Ghetto option select to beat all of Scorpion's wake up attacks when ending a combo with f22u1 or a similar hard knockdown. End result is either a full combo for you (vs. most of his wake-ups) or a block at negative frames (vs teleport punch MB).
Once you hit somebody with a jump-in attack, you can buffer the next hit while you're still in the air. Hit somebody with a ji2 and then press 3 and 3 will come out the moment you land. However, wiff the ji2 and then press 3 in the air and 3 won't come out. Using this, we can cause the game to only follow up the ji2 with 3 providing ji2 hits. Note: the 3 will come out even if the ji2 is blocked. The important part is that the jump-in attack has to connect with the opponent. As you're about to land, always hold down forwards.
How ji2, 3 interacts with the wake-ups varies from wake-up to wake-up.
Bloody Spear and Hell Fire
ji2, 3 will fully hit. You can release forwards and hit confirm the 3 into db2 MB into full combo.
Flip Kick and Leg Takedown
ji2 will wiff completely, causing 3 not to come out. Flip Kick and Leg Takedown will miss you completely, allowing you to full combo punish it. Leg Takedown has quite a lot of invincibility frames but is vulnerable when Scorpion is standing back up. A ji2 after Leg Takedown misses should always connect and give you full combo as usual.
Holding down forwards doesn't help/hinder you in this situation as both moves will miss.
Teleport Punch and Welcome to the Netherrealm (super)
Now this one requires some timing. If you do the 2 too late in the jump arc, it will "hit" the invincible teleport punch, causing 3 to come out. You need to learn how to time your ji2 so that it would hit a standing opponent (i.e. do the kick earlier). Once you have the timing right, ji2 will wiff against teleport punch and 3 won't come out. Holding forward as you land will cause you to block the teleport punch putting you at massive +frame for full combo punish.
ji2 will hit the armour WttN but 3 won't come out. Hold forward as normal and you'll block the follow-up hit on the super. With perfect timing you can d1 after blocking for full combo (6f d1, super is -7 on block).
Teleport Punch MB
ji2 will wiff if done correctly (see the section above), so 3 won't come out, meaning you block the MB teleport punch just like you block the normal teleport punch. Scorpion is at +frames.
vs. Scorpion, end your combos with f22u1. Follow up with ji2 and hit 3 in the air and hold forwards as you land. Depending on the wake-up, you will either get ji2, 3 to hit which can be confirmed into a full combo (spear and hell fire), a wiffed wake-up followed by full-combo punish (flip kick and leg takedown), or a blocked wake-up (teleport, teleport MB and super. regular teleport can be full combo punished).
If he chooses not to do a wake-up, he needs to block the right way or eat ji2, 3 into full combo which will be looped into f22u1 (or a different hard knockdown), ji2, 3 etc.