The trait combos are easy, but Flash don't do 50% every single time dude, he'll do it like once per round (the second one will get choked so you'll actually do it once per game).
The hard combos followed by my online version (which does less damage obviously) are these :
- Starter LK MB, d2, b3, ji3, b2, 2, f3, charge => I don't do it online.
- Starter, sonic pound MB, dash, 2, 1, b2, 2, f3, charge => Starter, sonic pound MB, dash, d2, b2, 2, f3, charge.
- Charge MB, 2, 1 (or 1, 1), b2, 2, f3, charge.=> Charbe MB, d2, b2, 2, f3, charge.
- Starter, LK MB, 2, 1, b2, 2, f3, charge. => Starter, LK MB, 1, 1, b2, 2, f3, charge.
- Starter (especially f2 or 2, 1 starter because it reverses the opponent's side), sonic pound MB, Trait, dash, LKx4, b2, LK, b2, 2, f3, charge => Starter, sonic pound MB, dash, LKx3, b2, 2, LK, b2, 2, f3, charge.
I won't try the 47% corner combo online either (starter, sonic pound MB, b3, NJ3, 11, 11, 112, charge).
Also, the delay input don't allow Flash to punish most of projectiles on reaction with his Charge (against DS for example). It comes too late most of the time, and you'll get punished for trying online (but in another hand, it's also harder to punish his charge online).