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Microsoft Respond To Concerns Over Xbox1

Don't believe MS's PR guys, believe Sony's PR guys. Do this for some reason that isn't exactly clear.

Can you give us a nice official list where sony is lying to us about console connectivity and used games? What PR is bullshit? Paying for online multiplayer was the only sneaky thing they did that pissed me off but my PS3 came with 13 months of plus so can't really get mad until like March.

I already quoted some MS bullshit. I love how the whole time they are talking about supporting lending and reselling games and how 3rd party publishers will have the OPTION and then at the very bottom they say it won't be supported at launch. Not only that but do we know if this is strictly 3rd party or will 1st party games not be supported at launch either??
Don't believe MS's PR guys, believe Sony's PR guys. Do this for some reason that isn't exactly clear.
Start a thread about the PS4's fuck ups if you feel there isn't enough equality without pretending we don't know enough about the XBone's official policies to make comments about them. That's ridiculous.

As fighting game players and gamers a choice will need to be made, the lesser of two evils will need to be picked so the most people are happy in the community.

Draw your own conclusions without playing dumb please.


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
Can you give us a nice official list where sony is lying to us about console connectivity and used games? What PR is bullshit? Paying for online multiplayer was the only sneaky thing they did that pissed me off but my PS3 came with 13 months of plus so can't really get mad until like March.
Nope, but it amazes me that MS employees are automatically dismissed as liars, and the absolute worst is always thought of them, yet every Sony claim made about a console that isn't out yet is uncritically accepted.

You're acting like the consoles are already out, every policy is hammered in stone, and everything said about MS is completely 100% accurate, as long as that thing is negative. People on this thread are constantly claiming that Sony has bested MS in every single conceivable category and the console war is already over with an absolute decisive and humiliating obliteration of MS before a single piece of hardware has even entered a consumer's hands.... and then the same people who say this have the audacity to call other people "fanboys".
To be fair, there's still a good chance that Xbox360 might end up being a better console than PS4.

Just because Xbox One auto-killed itself in fetus stage doesn't make PS4 the best console of all time. In the end it's the available games and their content/quality that are going to matter, not their next gen graphics. And there's a shit load of games on 360 I still want to play.

Also can't say I've been really impressed by most of the new games I've seen from Sony or Microsoft tbh.

Xbox One: Killer Instinct, whatever other exclusives

PS4: Elder Scrolls Online (maybe, I dunno yet), FFXV, Watch Dogs, The Witcher 3, MGS, Destiny.

That's still just 8 games I'd like to try. Half of which might end up sucking really bad. And even then, I'm looking forward to Dark Souls 2 and GTA5 a lot more than most of the games I listed.
MK10 and FF 15 bruv...


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Nope, but it amazes me that MS employees are automatically dismissed as liars, and the absolute worst is always thought of them, yet every Sony claim made about a console that isn't out yet is uncritically accepted.

You're acting like the consoles are already out, every policy is hammered in stone, and everything said about MS is completely 100% accurate, as long as that thing is negative. People on this thread are constantly claiming that Sony has bested MS in every single conceivable category and the console war is already over with an absolute decisive and humiliating obliteration of MS before a single piece of hardware has even entered a consumer's hands.... and then the same people who say this have the audacity to call other people "fanboys".

In order to change the policies of the xbone... they need a hardware change. Its simply not a viable opinion to hold that they will change their used games and online DRM policies.

If you want to pretend that microsoft will go back on all that, pretend away. If you want to pretend that having a less powerful system doesn't matter, pretend away. If you want to pretend that a more expensive console which 70% of the world can't play will be a success... pretend away.

But don't pretend that you are living in reality.


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
As fighting game players and gamers a choice will need to be made, the lesser of two evils will need to be picked so the most people are happy in the community.
I hate to break it to you, but from a purely fighting game perspective, the choice is obvious.

One platform has KI. The other doesn't. If fighting games are the priority, then I guess we have an answer.


Regurgitating everything we already know in a gigantic wall of boring text, and then building a strawman that people don't really understand the policies that came out of Microsoft's own fucking mouths, prove to me your a fanboy idiot.
You are so blind that you claim you know everything yet your original post was so full of flaws. Do I need to break it down to you line by line for you to understand?

If your worried about a storm knocking out your internet connection and not being able to play your games, get a PS4.
You're worried about a storm knocking out your internet (but not your power) for more than 24 hours and you factor this into your purchase? When did this last happen to you? Stupid argument. You must have never bought an online only game then cause you're so afraid.

If you want your games to last after the servers are shut down, get a PS4.
If it would ever come to that it would be at least 10 years from now and removing the 24hr check would probably happen. But this is the same for all Online only games aswell and I see a lot of people playing those and accepting that the servers will eventually go down.

If you want to trade games with your friends, get a PS4.
Or get the Xbox One since you can trade games to your friends with that aswell. You can even play the same game at the same time as your friend using only one copy if he's in your "circle" which you can't with the PS4, oh my god better get an XB1 now!

If you plan on using your system for tournaments, get a PS4.
Sure, I can see that. It's cheaper for starters.

If you don't want an always online camera monitoring your household to collect data, get a PS4.
This is just false information. I thought you knew everything about the XB1? Then why lie? It's not always on, you can turn it on, have it in standby or turn it completely off.


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
If you want to pretend that a more expensive console which 70% of the world can't play will be a success... pretend away.
I've already given you a chance to put your money where your mouth is, and yet you don't appear willing...



Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
This is just false information. I thought you knew everything about the XB1? Then why lie? It's not always on, you can turn it on, have it in standby or turn it completely off.

If its not necessary... why can't I remove it from the system?

Microsoft are not exactly trustworthy. I won't trust them till I can rip the thing off the xbox and throw it in the trash.
I hate to break it to you, but from a purely fighting game perspective, the choice is obvious.

One platform has KI. The other doesn't. If fighting games are the priority, then I guess we have an answer.
Yeah, not gonna happen except in your wet dreams kid. The game won't be played seriously because it's a joke made by a terrible developer and it won't be on the system of choice for those even slightly interested.

Keep the dream alive though.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
I've already given you a chance to put your money where your mouth is, and yet you don't appear willing...


Did you see the fucking chart?

All of Asia, All of Africa, all of South America barring Brazil, Most of Eastern Europe and fucking portugal don't get to use the xbox one.

Not even Japan.


If its not necessary... why can't I remove it from the system?

Microsoft are not exactly trustworthy. I won't trust them till I can rip the thing off the xbox and throw it in the trash.
It is necessary for some features. It's integrated into the XB1 now so developers can do stuff with it that weren't viable to do before since not everyone owned it. I'm excited to see what they can come up with.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
It is necessary for some features. It's integrated into the XB1 now so developers can do stuff with it that weren't viable to do before since not everyone owned it. I'm excited to see what they can come up with.

That's exactly why I hate the damn thing. Its a gimmick. None of its games were good and all of them sucked. Voice commands were terrible. Theres no point in voice commands online as well because they confirmed that the only way to stop an online wide shutdown when someone says "xbox off" is if you have commands off. So... unless you want some 12 year old shutting your xbox down you won't have them so theres no point...

Its a terrible stupid gimmick that monitors you.


Theres no point in voice commands online as well because they confirmed that the only way to stop an online wide shutdown when someone says "xbox off" is if you have commands off. So... unless you want some 12 year old shutting your xbox down you won't have them so theres no point...

This just isn't true. Sound from the TV is not the same as your voice, it can distinguish which is which so no one is going to shut off your xbox when you're playing online. Also it doesn't monitor you any more than a normal webcam or your smartphone (think about how much monitoring that thing can do with build in GPS and microphone and camera!).


Norwegian Lab-work Champion
I am seriously interested in the dynamic in threads like this, from a psychological point of view. It seems like the most active nay (doesn't like xbone) sayers are often rude, immature and very biased, while the polite, mature and objective nay sayers stay far away from the thread, not because they don't have an opinion, but because they also believe that other people are entitled to have their own conflicting opinions, even if they disagree with it. Then, on the other side, there seems to be more polite and objective people voicing their opinion, either as an xbox fan or as a neutral. I would actually go as far as saying that threads like these often strenghten the position of the neutral/opposite side, because of how they usually unfold. The polite and objective nay sayers left a comment on one of the first pages and feel like they have said what they wanted to say (Even though these arguments are forgotten a few pages later ofc.) while the avid haters keep spewing negativity and making fun of the people with a different view, so the more objective people with a neutral or opposite view of the discussion feels the need to keep defending their point of view. A little off topic, just an observation.

PS: I hope the people I refer to as immature nay sayers don't get too offended, as I my intention wasn't solely to jab at you guys, and also, it is my subjective opinion, so I am not claiming to speak the truth.


I am seriously interested in the dynamic in threads like this, from a psychological point of view. It seems like the most active nay (doesn't like xbone) sayers are often rude, immature and very biased, while the polite, mature and objective nay sayers stay far away from the thread, not because they don't have an opinion, but because they also believe that other people are entitled to have their own conflicting opinions, even if they disagree with it. Then, on the other side, there seems to be more polite and objective people voicing their opinion, either as an xbox fan or as a neutral. I would actually go as far as saying that threads like these often strenghten the position of the neutral/opposite side, because of how they usually unfold. The polite and objective nay sayers left a comment on one of the first pages and feel like they have said what they wanted to say (Even though these arguments are forgotten a few pages later ofc.) while the avid haters keep spewing negativity and making fun of the people with a different view, so the more objective people with a neutral or opposite view of the discussion feels the need to keep defending their point of view. A little off topic, just an observation.

PS: I hope the people I refer to as immature nay sayers don't get too offended, as I my intention wasn't solely to jab at you guys, and also, it is my subjective opinion, so I am not claiming to speak the truth.
There's just so much hate being spewed and it's sad to see myself sometimes dropping to the same level as some (not all, and not just on this forum) that I'm trying to argue with but it feels like sometimes that's the only way to get through. Very hard to have a civil conversation about something like this. You should try and analyze how mob mentality and stuff affect this aswell. Many people seem to just jump on the bandwagon and join in to share in the hate without being very educated on the subject (or thinking they're educated by reading sources which are just plain wrong). Imagine if the subject was something less "innocent" than a console war?


Norwegian Lab-work Champion
There's just so much hate being spewed and it's sad to see myself sometimes dropping to the same level as some (not all, and not just on this forum) that I'm trying to argue with but it feels like sometimes that's the only way to get through. Very hard to have a civil conversation about something like this. You should try and analyze how mob mentality and stuff affect this aswell. Many people seem to just jump on the bandwagon and join in to share in the hate without being very educated on the subject (or thinking they're educated by reading sources which are just plain wrong). Imagine if the subject was something less "innocent" than a console war?
It's basic social psychology really. Herd mentality and confirmation bias affects us all the time. I am not above this either.


It's basic social psychology really. Herd mentality and confirmation bias affects us all the time. I am not above this either.
Yes it is. But it's different knowing when it affects you and when it doesn't and whether or not you accept it or try to combat it. It's a big difference forming an opinion based on herd mentality or doing it based on looking at the facts on all the sides. The former can't be taken seriously.

Vulcan Hades

Here's a simpler way to put it: Fanboys are stupid. Xbox fanboys suck. Playstation fanboys suck. They are the blind and the brainless who root for a console like it's a fucking football/soccer team. They emotionally invest themselves because they truly believe they belong in the Playstation or Microsoft family. And hearing someone bash their console makes them react violently and feel irrational hatred towards other consoles/gamers.

Here we can see Playstation fanboys celebrating their victory against Microsoft:

"My country is better than yours. My race is better than yours. My religion is better than yours. The fucking shit I buy is better than the shit you buy."

Primitive mentalities that need to be eradicated from earth.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
I'm copy/pasting this from another site. IMO it is a good read and can answer most questions that people are having.

The post was as follows:

"Please not name calling and fanboyism. This guy needs a promotion since he got this message out better than any "official" M$ rep. Would like to know what you guys think?

>The thing is we suck at telling the story. The whole point of the DRM switch from disc based to cloud based is to kill disc swapping, scratched discs, bringing discs to friends house, trade-ins for shit value with nothign going back to developers, and high game costs. If you want games cheaper then 59.99, you have to limit used games somehow. Steam's model requires a limited used game model.

>The thing is, the DRM is really really similar to steam... You can login anywhere and play your games, anyone in your house can play with the family xbox. The only diff is steam you have to sign in before playing, and Xbox does it automatically at night for you (once per 24 hours)

>It's a long tail strategy, just like steam. Steam had it's growing pains at the beginning with all it's drm shit as well. [...] For digital downloads steam had no real competition at the time, they were competing against boxed sales. At the time people were pretty irate about steam, (on 4chan too...) It was only once they had a digital marketplace with DRM that was locked down to prevent sharing that they could do super discounted shit.

>Think about it, on steam you get a game for the true cost of the game, 5$-30$. On a console you have to pay for that PLUS any additional licenses for when you sell / trade / borrow / etc. If the developer / publisher can't get it on additional licenses (like steam), then they charge the first person more. [...] If we say "Hey publishers, you limit game to 39.99, we ensure every license transfer you get 10$, gamestop gets 20$" that is a decent model... Microsoft gets a license fee on first and subsequent game purchases, compared to just first now? That's a revenue increase.

>Competition is the best man, it helps drive both to new heights. See technology from the Cold War. If we had no USSR, we'd be way worse off today. TLDR: Bring it on Steam :)


>Yeah we passed that around the office at Xbox. Most of us were like "Well played Sony, Well played". That being said they are just riding the hype train of ZOMG THEY ARE TRYING TO FUCK US FOR NO REASON. Without actually thinking about how convienent it would be for the majority of the time to not find that disc your brother didn't put back... [...] just simpleminded people not seeing the bigger picture. Some PS4 viral team made them all "U TOOK R DISCS" and they hiveminded.

>Everyone and their mother complains about how gamestop fucks them on their trade ins, getting 5$ for their used games. We come in trying to find a way to take money out of gamestop, and put some in developers and get you possibly cheaper games and everyone bitches at MS. Well, if you want the @#$@ing from Gamestop, go play PS4.

>The goal is to move to digital downloads, but Gamestop, Walmart, Target, Amazon are KIND OF FUCKING ENTRENCHED in the industry. They have a lot of power, and the shift has to be gradual. Long term goal is steam for consoles. [...] If you always want to stay with what you have, then keep current consoles, or a PS4. We're TRYING to move the industry forwards towards digital distribution... it'sa bumpy road

>Publishers have enourmous power. Microsoft is trying to balance between consumer delight, and publisher wishes. If we cave to far in either direction you have a non-starting product. WiiU goes too far to consumer, you have no 3rd party support to shake a stick at. PS4 is status-quo. XB1 is trying to push some things, at the expense of others. We have a vision, we'll see if it works in the coming years

>Living room transformation. We want to own the living room. Every living room TV with an XBox on input one. It's the thing that gives the signal to your TV, everything is secondary. The future, where games, TV, internet telephony, all that shit happens magically on some huge ass screen with hand / voice gestures... That's our goal.


>Google TV + PS4 + Minority report level gestures, that combined with a sick second screen experience (which is really hot for TV, I know I know.. tv tv tv tv tv... but it's fucking sick when you have it). Games will be the same, there are more exclusives to MS then PS atm, and Kinect 2 makes Kinect 1 look like a childs toy.

>By default it's on, listening for "Xbox On". You can turn it off tho, and turn the console like OFF off. OFF off is required for Germany / other countries that require it (no vampire appliances) [...] It has to be plugged in for the console to post. You can turn off everything it does from the settings. Think of it like airplane mode for the iPhone. You can't just unplug the cellular radio, but you can turn it off.

>Instead of 10mins, is 24hrs for your console, and 1 or 2 at a friends house. Really the majority of people have a speck of internet at least once a day. And if you don't. Don't buy an Xbox 1. Just like if you didn't have a broadband connection don't get Live, and if you don't have an HDTV the 360 isn't that great for you either. New tech, new req. This allows us to do cool shit when we can assume things like you have a kinect, you have internet, etc.

>Current plan is basically you're fucked after 24 hours. Yeah... I know. Kind of sucks. I believe they will probably revist the time period and / or find a diff way to "call in" to ensure you haven't sold your license to gamestop or something... but there is no plan YET. I'm hoping the change it, but I don't work on that so I don't have much influence there /sigh

>If the power goes out you ain't playing shit. I'm assuming you mean the internet goes out but you have power for TV and Xbox. Yes, You're fucked for single player games. Again, that's the PoR (Plan of record), but I expect it to change after the e3 clusterfuck

>What fee? There is no fee to play your games at your friends house. Never has, never will. Even x360 digital downloads could do that.


>The cloud capabilities is the shit they like the most. We basically made a huge cloud compute shit and made it free. What people are doing with it is kind of cool. THe original intention was to get all the Multiplayer servers not requiring 3rd party costs (Like EA shutting down game servers to cut costs), as well as taking all the games that servers hosted by the clients (Halo, etc), and have all that compute done in the cloud allowing more CPU cycles for gameplay. That will really expand what developers can do. Anything that doesn't need per frame calculation and can handle 100ms delays can be shifted to the cloud. That's huge.

>SmartGlass + IE is going to be pretty freaking sweet. 1 finger cursor, 2 finger direct manip. Basically if you think of a laptop trackpad where your phone/ slate is the trackpad and the monitor is your TV... it's that. The tech is there, just needs to be applied. There is some really cool shit going on with Petra + controllers that pairs people with controllers. So if person with controller two trades controlers with controller 1, their profiles magically switch. It's sick. What does this matter? Now if you lean left/right it knows which person is leaning, even if 4 people are all int he same room. It's awesome.

>New service using Azure for cloud compute. Allows developers to not use clients for hosting multiplayer servers, or other tasks that do not require per frame calcuations. It's pretty sweet.

>Honestly, if you care about anything other then pure games AT ALL. Xbox 1 > PS4. If all you do is play games, and nothing else, PS4.

This was all from the Microsoft engineer that was on /b/ last night.

>It's not worth my time to prove it, or risk my Job. I work in Studio A, 40th ave in Redmond, Wa. The thai place in the studio cafeteria has double punch wednesdays. Go ahead and call them and verify if you want."

Saint Connor

Team F.Y.F.

Let me caveat this article by saying it is a rumor (supposely from an "anonymous" Xbox engineer). Which, if this guy actually exists, makes more sense.

My question is, however, why the fuck wouldn't they just come out and say this? Their entire PR office needs to be fired.

There are still negatives in this though.

+ intends to lower the price of digital downloadable games
+ intends to give money back to the developers
+ Kinect2 can be turned completely off as it is mandatory in certain countries.
+ Cloud based system lets you play at a friends house if you sign in over there (no different than now, but I think this clears things up for some people)
+ Smartglass tech is cool

- internet connection is still an issue
- Smartglass seems too good. I realize this sounds dumb, but I'm curious how well it works when there are multiple people around (think from a competitive stand point or with a group/local gaming community get together)
- the issue of letting a friend borrow a game still seems to be up in the air. The 1 to 2hr internet check at a friends house is if you are playing your game on their system to make sure you didn't give them the license, but that's as much detail as he went
- side to Kinect is that is it is defaulted to "always on"
- not mentioned, but as far as I can tell, is still region locked

And some of these features will also be on the PS4 (PS+, Gaikai cloud)

All-in-all this sounds much better than we've been hearing, but he pretty much sums it up at the bottom with: "Honestly, if you care about anything other then pure games AT ALL. Xbox 1 > PS4. If all you do is play games, and nothing else, PS4."

Don't know about you, but I buy a console for gaming, not for TV. Now, if I can actually watch shows with the console, not through, without the need of services like Netflix and Amazon (i.e. live TV), and without the need of a cable/satellite provider, with DVR capability , for cheaper than what I'm paying now, then it would be a different story. But until that all-in-one happens, I'll be happy playing my games on PS4...

...which I pre-ordered yesterday with Killzone 4 and Watchdogs :3

Edit- Lol Onilordasmodeus you beat my post by like a minute while I was typing and sorting this out. Though, again, I would say that without verifying the guy, we have to take it with a grain of salt. HOWEVER, this sounds far more reasonable than what we've been seeing from the terrible PR reps.