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Game Patching Speculation


Administrator and Community Engineer
Disclaimer: This is how it appears to me -- I don't work for the company; but this is how it appears from the outside.

So when you create and release a major game, you have scores of things to take into account. You have bugs to fix; which are usually numerous and cover many areas of the game. You're working on new content/DLC, all of which has to be tested in it's own right; and you have balance tweaks you want to make.

When a brand new FG IP is released, it's not always 100% in the finished state developers want it to be in. So there's a list of things that have to be addressed and prioritized.

In Injustice specifically, we've seen 3 DLC characters released, and accompanying this we've had game patches and hotfixes. What people aren't considering is that, a lot of these changes *are not new deicisions*. They are things that change the game to the way it was intended to be played for months. A lot of these things were decided upon long before you ever saw a DLC character. And all of the changes have to be tested.

So think about it; notice how each patch/hotfix is separated to target mostly different characters; how there's a mix of gameplay changes, network updates and other system fixes. And consider that maybe the raft of recent updates is actually a huge pool of updates, divided into more manageable chunks.

I hear "they keep patching the game every week" repeatedly.. As if these are spur-of-the-moment knee-jerk random reactions where NRS decides to throw things out each week or two. I disagree. I think there were a ton of game updates that are being divided into testable chunks and parcelled out with each new character update. Otherwise, releasing a patch that changes 147 things in 1 shot could result in a major mess.

So before you go crying about every single change, and whining about wanting to quit the game because of "how often it's being patched" -- consider that maybe that's how some of these characters were intended to be, from months ago; and that incremental changes are not the same as changing the same set of characters every week.

In any case, that's just my outlook. You may disagree; feel free to discuss.

The Gabriel

Mean Man
Injustice is my first NRS game. I'd heard about their penchant for patching and was a little concerned about the practice but came into it with an open mind. Having lived through 3 of them now though, I understand the problem. It's not that patching a game is a bad thing, even after a week or two, the problem is that the actual decisions/changes have been for the most part horribly thought out with little understanding of the actual competitive landscape. From Deathstroke getting *another* invincible wake-up, to Ares' nerf and worthless buff, and now to Scorpion's negligible "nerf" I really have to question how much NRS even understands about their own game.


CrimsonShadow, I can respect that for sure, all I want is this game to be as big as it can possilbly be, I dnt want anyone to get discouraged from playing IGAU because of the patches. But yeah changes don't mean it is the end of the world for sure.

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
Injustice is my first NRS game. I'd heard about their penchant for patching and was a little concerned about the practice but came into it with an open mind. Having lived through 3 of them now though, I understand the problem. It's not that patching a game is a bad thing, even after a week or two, the problem is that the actual decisions/changes have been for the most part horribly thought out with little understanding of the actual competitive landscape. From Deathstroke getting *another* invincible wake-up, to Ares' nerf and worthless buff, and now to Scorpion's negligible "nerf" I really have to question how much NRS even understands about their own game.
Ares' wakeup teleport buff was pretty awesome, in my opinion.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I agre as well I think everyone is making a big deal out of things when this stuff happenes. Developers always make a game with intentions of it being played a certain way and often times the players tend to find ways to circumvent those intentions that can in many cases lead to people not wnating to play the game at all.


Play Monster Hunter!
I don't really mind the patches, sure they have patched more so far then MK9, but they have overall changed less.
It's mostly been small tweaks to a few select characters, no one has randomly jump tiers.

With MK9 they had huge patches that changed some characters considerably.

I guess you could argue Deathstroke, but you have to be out of your mind if you didn't think they were going to do something about him eventually.


*Supreme Member*
Crimson, you're making it sound like NRS released an unfinished game. (Which I agree with) It seems they have a habit of releasing unfinished/unpolished games and then patching the oblivion out of it until the game is how it was meant to be released.
lol NRS. Stay thirsty.


bye felicia
I don't really mind the patches, sure they have patched more so far then MK9, but they have overall changed less.
It's mostly been small tweaks to a few select characters, no one has randomly jump tiers.

With MK9 they had huge patches that changed some characters considerably.

I guess you could argue Deathstroke, but you have to be out of your mind if you didn't think they were going to do something about him eventually.
QFT. Since launch, we've seen a lot of low characters get real actual help (Sin, Bane, Ares, Shazam), and the top is still the top. NRS has clearly matured. Players are just looking for excuses.


All in a day's work
i just hope from here on out any changes that they have planned will be to help out other "bad or not viable" characters and keep their original idea of having all characters feel a little overpowered rather than nerf nerf nerf. Buff other characters to the same level as GL,SM, KF, BM,ect and leave the game alone
Well spoken Crimson.
This is true, regarding the patches/updates being planned way in advance.

I read it somewhere online in a interview with Paulo.
And fellow forum member GGA 16bit (I think that's his name) confirmed it when I listened to one of his injustice podcasts awhile back where he brought up this same topic you are now speaking on and how Paulo mentioned the same thing to them.

I find it funny that a lot of people on here are not educated to this - but yet, I am the one new to fighting games and learned about this months ago.
Crimson, you're making it sound like NRS released an unfinished game. (Which I agree with) It seems they have a habit of releasing unfinished/unpolished games and then patching the oblivion out of it until the game is how it was meant to be released.
lol NRS. Stay thirsty.
Please, tell us about your experience(s) bringing video games to market. I, for one, would be fascinated to hear more about development process.


Lawless Victory!
They wouldn't need to patch it so much if they designed their characters properly and thought about their move sets. Ever wondered why pretty much every character is a hybrid with no real synergy between the two play styles? That's because no fucking thought went into their move set design.

It was literally "this guy has a sword and gun, so lets give him a spinning sword move (the ones that ninjas do!) and some gun shots - we will balance this out by giving him low damage output or negative frames on block/hit". Ta da character created!



Administrator and Community Engineer
It was literally "this guy has a sword and gun, so lets give him a spinning sword move (the ones that ninjas do!) and some gun shots - we will balance this out by giving him low damage output or negative frames on block/hit". Ta da character created!
I'm sure that's how it went down.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Verily, AM was my first main, and he got patched pretty hard with the scoop recovery extension, the chip damage on his trident pokey poke taken away, and with his trait being changed.... but I think it was a good thing. I dont mind quick reactions and patches, as long as they are done intelligently. I think they do a good job with it.

Glass Sword

The thing is the changes which have been made have been small stuff. Tweaks there was a whole list of changes with MK. Armor was added to almost everything, dashing was nerfed unto oblivion and they literally killed several characters. The two biggest changes now are Deathstroke and Scorpion nerfs. The Deathstroke nerf changed how the character played and was a little excessive. The Scorpion nerf was a stealth buff. NRS has a habit of merging characters and making them better somehow.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
The ironic is how the community cries about patching, nerfin, about "how the game was intended to be" etc etc.
Like the OP says it, its "Speculation" no one can tell for sure How this game was intended to be played, and if the changes made were actually because it was intended to be, because its believed that the game is unfinished due it deadline or because how ppl cry constantly about wanting to nerf this and that because to their POV it wasn't intended to be, utterly broken, angry etc etc.

What really bothers me most, is that these cries, speculations and etc, it will simply not stop until the patches cease. Indeed i do agree lots of things in this game needs to be tweeked, and there are things unintentionally broken that are currently being patched, or ignored.

but this is a community, as a whole, i don't think we all came into agreement yet, we ban Scorpion, but we leave metropolis rooftops, we can't decide on a stage picking, if we should ban interactables or not, etc etc. there is a lot going on.

At some point, a quarter or half of the community thinks interactables are broken and should be tweaked or banned until a hot fix, if this actually happens to be patched it will be the new "it was intended to be this way" because the game is unfinished, and the other half will disagree.

i will just do what i've been doing until now, which is shut the hell up. grab some popcorns, voice an opinion from time to time, and enjoy the show until we decide in something we all can agree.