This is a simple debate that I feel is worth having.
This isn't really a questions, more than a philosophy, but bare with me, its hard to put into words what I really want to say clearly.
Can a player, by mastering a character to its highest potential, and then playing it to their highest potential, manufacture their own fate, and ultimately get their own character nerfed due to the attention they have created?
Basically, when someone is playing and breaking down a character to its highest potential, are FG communities looking at the character and not the person? Ultimately causing an ''unfair'' nerf, simply because someone just interpreted the game differently with a character, or are just plain better.
I ask this because I am very concerned with how certain people in the community are treating Wonder Woman & Killer Frost right now and the effect it might cause to them (Patch wise), as they are creating the most noise at the moment, at least on boards.
Unless you have been living under a rock (with no internet connection) you will have seen
A F0xy Grampa displaying Wonder Woman in her highest potential, and 16Bit playing Frost, 1. Due to the fact that they broke the character down to a science. 2. Are very talented gamers in general & 3. Has interpreted how the game should be played a little differently.
I wouldn't be surprised if Woman Woman and Killer frost both don't make it this time in Patch three...
Has this same pattern not already happened with Deathstroke, Doomsaday & Aquaman, due to players (Aris, CD, Brady), and will this not in fact happen to Killer frost, and now potentially WW?
Is it the character that is looked at, or should the person playing not be given credit instead of having their character nerfed?
Final Note:
Look at the characters that have been nerfed so far, and now look at the players responsible for the attention to said characters, it's no coincidence that they all ''happen to be'' great players, or have great track records and reputations for being good fighting game players. And that for me seems to be the only consistency so far with Injustice and general patching to the game.