Thanks. I have no idea where this is from or what the story is. Got sent to me by a friend about a year ago, but I feel it symbolises a lot of the fighting that goes on on a forum in a way. Also, if I had to play against most people on here I would be the little girl.
I feel the same, man. I saw that Superman movie trailer in the cinema and thought... Oh my god, is he gonna spam eyelasers thoughout that entire movie... -_-
What you need to love is what superman stands for <3 he teaches us all to be Hero's
Our modern North American world needs a superman
Too bad the movie will surely be shit :'(
Don't be that upset dude. Just imagin what is going to happen about scorpion salty once the next mk movie will be released. DC fans and m2Dave are gonna hate.
Be thankful he isn't more mainstream. Mainstream= every writer gets to fuck with your character. Batman is one the few if not the only character that survived mainstream bullshit.
What makes Deathstroke so sick is that there is very little about him, kinda like Solid Snake. That sense of mystique will vanish once he becomes mainstream and he'll just be known as the DC rip-off brother of Deadpool.
The best casting is not made by how much the actor "looks" like the character. Deathstroke is a special case and most likely you will never see him in any movie or IF you do the actor will be in their late 30's. Slade Wilson- A 50 somewhat year old man who is physically on par with a Chinese Olympic Gymnast who seems to not be affected by lack of depth perception having only one eye.