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Should we stop talking about nerfs?


I'll be back 3ing
Killer Frost is neither an online dominant character or a tournament dominant character but she's still alledgedly getting a nerf. Its not a huge nerf but its still an unneccessary one
I love fixes/patches. im an RTS player too and blizzard comes out with balance changes and patches almost every damn week. However, you wont hear SC players, and professional tournament players at that; crying like little bitches like the FGC does. Im just wondering why it took so long for fighting game devs to catch up. I use harley, she got nerfed, guess what? im still trashing deathstroke noobs. If you were winning with deathstroke before the patch, and started losing immediately after the patch, your not losing because of the nerf, your losing because you suck at fighting games and should go back to call of duty.