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The Injustice Issues/Bugs and Minor Suggestions Thread

I have to wonder if maybe Ranked didn't surface W/L or your opponents name, and instead just showed you their ping and let you decline the netcode wouldn't seem to random in quality.

I say this because I've been going back to SSF4 lately, and honestly didn't once feel like the netcode was screwing me. I'm not sure if this is actually due to the netcode being better, or because whenever I didn't see max bars I'd decline -- though most of the opponents it threw at me had max bars, which I'm not sure is indicative of the netcode being better or its matchmaking trying to match by region.

Seriously, I'm not sure why I get matched with dudes in New Zealand when I'm in California.
Hi all.

I was in practice mode earlier today when my controls stopped working. I can move but that's it, I cant even pause the game once I'm in a fight. They work fine when navigating menus but are unresponsive in game. Its not a problem with the remote as far as I can tell and its only injustice that's doing it. Im on the xbox and have uninstalled and reinstalled the 7mb download a couple of times to no success.

Does anyone know how to fix this? Failing that, can someone direct me to who I need to contact?

Apologies if this is in the wrong place and thanks for any help provided.
My friend had this issue he fixed it by not deleting his save but his control option save file in the injustice section of his HDD. Cant remember what its called something settings or controls, and that fixed it. Was around release, week 2 or 3.

Hope this helps was on xbox.


A Green Arrow, Sinestro, and Joker main
I got on to the game today and all of my stuff is missing. Costumes, portraits, icons, background, and record has all been reset. I worked so hard and I do not know what happened. Has something like this happen to anyone else.
I got on to the game today and all of my stuff is missing. Costumes, portraits, icons, background, and record has all been reset. I worked so hard and I do not know what happened. Has something like this happen to anyone else.
My save data got corrupted and I lost everything, but that was an obvious cause. My record didn't get reset so I was level 1 with like 1000 wins.


A Green Arrow, Sinestro, and Joker main
Yeah. It kinda sucks. I was a level 57 and had unlocked all of the costumes. I almost had unlocked all of the archive. Welp, I guess I gotta restart.
Anybody know if NRS has plans to fix Aquaman's annoying bug in which he doesn't face his opponent after a db1? It's pretty annoying that I can't use one of his best specials!


That's it? That's all you got?
Hi, I just got on injustice as I usually do on my 360 and every time I start a match whether on or offline I can move or anything...everything is fine in the menus it's only once I start a match, what is going on?


Mid Tier
Its a glitch that randomly happens, I'm not sure how to fix it.

One friend I have had to delete his game save and shit from his profile and restart, and that seemed to work for him.

Another friend of mine still can't play the game under his profile, everything works right up to the match starting,

Try using a different preset then Preset 1 for the controller set up when you select your character. I would try this before deleting anything.

it is a wierd random glitch which is stupid, hope you can find a way around it man.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
Hi, I just got on injustice as I usually do on my 360 and every time I start a match whether on or offline I can move or anything...everything is fine in the menus it's only once I start a match, what is going on?

Experienced this problem before. What fixed the problem was deletion of the game data.. However this causes the loss of all progress in the story and star labs.

There was actually a thread for this and it may have more convenient solutions.


That's it? That's all you got?
Its a glitch that randomly happens, I'm not sure how to fix it.

One friend I have had to delete his game save and shit from his profile and restart, and that seemed to work for him.

Another friend of mine still can't play the game under his profile, everything works right up to the match starting,

Try using a different preset then Preset 1 for the controller set up when you select your character. I would try this before deleting anything.

it is a wierd random glitch which is stupid, hope you can find a way around it man.
So I set the Custom 2 preset to exactly what I had as my Custom 1 and it works fine. However if I try to go back and use Custom 1 it doesn't work....his is really stupid


Mid Tier
So I set the Custom 2 preset to exactly what I had as my Custom 1 and it works fine. However if I try to go back and use Custom 1 it doesn't work....his is really stupid
It really is, i think it is just a random glitch that happens, and gives the game save and preference data that is saved under your profile a bad or corrupt glitch randomly.

I really don't know if there is a fix yet, I think NRS knows about it so hopefully they can get it fixed in a future patch.

Glad you didn't have to delete your shit.


That's it? That's all you got?
Under my injustice hard drive info there is an option to delete my player settings and game settings, does deleting either of these fix the issue?
Merged those two threads into the Injustice Issues/Bugs thread.
Under my injustice hard drive info there is an option to delete my player settings and game settings, does deleting either of these fix the issue?
The quotation below could be the answer to your problem:
My friend had this issue he fixed it by not deleting his save but his control option save file in the injustice section of his HDD. Cant remember what its called something settings or controls, and that fixed it. Was around release, week 2 or 3.

Hope this helps was on xbox.
I need to know exactly what it's called cause I don't want to delete my profile progress on accident
I don't own an Xbox. As far as I know, this is an Xbox-related issue.
Look for a file that has to do with settings or controls, and stay away from files that may have something to do with profile / story / S.T.A.R. Labs progress.
My options are only either game settings or player settings
Game settings are likely the way to go.
Player settings may mean anything that's tied to one's profile. Tell me: which file size is bigger? My gut says the one that is tied to unlocks and progress will have a larger one.


That's it? That's all you got?
I don't own an Xbox. As far as I know, this is an Xbox-related issue.
Look for a file that has to do with settings or controls, and stay away from files that may have something to do with profile / story / S.T.A.R. Labs progress.
My only options are player settings or game settings


That's it? That's all you got?
Game settings are likely the way to go.
Player settings may mean anything that's tied to one's profile. Tell me: which file size is bigger? My gut says the one that is tied to unlocks and progress will have a larger one.
Game settings is 64KB and Player is 200KB