Wonderful Woman
In my case, my online circle of friends on XBL has already dropped Injustice, by and large. Of around ten people who got the game, only one still plays it occasionally, while the rest have gone back to their old stand-by fighters. While these players aren't MK players for the most part, they are all serious about fighting games, and have all come to the conclusion they personally didn't like it.
This isn't a bashing Injustice thread, but from my experience in this, the game might just be a flavor of the month for most players, even beyond the Mr. Smiths and John Qs who picked the game up to play with their favorite super hero or villain. How has your set of friends taken to Injustice? Of the people who've stayed, are they into MK in general? And of the ones you know have gone already, do they just not like the game?
This isn't a bashing Injustice thread, but from my experience in this, the game might just be a flavor of the month for most players, even beyond the Mr. Smiths and John Qs who picked the game up to play with their favorite super hero or villain. How has your set of friends taken to Injustice? Of the people who've stayed, are they into MK in general? And of the ones you know have gone already, do they just not like the game?