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A Plea to TYMers


What a day. What a lovely day.
I don't know whether to point out what I feel is wrong with the game and get flamed by people for being a "scrub" for having a differing opinion, or to troll the thread like others seem to be doing and have everyone fall right into it.

So, I'm just gonna say that Injustice lacks footsies in the traditional sense, and for many people, this results in the game feeling a bit awkward.


I don't know whether to point out what I feel is wrong with the game and get flamed by people for being a "scrub" for having a differing opinion, or to troll the thread like others seem to be doing and have everyone fall right into it.

So, I'm just gonna say that Injustice lacks footsies in the traditional sense, and for many people, this results in the game feeling a bit awkward.
it lacks everything man


My blades will find your heart
Correction, I'm WINNING because stupid gimmicks.

The thread was about crying about nerfs*. They just did. The game has been out for a while, I think it's safe to see what's broken and what's not. People were crying for the dumbest shit back in the day, and they nerfed shit that didn't need to be nerfed.

I play both MK9 and Injustice.

You do realize, the whole point of balancing a FG is to have the most amount of characters have a fighting chance right? Apparently for GA that means nerfing tools randomly, giving him shit damage and shit range.

And I'm sorry, I'll sound extremely douchy right now but it's just to prove a point. I'll body you in Injustice foh sho, just as I 30-1 you at Dallas. SRY :X but it needed to be said lol, don't say "don't work enough to be competent at the game" lolz, I'm way better than 99% of TYM members will ever be e_e

Also, DangerousBacon is one of those Filthy new people who registered to an MK site to bash on MK. So there you go.

Btw, play Grundy vs Aqua, see if the game still seems as great. Poor grunster, he gets fucked no-lub in the ass with a cold wet pole.
It has been 2 months. Not nearly enough time to figure anything out, ask any OG for any game. GA is fine, Chris G has won majors with him and I play a very good local GA that has success. GA is all about mixing the opponent up and getting lots of combo opportunities, not necessarily high damage.

You dont sound like a douche at all. You sound like an idiot for bringing up casuals that happened 6 months ago lol.

As for your last point, there are bad MUs in this game, yes. There are bad MUs in every fighting game.

Do you think maybe the reason you are winning with gimmicks is because people still havent done their homework to get around these gimmicks.


Well-Known Member
LOL, not when I get called a gay fa*got, whore, dumbass, etc.
I get so much hatemail, and some nice ones, rarely.

Lol holy fuck. That's sad. I'm a little surprised the community would sink THAT low...

Anyway, want to get some games in? I'm gunna get online in a second.


Button Masher
One thing i can say is around this time 2 years ago on TYM it was the same thing of super complaining & buff / nerfs.
only difference now everyone is just fighting each other! what happened to us guys? ): we used to be so close knit and supportive for each other. now people are like about to stab eyes out of how PL acts.

Mr. Mileena

Lol holy fuck. That's sad. I'm a little surprised the community would sink THAT low...

Anyway, want to get some games in? I'm gunna get online in a second.
Depends how long you'll be on. I'll be free later.
Mmmm, I don't think these people are on TYM though, randoms, randoms on the mic etc
Alien Substance is our resident Spock. At least, that's the voice I heard it in.
I think I'm more along the lines of Agent Smith.

I think the IGAU and MK community should respect each other I mean we're like brothers, we have the same creator, we should respect one another and everyone else...... except Capcom, they can go F#@^ themselves.
Right....NRS is Midway. They've created a child that they so loved (Mortal Kombat), and then WB came in and made a step-brother for MK.

MK's own community was already dysfunctional, adding the I:GAU dysfunctional community has only further deteriorated the state of things.
So, I'm just gonna say that Injustice lacks footsies in the traditional sense, and for many people, this results in the game feeling a bit awkward.
That actually sounds like a good explanation. No "traditional" footsies = Very awkward learning curve and styles of play.
Lol holy fuck. That's sad. I'm a little surprised the community would sink THAT low...
Then you are in for a world of surprises.


Zoidberg747 i couldnt agree more the amount of childish arguments over the console war has become too much. why does it matter that one person prefers one console to the other. the xboxone does have some ridiculous things but i hate reading about it every new thread there is. also i have no interest in the ps4 what so ever it doesnt appeal to me but i dont mention that in every post (except for this one)

people just need to calm down arguing, its getting annoying seeing these things all the time.

edit : i know you didnt mention the console wars but everywhere i read now people are arguing over it and not just TYM either.

.......who cares?


While I admire your plea, it won't change much; wisdom is an abomination to the foolish. Adding to that, humans are naturally inconsistent, hypocritical and illogical lifeforms. What you are seeing here is the essence of these human imperfections being brought to the foreground. A shame, but it is to be expected, especially on the Internet: where the daft and uneducated tend to congregate.
While I agree that we are far behind on the evolutionary scale, I do not think we are illogical as a whole.

There just needs to be a cleansing of certain groups of people with certain traits.

With me being in-charge of it all.

If that's the case, I assure you that we will be back on track!

(With a population of 500 million people left of course)


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
While I admire your plea, it won't change much; wisdom is an abomination to the foolish. Adding to that, humans are naturally inconsistent, hypocritical and illogical lifeforms. What you are seeing here is the essence of these human imperfections being brought to the foreground. A shame, but it is to be expected, especially on the Internet: where the daft and uneducated tend to congregate.
Have I ever told you that I love you? I just love you! ;)


xbl-OBS trustinme
In IGAU, there are ZERO 8-2 matchups so I don't know how this compares to MK. You realize you are still in the learning curve of the game, it's only been out barely 2 months right?
agreed. I wish people would give it more of a chance,people are acting like they have the game and all the characters completely figured out,it reminds me of the capcom community writing mk9 off in its infancy.


I think the competitive spark just isn't there like it was in MK. It's like everyone from the mk community has banded together to prove to communities of other games that we will be the best at this game.

I can say with 100% confidence that I think AZ has the strongest set of Injustice players. And what I love about my community is we all know where we are lacking and how to improve. VSM doesn't really exist anymore which means TYM is so lost when it comes to who do we market now!

South West + Cali = your new gods. We are among you.
hey mate, i recommend you to make use of the ignore function! Really thats the best thing you can do, put annoying guys into ignore and thats it! I also use it and i got a lot of guys there so TYM became more pleasant for me.

Vulcan Hades

Thanks Zoidberg for expressing my feelings in a much more polite way.

I guess I came off like a jerk when I tried to express that the other day. Everyone thought I was a Capcom anti-MK fanboy even if I fucking played MK9 and supported it as much as everyone else here.

But shitting on Injustice/KI (or any community) for no reason makes the MK community isolate itself and look bad. This is true both ways obviously.


Blue Blurs for Life!

I'm more addressing this to everyone who reads this, but I figured you'd want to take notice.

Okay, time to play devil's advocate. *turns his hat backwards*

So, the complaining. A typical response by us humans when we come across something that brings us great agitation. I doubt there is one person on this Earth who is not guilty of having done this at least once in their lives. I'll even own up and say that whenever I stream any fighting game at all, you're bound to see me make some kind of comment when I get trounced by something that confuses me or I just lose in general (yes, I hate losing, but as a hardcore gamer/competitor it's just part of the job). I'd be surprised if people even watch my streams anymore, LOL.

Is complaining a bad or good thing? Well, it is never a solution, it's only a temporary period to vent about something. After that, you're left with the choice of formulating a counter to what annoys you, or just drop it for good and move on.

A lot of these new members passing through Test Your Might's doors are clearly fresh blood in the fighting game scene, with Injustice or MK9 as their first serious fighters, and therefore have not been exposed to environments where they are faced with the choice to adapt or cry foul. Some are casual players while others are bloodthirsty competitors, and unfortunately...they're like fire and oxygen: they don't mix. At all. That's why TYM does its best to cater to both sides while keeping tournament news a large priority, but as you've witnessed, that's really tough to do. :(

There is one boundary that I feel must be drawn, however. Zoidberg already explained this, but it bears repeating.

If you like MK9 and don't like Injustice, no-one will crucify you. If you like Injustice and not MK9, no-one will crucify you. Support one game or support the other - Hell, support even both if you want. Nobody can force you to make any choice except yourself. But, trying to tamper with another community's efforts to support their game is unfounded and will gain you nothing in the end. If a community breaks their backs to support their game, no matter what pros or cons it may have, why would you want to tear that down? Such aims are the reason the FGC remains so divided today.

As of now, TYM is not just an MK site. Nor is it simply an Injustice site. It is what I consider a community site. If the game you want to learn about has a good amount of support here, why the fuck should it matter to you if other games get just as much attention? If your answer is because you don't like them, that's not a good enough reason.

To say MK9 is better than Injustice simply because you don't like what Injustice offers is not a good foundation to base your arguments on. The same goes for the opposite. Too often do we see players define differing elements of some games as either "good" or "bad," when really it's all relative. Different does not always mean it's for the better or for the worse, it's all a matter of what preferences you possess as a fighting game player...and whether you like it or not, you will always run into players whose preferences differ from yours. That does not make them blind to anything.

The "perfect fighting game" will never truly exist, and I don't want to get into an unending list of reasons on why that is the case. So my advice? Stick with what satisfies you as a player, don't shoot anyone else down.

We are all fighting game players, tied by one passion:

We love fighting games.

That should be a cause worthy of all FGCs uniting towards using that passion to evolve beyond what we are right now. There is so much we could gain from doing this, while nothing will be earned from tearing down efforts made by other communities. You all have taken the first step towards challenging yourself, so now's your chance to decide on your response.

/end rant

TL;DR - quit it with these MK vs. Injustice debates and just play whatever goddamn games you want. ;)


I feel you. I posted often during mk's life, and now I rarely post or even log in. And I like injustice (as a game) more than mk. Things just went to shit lately it seems. Maybe it's new members, maybe it's lack of character mods, maybe it's the lack of mk, who knows. But something is different. I ain't leaving though.. Never.

Alexandru Pascu

Be happy man, no need to be upset. :)

This game has no fault, maybe minor ones, but nothing big. It's damn near perfect! :)

I love injustice! One of the most balanced pefect fighters I've played! Happy thoughts :) Hugs, not drugs! :)
That is just plain creepy, if a serial killer would post on a forum about a person they were just about to kill it'd probably be a lot in the lines of this...