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Question EX Smoke Bomb OTG Glitch?

Hey, gang. As you all probably know, the recent patch made it so Smoke cannot OTG with Smoke Bomb anymore. I was just messing around in practice mode, though, and noticed that you can OTG and get a damage reset with EX Smoke Bomb off of back+2, 3 IF the opponent is in level 3 fall. This can be rolled out of, though (at least according to the CPU in practice mode). However, wake up attacks and blocking do not prevent the OTG.

So, to replicate this to see what I'm talking about, do any of the following:

3, down+1, 2 --> 3, down+1, 2 --> back+2, 3 --> EX Smoke Bomb

3, 2 --> 3, 2 ---> back+2, 3 --> EX Smoke Bomb

Smoke Bomb --> 3, down+1, 2 --> back+2, 3 --> EX Smoke Bomb (this is a bit trickier to get to work)

Smoke Bomb --> 3, 2 --> back+2, 3 --> EX Smoke Bomb (same as above and still tricky)

The EX Smoke Bomb will count in your next combo, so you can't Smoke Bomb at all in the second combo. It also seems like you can't go for back to back resets from what I've been able to do so far. Again, you can roll out of the EX Smoke Bomb according to the CPU. Regardless, this seems like a glitch that certainly isn't intended and goes against the patch. Until it is patched, though, it's a cool reset to fish for once in awhile.


Hey, gang. As you all probably know, the recent patch made it so Smoke cannot OTG with Smoke Bomb anymore. I was just messing around in practice mode, though, and noticed that you can OTG and get a damage reset with EX Smoke Bomb off of back+2, 3 IF the opponent is in level 3 fall. This can be rolled out of, though (at least according to the CPU in practice mode). However, wake up attacks and blocking do not prevent the OTG.

So, to replicate this to see what I'm talking about, do any of the following:

3, down+1, 2 --> 3, down+1, 2 --> back+2, 3 --> EX Smoke Bomb

3, 2 --> 3, 2 ---> back+2, 3 --> EX Smoke Bomb

Smoke Bomb --> 3, down+1, 2 --> back+2, 3 --> EX Smoke Bomb (this is a bit trickier to get to work)

Smoke Bomb --> 3, 2 --> back+2, 3 --> EX Smoke Bomb (same as above and still tricky)

The EX Smoke Bomb will count in your next combo, so you can't Smoke Bomb at all in the second combo. It also seems like you can't go for back to back resets from what I've been able to do so far. Again, you can roll out of the EX Smoke Bomb according to the CPU. Regardless, this seems like a glitch that certainly isn't intended and goes against the patch. Until it is patched, though, it's a cool reset to fish for once in awhile.
I think the patch was only intended to remove the OTG off of an air throw, you can still juggle off of a pop up combo.
Well, if this information is irrelevant and not neat at all, sorry. Actually, if a mod looks at this and decides it isn't anything special at all, can it please be removed?

I just thought it looked odd and was so situational that I thought it was a glitch. I know you can juggle with Smoke Bomb but the damage reset was what caught my eye.


It's neat, but probably something some Smoke's figured out already/ I think it's fine to keep here if other people look to how to play as Smoke.


Dojo Trainee
You can actually otg an enhanced smoke bomb after air throw post patch. Deals 10% unscaled damage, but it doesn't pop them up.


Dojo Trainee
Well, using the enhanced bomb isn't really a good idea imo. 1 meter and tossing away all of your oki options is not worth 10%.
can smoke still juggle with bomb? because that was the crucial part of his combos, so i must assume that it's still possible (otherwise the whine would be more fierce :p)

edit: lmao i should have read the 1st reply before posting.

Well, using the enhanced bomb isn't really a good idea imo. 1 meter and tossing away all of your oki options is not worth 10%.
if you have 3 bars, why not? especially if your opponent doesn't have meter. not to mention if it will finish off the opponent.

effectively you're saying that ex moves are useless.

if you have 3 bars of meter for an extended period of time then you're wasting meter more than ever.


can smoke still juggle with bomb? because that was the crucial part of his combos, so i must assume that it's still possible (otherwise the whine would be more fierce :p)

edit: lmao i should have read the 1st reply before posting.

if you have 3 bars, why not? especially if your opponent doesn't have meter. not to mention if it will finish off the opponent.

effectively you're saying that ex moves are useless.

if you have 3 bars of meter for an extended period of time then you're wasting meter more than ever.
i have finnished off quite a few opponents this way

i look at it like an xray ya probly not a good idea unless its gonna kill em in that case burn the sucker down


Well, using the enhanced bomb isn't really a good idea imo. 1 meter and tossing away all of your oki options is not worth 10%.
This leaves me with 3 questions.

1. How strict is the timing on the ex smoke bomb otg?
2. after the ex OTG smoke bomb, do you still have time to wiff a teleport punch while they're down, for an oki option?
3. Anyone know where I can get a Justin Beiber t-shirt for Konqrr?


Dojo Trainee
if you have 3 bars, why not?
Because, as I said, you lose oki.

especially if your opponent doesn't have meter.
Actually, using it when your opponent does have meter is preferable. It's unbreakable damage.

not to mention if it will finish off the opponent.
Yes, you should pretty much always extend your combos if it will kill your opponent.

effectively you're saying that ex moves are useless.
Not even close to what I'm saying.

1. How strict is the timing on the ex smoke bomb otg?
I don't have the patch, so I can't confirm. I'd imagine it's the same, but since the OTG bomb can be kinda iffy sometimes, and now you have to use meter on something that's somewhat likely to drop, it can be a risk that you may want to avoid.

2. after the ex OTG smoke bomb, do you still have time to wiff a teleport punch while they're down, for an oki option?
I'm assuming it works the same as when you use a smoke bomb twice in one combo. In which case, no, you can't.

3. Anyone know where I can get a Justin Beiber t-shirt for Konqrr?


Just a mark
Sitting on meter makes Tom Brady cry, remember this well guys.

Seriously though, sitting on meter is just dumb, you might as well get the most outa it, especially with an OTG or extra juggle. XRays are best near the end of a round, to end the match. You estimate that you can take them out, and hopefully you do, since your breaker will be gone once you XRay.

Having a breaker is effectively extending your life bar. You basically save yourself 30+ life, so if you'd taken it, yet still have the same ammount of life, the Breaker gave you 30+ more health.
I've been trying to replicate the OTG EX bomb reset off of all of those combos with Auto-Block turned on. The Dummy blocks it 100% of the time. Maybe I'm missing something here but this reset can be blocked.

The first thing I tested was OTG EX bomb after air throw when the patch came out. I've finished people with EX bomb after air throw but I don't use it regularly unless I need untechable damage.


I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm liking this new EX smoke bomb.

1. It actually does 2% chip damage on a blocking opponent.

2. I've been messing around in practice mode, with cpu block always on... I'll notice after a 312, 312, 312 juggle, If you time to exactly when the opponent hits the ground, the EX smoke bomb will OTG Juggle AND reset the combo.

before the reset you get 29%. After the reset.. 312, 312, jk, airthrow nets 33%.... that's a total of 63% damage here with only 1 bar of meter... PLUS, you can wiff the tp punch after the air throw for an OKI option... land a b2, 3 smoke bomb, plus a 321, jk... round over.

Try it if you don't believe me.

I'm thinking NRS will patch this lol.


So, let me get this straight, You do your 312 juggle then EX bomb, he'll then do the worm, and then what? Double dash and start it all over, or Tp, then 312. But wouldn't the timing have to be extremely precise? and Can't they block it or recover?

-Because I did it, but it doesnt seem too practicle.

I honestly would just like a low starter for smoke. or making the 312 combo faster, to compete with the other strings.


So, let me get this straight, You do your 312 juggle then EX bomb, he'll then do the worm, and then what? Double dash and start it all over, or Tp, then 312. But wouldn't the timing have to be extremely precise? and Can't they block it or recover?

-Because I did it, but it doesnt seem too practicle.

I honestly would just like a low starter for smoke. or making the 312 combo faster, to compete with the other strings.
after he drops from the ex smoke bomb, you start it over again, but with only two repetitions of 312, after the 2nd repitition, jump kick, air throw, then when your on the ground teleport punch... the teleport punch will wiff, and you have an oki option. from there use your judgement on whether or not to block, sweep, or over head b2, 3 smokebomb.

I don't see it as impractical at all. if you have 1 bar of meter, and land a 312, it's 60+% guaranteed (if you don't drop the combo) plus an oki option after you purposely wiff the teleport punch.

If you want to hop online with me I'll show you (if I can pull it off online that is)


But on the other hand lets say you 312, 321, 312 , Jk throw, then Ex ball them in the floor, it should give you 46-47% damage, That's big money. Plus, I think smoke has the tools to recharge his meter easy.


Dojo Trainee
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm liking this new EX smoke bomb.

1. It actually does 2% chip damage on a blocking opponent.

2. I've been messing around in practice mode, with cpu block always on... I'll notice after a 312, 312, 312 juggle, If you time to exactly when the opponent hits the ground, the EX smoke bomb will OTG Juggle AND reset the combo.

before the reset you get 29%. After the reset.. 312, 312, jk, airthrow nets 33%.... that's a total of 63% damage here with only 1 bar of meter... PLUS, you can wiff the tp punch after the air throw for an OKI option... land a b2, 3 smoke bomb, plus a 321, jk... round over.

Try it if you don't believe me.

I'm thinking NRS will patch this lol.
CPU always block often doesn't block on wakeup. Get a person to test it.


The timing has to be precise, but it CAN be done. Just dependant on the person your playing. Just one lose block button or one mistake in reading whether or not i'll try to reset. This is where mind games begin.