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Microsoft Respond To Concerns Over Xbox1

Those servers are for online multiplayer, not authentication.

All that some pissed off eastern european hackers need to do, is attack the authentication servers.

Or, like what happened with PS3, hack into the passwords of users so they are forced to shut down.
Theoretically, anything is possible. But that applies to both consoles. The situation you describe is only hypothetical, highly unlikely, and not a very good reason not to buy an X1. If anything, the concern for possible breaches should lend itself to PS3's history more than anything.

That being said, I wouldn't claim that people made a mistake purchasing a PS3 because of an eventual security hack. Until Sony invents time-traveling, I don't think people should buy based on anticipation for disaster.


Too old for this Shit
What if i'm overseas at the time i have a power outage or loss of internet access? Sounds like i'm screwed.
1) Power outage affects EVERY device dependent on power
2) Overseas as in a "permanent" measure such as military deployment- The SmartPhone tether
2A) Overseas as in a vacation or visit- not sure why the hell you would be playing video games while on vacation or visit- especially in a foreign land.. if that were the case- yeah, you are screwed... you absolutely can NOT use your XB1 while on vacation in the Caribbean or say... Italy... Fix to this problem? Hahahahah.... leave your fucking XB1 at home and go to the fucking beach... hahahahhaha

Seriously Tony- if you have a problem with the system, let it out... thats fine... I find it hard to believe someone as tied in as you has all these pressing "questions" based on the system.. Is next- what happens if sun spots directly strike Micro$oft $erver buildings and only those buildings while clowns juggle flaming chainsaws in the months of April and December?


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Theoretically, anything is possible. But that applies to both consoles. The situation you describe is only hypothetical, highly unlikely, and not a very good reason not to buy an X1. If anything, the concern for possible breaches should lend itself to PS3's history more than anything.

That being said, I wouldn't claim that people made a mistake purchasing a PS3 because of an eventual security hack. Until Sony invents time-traveling, I don't think people should buy based on anticipation for disaster.

Both can be hacked.
When one gets hacked, it doesn't turn into a brick.

You keep shrugging off always online DRM as if it never matters, but numerous people here have given you personal anecdotes and you have been given examples from the past as how it can be devastating.

Worst thing? You gain no benefit from this. I could potentially get on board if they gave me something in return, but they're not.


Too old for this Shit
bricked forever or just until it gets re-connected to the internet? I'm still fuzzy on that part, because I just don't see how a manufacturer can purposely make a product that breaks itself haha...
IF you lose internet connection for 48 hours.. and have no other source to check in... you have 24 hrs of gaming on the system without internet. After that 24 hrs you cannot game until you can get your system back online for the check....but say your smartphone still has internet during the house internet loss.. you will be able to link up your smartphones internet access to your system to play for an additional 24 hrs... internet is restored after the 48 hr mark and you game on as usual.

Please understand that these "Becomes a Brick" statement people are taking it to an absolute DIRE case and point to fulfill their self serving stances and opinions.


Mad scientist
Seriously Tony- if you have a problem with the system, let it out... thats fine... I find it hard to believe someone as tied in as you has all these pressing "questions" based on the system.. Is next- what happens if sun spots directly strike Micro$oft $erver buildings and only those buildings while clowns juggle flaming chainsaws in the months of April and December?
I think we all have a right to question the system that's put in front of us, especially if that system is going to be around for the next 10 years.

My questions and concerns are valid.

I may end up getting the xboxone, but first i need to know what im getting myself into before i start throwing around money.


Too old for this Shit
I think we all have a right to question the system that's put in front of us, especially if that system is going to be around for the next 10 years.

My questions and concerns are valid.

I may end up getting the xboxone, but first i need to know what im getting myself into before i start throwing around money.
Ohh you are absolutely correct...And Microsoft has MUCH to prove at this point... As they are trying to raise the bar that we conventional gamers are use to.. they are putting the next gen system as we know it in front of us (much like Sony is doing with the PS4) BETTER graphics, FASTER gameplay, the same hodge podge we as gamers are use to with the introduction of "next generation"... Microsoft is raising the bar by trying to bring more of a seamless, digital, almost stream like atmosphere to the console gaming community. Technically speaking- with the family plan, you and your 10 "family" members can all get the top 10 newest releases for the price of 1 game ( You buy Titanfall, I buy Killer Instinct, Joe buys the new CoD, and Tim buys the new Halo- any of us can play any of the games at ANY time from each others library) (the issue comes when you and I want to play Killer Instinct together- yet live in different states, we will still need 2 copies of the game (much like it is now)) So ultimately it is virtual lending of a game.

Do your research, and let Microsoft prove it to you.. Ball is in their court.. now they have to dribble it out.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Seriously Tony- if you have a problem with the system, let it out... thats fine... I find it hard to believe someone as tied in as you has all these pressing "questions" based on the system.. Is next- what happens if sun spots directly strike Micro$oft $erver buildings and only those buildings while clowns juggle flaming chainsaws in the months of April and December?


I think this was a good article that about sums up a few things about the XB1, it wasn't too biased and it wasn't to fanboyish, it at least looked at it from a far different angle than most did.


I agree with this. All the western gamers think 360 "Won" the console war. PS3 did because it is based on worldwide sells.

I wouldn't be surprised if people making Xbone were in league with the CIA. They both seem to love anti privacy.
Both can be hacked.
When one gets hacked, it doesn't turn into a brick.

You keep shrugging off always online DRM as if it never matters, but numerous people here have given you personal anecdotes and you have been given examples from the past as how it can be devastating.
Oh, both can be hacked? Was that NOT what I just fucking said? Good lord you are so dense.

I'm not responsible for rectifying personal sob stories, and neither is Microsoft. Those with such isolated circumstances of no Internet & no cell phone in today's world (while somehow having the means and willingness to buy a $500 video game console...) are an unfortunately disadvantaged and extreme minority, but that has nothing to do with me or my own purchasing decision.

Hey, I know, maybe Microsoft deliberately left them out because they don't like money and want to sell less product?
Worst thing? You gain no benefit from this. I could potentially get on board if they gave me something in return, but they're not.
There's 50 or so pages of multiple people describing DRM benefits to you, yet you remain ignorant and callous against even the very notion of impartiality. You do not deserve more explanation.

I'll tell you what: buy a PS4 for me so I can see the light and I'll declare you the winner of this thread.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Oh, both can be hacked? Was that NOT what I just fucking said? Good lord you are so dense.

I'm not responsible for rectifying personal sob stories, and neither is Microsoft. Those with such isolated circumstances of no Internet & no cell phone in today's world (while somehow having the means and willingness to buy a $500 video game console...) are an unfortunately disadvantaged and extreme minority, but that has nothing to do with me or my own purchasing decision.

Hey, I know, maybe Microsoft deliberately left them out because they don't like money and want to sell less product?

There's 50 or so pages of multiple people describing DRM benefits to you, yet you remain ignorant and callous against even the very notion of impartiality. You do not deserve more explanation.

I'll tell you what: buy a PS4 for me so I can see the light and I'll declare you the winner of this thread.

50 pages describing DRM benefits... lol

Yeah, there are benefits to this shit. I mean, the xbox one has the advantage of... working as a paperweight.
...when you and I want to play Killer Instinct together- yet live in different states, we will still need 2 copies of the game (much like it is now)) So ultimately it is virtual lending of a game.
I love this point. I also recall how some here have pointed out that it's still a restriction that only one can play at a time.

As if a physical disk can be at two different places simultaneously...
Yeah, there are benefits to this shit. I mean, the xbox one has the advantage of... working as a paperweight.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
I love this point. I also recall how some here have pointed out that it's still a restriction that only one can play at a time.

As if a physical disk can be at two different places simultaneously...


I didn't realize that family plan needed always online DRM to function.

You might as well chalk up the skype shit to always online DRM because it has as much to do with DRM as the family plan.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
It is worth pointing out...

On the X1, if I buy KI3 and decide to share it, I and 10 other friends/family have access to the game and can play it at any time (even if my X1 is offline). When I and my friend are playing, we can either both be playing single player OR can be playing together in multiplayer.


I live in an area where there are hurricanes. Sometimes the internet goes down after the hurricanes for a week or so. At least with my generator on I can still play on the PS4.

Xbox One also won't have Blazblue Chrono Phantasma which will be fighting game of the year.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I live in an area where there are hurricanes. Sometimes the internet goes down after the hurricanes for a week or so. At least with my generator on I can still play on the PS4.

Xbox One also won't have Blazblue Chrono Phantasma which will be fighting game of the year.
Well that about does it for me love me some BlazBlue

Saint Connor

Team F.Y.F.
It is worth pointing out...

On the X1, if I buy KI3 and decide to share it, I and 10 other friends/family have access to the game and can play it at any time (even if my X1 is offline). When I and my friend are playing, we can either both be playing single player OR can be playing together in multiplayer.
But only one of your friends at a time.

Edit for clarification. Only one friend can play the same game or a specific game from your library at a time.


You, Tim, and John are in a "family".

If You and Tim are playing KI, John can get fucked.
If just Tim is playing, John can still get fucked.
If just You are playing, but Tim isn't, then John can play.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
But only one of your friends at a time.

Edit for clarification. Only one friend can play the same game or a specific game from your library at a time.


You, Tim, and John are in a "family".

If You and Tim are playing KI, John can get fucked.
If just Tim is playing, John can still get fucked.
If just You are playing, but Tim isn't, then John can play.

Its pretty clear now really.

2 people can play at a time... if its singe player.

Online? Only one at a time.


May have been stated already, but your 500 dollars plus tax will not include a headset which is sold separately. Thanks Microsoft for giving me less than what I had with my 360.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
May have been stated already, but your 500 dollars plus tax will not include a headset which is sold separately. Thanks Microsoft for giving me less than what I had with my 360.

I think their thinking is that the kinect will serve as that.

I don't see it though. Kinect voice commands are a huge gimmick. As is the kinect itself.


"More deadly than the dawn"
Can we all keep our pitchforks at bay until the console is actually released? and those of us that bought an Xbox can actually evaluate it?