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What is the greatest product you have ever bought?


Nightwolf of the galaxy
From Video Games to Paper Towels, what is the single greatest purchase you have ever made?

I don't really know mine I just want to see what cool shit you guys have.


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NetherRealm Studios
toss up between - my dad buying me an apple iigs in the mid 80's / building my first pc in the early 90's / buying myself my Mustang in the mid 90's with cash lol! / series 3 Tivo (this is probably the actual best)


Nightwolf of the galaxy
toss up between - my dad buying me an apple iigs in the mid 80's / building my first pc in the early 90's / buying myself my Mustang in the mid 90's with cash lol! / series 3 Tivo (this is probably the actual best)
The MK community says you are welcome for that mustang :p


Probably my first electric guitar. Was a cheap Squire (basically Fender budget model) and I have since owned many good and expensive guitars, but that first one made me catch the bug and I have had many awesome times in the bands I have been in over the years.

Second choice is my Peavey Valve King amp. Bought it for a bargain and never needed another amp since.


Warlock Nerd
quick eraser from the Dollar Tree, the one thats blue on one side and white on the other. not that mr. clean fake erase bullshit.


The Prettiest
A cheap cotton candy machine that me and my mum decided to purchase because it looked badass. It was indeed badass. Cotton candy tasted like awesome. I honestly thought it would taste like shit but either the machine was great or my mum knows how to make some damn good cotton candy. Which she doesn't. So that leaves one option. The machine was badass. Only lasted for a few months though... R.I.P...


You're over matched.
This spot cleaner. got it from my dad. he says it top of the line, i believe him now, was I think 25$ for two bottles. called spots off by varleys. This shit can clean and erase any stain or spot in 3-4 sec. Got some on my hand and guess what my skin pixels died out. I'm sure if you sprayed both bottle at the same time onto one spot it would crate an blackhole.