry, not the intention but you are really sensitive.

Oh btw, I prolly spent more time in the lab figuring the character and what can he do than the majority of the players posting here.
You just DO NOT GET IT

You come in here talking about "what if people play scorpion the way he was meant to be played" That makes no sense

Sorry but 7 frame instant teleport off a cross up 1 off a +5 string into another j3 mb teleport repeat is all you need


"Burn baby! Burn!"
Just watch the podcast, im sure its well explained in there.
Will do later at home then, @work atm.

This is how competition works: You pick a character and use his best easiest tools for winning. The way the game develops is that people learn to counter that, then you learn to counter the counter and the game develops and the "juice" is found. This is why black adamas are doing more than divekick now because people learned to counter it. The problem with scorpion is that there is no counter. There is no way to stop it. The games progress grinds to a stop until this character is fixed.
Alright, I'll see how it goes then.


hey guys heres some backstory on user T4T|Nevan

- he plays scorpion

- from his posts he demonstrates he does not know how 2 properly play the char in a play 2 win fashion

- he thinks meter burn tele isnt the best special move in the game and it has weaknesses (look in mb tele thread in scorp forum)

- he thinks j3 is what makes scorpion broken (not his mb tele) lol

- he thinks top american players r 2 dumb to go into the lab for this past month 2 try and find ways against BIRD SCORP

pls keep all the above in mind when arguing with him

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Shouldn't spreading the education of how silly and dumb he is help prove he should be banned?

Before you discredit me and all the players who play me and our opinions could we at least discuess it before BANNING a character?
ill pm you


This argument will not ever end lol. Ok AK Pig Of The Hut, did you see what mayo posted about having a podcast with multiple top players to discuss IGAU? I think that'd be a good idea for sure because we still dnt have rules that everyone agrees on in this game. Scorpion may be the hot topic right now, but if we really want this game to be at its full potential at tournaments, we got to get everything handled as far as characters, interactables, and etc. go.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
This argument will not ever end lol. Ok AK Pig Of The Hut, did you see what mayo posted about having a podcast with multiple top players to discuss IGAU? I think that'd be a good idea for sure because we still dnt have rules that everyone agrees on in this game. Scorpion may be the hot topic right now, but if we really want this game to be at its full potential at tournaments, we got to get everything handled as far as characters, interactables, and etc. go.
politics prevent some of those from being on there


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?

People tend to take an overpowered tool and abuse it. That's irracional and plain dumb, characters have potential and often are 'hurt' because they take something on over and over and over again to pubstomp people
What? So, when there's thousands of dollars on the line and you've spent hundreds, possibly over a grand, to even compete, using an overpowered tool to win is irrational and dumb? Maybe Portugal does things differently, but in tournaments you play to win with the tools given. That's it.

We aren't talking about "pub stomping". We're talking about a mass collection of the highest level players in this community agreeing that this character is breaking the rules of the game.

If you or any other player doesn't agree, then you need to understand that the door swings both ways - show a video that displays this type of Scorpion play and how it can be beaten. We've seen top level players getting smoked by this character, that's the proof being shown from that side of the argument. So someone from the other side of the aisle needs to show/explain what a very high percentage of skilled players are missing.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


Raiden Practitioner
Scorpion in Injustice is proof that the block button is superior.

In saying that, i honestly don't believe that any fixes to Scorpion will change his gameplay enough to the extent that people will stop complaining about him. He is just not meant to be in this game, period.

I love scorpion & love his combos, but I'm not blind to the truth, he just does not belong.
That is the truth, right there. The only solution is to take out his teleport or make it appear in front of the opponent, like Shazam's. Until such time, Scorpion should be banned from tournaments. And in MK10, bring back the Block button.


AK Pig Of The Hut: I just hope we can handle all the things in this game properly. The decisions we make will determine the life span of this game in general. I really hope characters won't always be the worry of ppl (but even if scorpion gets dealt with, there will be others ppl will worry about and want to get nerfed and etc.), bcuz that won't help this game be as good as it can be.


@reo made a good point about people needing to apologize to both STORMS (for ripping him for Labeling Reo's match vs Runway Mafia as "HIGH-LEVEL") and especially to RunwayMafia
(for making him out to be this terrible player "who couldnt adapt to Scorp")

Look at REO's Scorp from Day 1 to Today.... Its High-Level to High-Level sons of beeches
imo that wasn't a high level match, had nothing to do with reo playing scorpion like that. Just @RunwayMafia never punishes tele when he blocks it and etc. Naked d1 ftw


My eyes! The goggles do nothing!
Who are we to cherry pick what we deem doesn't go with the design of the game?

The logic displayed in this post by Dizzy is very anti-progressive. "Who are we?" We are the community. We are the voters of this game and we, as a democracy, have a say in what stays and what goes. We are the constituents. The game designers are our politicians. Without us, there is no game because we will choose different politicians to side with.

If you don't "cherry pick" anything that doesn't belong somewhere, everything will remain fucked up for all eternity. Why do we vote new people into office? Why do laws change over time? To fix existing problems. Acknowledging a problem exists is only half the battle, implementation is the other half.

THTB consistently displays reactive logic. "Just wait until scorpion runs over tournaments before we do anything." This is terrible logic. If there is a problematic hazard, you fix it before somebody gets hurt. Not after. You would get fired from your job if your mentality was "well lets see what fucked up shit can happen before we worry about it."

If tourney players are spending hundreds of dollars to travel and hundreds of hours to practice they shouldn't have to deal with a bullshit joke character like scorpion.

We can prevent scorpion from ruining the game before it actually happens. Don't you want to choose the right answer before somebody loses their rightful prize money to a broken character we ban later?

Scorpion isn't a real character. He doesn't belong in the game.


"Burn baby! Burn!"
What? So, when there's thousands of dollars on the line and you've spent hundreds, possibly over a grand, to even compete, using an overpowered tool to win is irrational and dumb? Maybe Portugal does things differently, but in tournaments you play to win with the tools given. That's it.

We aren't talking about "pub stomping". We're talking about a mass collection of the highest level players in this community agreeing that this character is breaking the rules of the game.

If you or any other player doesn't agree, then you need to understand that the door swings both ways - show a video that displays this type of Scorpion play and how it can be beaten. We've seen top level players getting smoked by this character, that's the proof being shown from that side of the argument. So someone from the other side of the aisle needs to show/explain what a very high percentage of skilled players are missing.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
You guys missed my point aswell...

I PERSONALLY DON'T LIKE to see any game, any character to be played like that. There is no need to downplay Portugal just because I've voiced my opinion when I'm entitled to it. Of course anyone around here, Portugal, plays to win and uses the dirt they can, but that doesn't mean I like to play like that or even watch games been played like that.

So yeah let's see how CEO and EVO will go with this Scorpion thing, I hope the TOP16 to be filled with Scorpions.

hey guys heres some backstory on user T4T|Nevan

- he plays scorpion

- from his posts he demonstrates he does not know how 2 properly play the char in a play 2 win fashion

- he thinks meter burn tele isnt the best special move in the game and it has weaknesses (look in mb tele thread in scorp forum)

- he thinks j3 is what makes scorpion broken (not his mb tele) lol

- he thinks top american players r 2 dumb to go into the lab for this past month 2 try and find ways against BIRD SCORP

pls keep all the above in mind when arguing with him
Now you are being a dick for no reason.

I play Scorpion because I play with the character since UMK3 for Sega MegaDrive.

If you mean the right way to play Scorpion is to j3 and spam TP/MB TB the entire match then you are right, I don't play like that.

Rofl of course it isn't the best special in game - BA MB Dive's +9 on block aswell and grants combos, BA regular db3/MB db3 are safe on block, being regular db3 ebing pusnished by Supermans super/Flash Sonic Pound are safe on block/NightWings Staff Spin MB is 18 on block, shit load of chip/Doomsday MB Venom is +6 on block with 14f startup, Earthshake is a low +1 on block.

Some examples of some good specials...but I know I know...TP crosses up and it's dificult to block/punish.


It's a great move that you can derp all around, preety much similar to Haggars Pipe.

Nah, dunno why are you playing like a dick but in any of my posts I haven't called anyone, low/mid/high/amateur/pro player, dumb.

Sorry man, but you have been ridding the bandwagon like most of the folks, I'm voicing my opinion and getting bashed because you disagree.


False Information Police Officer
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios

I should have said "who are YOU to cherry pick", directed at the people wishing Scorp to be banned.

These are the people that spammed the forums for the first month of the game to "adapt" and "everyone has their dirt".

Now the game that was all about "dirt" is having these people talk about bans handed out because they don't agree with a character for their various reasons (with varying degrees of validity). Maybe people should think more critically and reconsider who they listen to instead of allowing themselves to turn into a torch and pitchfork wielding mob.