xWEBSx, I'm really tired of you, especially because I don't even understand what your goal is. What is it that you want? Do you want to convince everyone you come across to buy a X-Box One, or at least stop hating on it? Are you trying to figure out why people hate the X-Box One and everything it stands for and argue for the sake of argueing about the entire topic?
I really don't get it. All I see is a pesky fanboy, who is blinded by ... I don't even know what.
There are sooo many points, which speak against a X-Box One as the best choice for your main next gen console, yet here we have you talking about innovation, future oriented goals, open-minded approaches to the real next generation of gaming, higher set bars and so on ... I could (and partially have) deconstruct every single of your arguments, but you just wouldn't stop.
You are behaving like a mindless drone and I pity your for that. But in the end of the day it's still your decision. If you consider yourself a smart person, then please - be my guest and by a X-Box One. I hope that you will find your innovation, I really do.
But me, myself and I - as well a bunch of other people who don't believe in that so called "innovation" are not going to buy the game. Since there is no cross platforming we will never meet and that's a good thing.