Ahhh got you..I will put it in that respective
In regards to tournaments and this site then..It's the difference of what separates the Men from the Boys..
-The Man: Will champion a lesser known/tier character.. Put tons of time in, learn the character like the back of their hand, using the lack of MU experience as a benefit for them, and take that character to great new heights, giving the character exposure, and therefore drawing more people to give that character a chance. Win or lose, The Man makes the game about the character and trying to win..He will then take his experiences here to a public forum, post about his experiences, what helped in his victory, what caused his defeat and what he learned from either.. Again, making it about the character..And how the character community can level up and overcome obstacles, or make MU's easier.. Give advise, teach and lead..
The Boy: Will champion a lesser known/tier character.. Put tons of time in, learn the character like the back of their hand, using the lack of MU experience as a benefit for them, and take that character to great new heights, giving the character exposure, and therefore drawing more people to give that character a chance. Win or lose, The Boy makes the game about the themselves and why they won or lost. He will then take his experience to a public forum like this, post about how he won or lost. In the case of the win- The Boy does everything right, everything the boy does is flawless, and he pulled no stops to win..in the case of a loss The Boy puts everyone except himself on blast and excuses start to fill the screen.. Zoning was spamming (even though he may have used a range character), interactables are cheap (even though he used a few himself), The MU didn't favor his character, he was feeling sick, and his pet cockroach just died the night prior. Finally he will go on to bash the character because they are now unusable and garbage (in this case causing a greater divide in the character community and stripping away any legitimateness they had built with the character, causing way more harm than good) all the while making themselves look like a smacked ass..
In short:
-The Man: is an Epic Saga
The Boy: is reality television