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Question Raven space control?


Tired, But Strong
I'd be very interested in one, as well. I seem to be having difficulty understanding the dimensions of her signature specials. It's frustrating when I think I've landed a successful soul crush or singularity only to earn a fat whiff :p A graphical representation of these (and her normals!) would be much appreciated.


If someone could get me a clear screenshot of Raven full-screen against somebody (on a bright/clear stage please) I'd be happy to try. I've just got no way (yet) of capturing 360 output.


Tired, But Strong

For Sami and anyone else interested in giving this a go. Credit goes to a very helpful friend of mine with a capcard.



First attempt. All space covered by green bar also applies to purple (they overlap). None of the telekinesis grabs work at the peak of the opponent's jump.

Yellow: DB2 Singularity. Beats Catwoman's low stance, hence hitbox drawn to the ground.
Green: DF2 Soul Crush.
Blue: DF1 Shadow Raven.
Pink: DB2 Event Horizon (demon stance). Overlaps with green area
Red: DF1 Negative Mass (demon stance). All 4 ranges. There is a gap between each pillar that normal-sized hitbox characters can stand between and avoid being hit completely.

edit: somebody else can do the normals :p



Considering how easy this was, if you can get me another screenshot (same stage, same chars) at match-start positions (reset training mode) I'll work on doing the normals as well.


Lawless Victory!
Sorry guys I've been in hospital for the past three weeks. Was going to get around to Raven eventually but you beat me to it lol, good stuff!


Bump. Offer still stands to do the one for normals if somebody can provide me with an appropriate high-res screenshot as described above.

Pakman cheers dude, clearly the ones you did were so good that players for other characters became jealous ;)


Ya'll stingy
i think the hitbox for soul crush should reach a little farther, possibly maybe her singularity a little lower, and her pillars definitely have space between them. it's possible for a character to be standing in the perfect position for them to not get hit by the pillar in front of them or the one behind them.


i think the hitbox for soul crush should reach a little farther, possibly maybe her singularity a little lower, and her pillars definitely have space between them. it's possible for a character to be standing in the perfect position for them to not get hit by the pillar in front of them or the one behind them.
Funnily enough I discovered the gap with the pillars the other day but haven't got around to updating this yet. It seems the gap doesn't apply to all characters (Grundy seems to get hit by them all). I've updated the picture with the pillars. I'll try to find some more time to refine the range of Soul Crush and the height of Singularity soon.


Ya'll stingy
Funnily enough I discovered the gap with the pillars the other day but haven't got around to updating this yet. It seems the gap doesn't apply to all characters (Grundy seems to get hit by them all). I've updated the picture with the pillars. I'll try to find some more time to refine the range of Soul Crush and the height of Singularity soon.
wow that was fast. cool.
the only reason i say singularity needs to be lower is batman's double jump and hawkgirl's flight mode will make it whiff, even though it shouldn't.


wow that was fast. cool.
the only reason i say singularity needs to be lower is batman's double jump and hawkgirl's flight mode will make it whiff, even though it shouldn't.
i never have had this problem
i have always hit hawkgirl out of the air. same goes for batman even if he double jumps


Soul crush and Singularity should be farther, imo. Pretty sure Crush goes pretty much the distance of the far pillar, if not just a bit shorter.

Pretty sure Singularity hits about 1/3 of the distance into the normal pillar, if not a bit shorter.

Call me out if I'm trippin', but I've hit conversions off of MB Soul Crush from pretty far away with Singularity.


Ya'll stingy
all i know is batman's double jump and hawkgirl's trait 9 times out of 10 avoid singularity, and she can't do 223 singularity because it knocks the opponent up too high.

i think soul crush should be a little farther, too. then again, we don't even know what the characters' hurtboxes look like, so who knows.