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Born On a Monday -- Solomon Grundy General Discussion/QA/Combo Thread


Bigg Burd
Here's some more of my WC/WCC corner tech I've been working on lately. Since the 1.04 patch, humans can now wake up on the first frame, allowing for this tech to hit much more consistently then before. It is now able to be done in every single corner of every single stage and transition, therefore I no longer call it pocket tech.
In this video, I use the tech to add recovery frames to Scorpion's Bloody Spear. I hope you enjoy! Please comment, rate, and subscribe if you like what you see!



Aspiring Fighter
What's happening in that video? You're knocking him down, doing WC, and at the moment of wakeup attack, you're technically in the corner, making their attack go into the corner while they're in the corner?


Bigg Burd
What's happening in that video? You're knocking him down, doing WC, and at the moment of wakeup attack, you're technically in the corner, making their attack go into the corner while they're in the corner?
That basically sums it up, man. The game registers it as you being behind them, even if you techinically aren't. This causes most all wake up attacks to turn around. There are other characters who can do variations of this tech, but some can be wake up, character, and corner specific. Grundy can can so this in every single corner of every single stage.


Bigg Burd
Very interesting stuff BurdManJR270 , thanks for sharing!
Thank you for taking the time to view, man! I still feel like there is more tech to come off of this. The original theory was that there were "pocket" corners. Meaning that certain moves moved characters into these "pockets" allowing for this tech. However after 1.04, I tested every corner of every single stage and transition, and both the Cleaver and WC/WCC work. However, with Supes in Atlantis, I can recreate the tech by using his F2 in the right hand corner. I can not get f2 to work in the left hand corner though, but I can get rising grab to work. So this definitely needs more testing.


Bigg Burd
But its still inescapable, right? I'm sorry, I wish I could test it but the jumping mode in training mode is ass. D:
Yessir, it is inescapable indeed. As long as you time it right. After the slight delay after the B1, just mash the hell out of your trait so they can't backdash or jump it.


Bigg Burd
Hello fellow Grundy players. I'm new to these forums
Good to have you aboard, man. I'm pretty new to these forums myself. Constantly in the lab trying to figure out tech with Grundy. Most of the users on this site are pretty helpful and informative. Thinking about permanently making the switch to this community since I can't get a serious discussion from any other site.
Well the games only been out for a month+ so most of us are really new here anyway, but welcome none the less, always nice to have more grundy players.

I was wondering, now that the games been out for a little while, how do y'all feel about grundy's overall viability? I really like the character, I honestly think he's one of the best designed grapplers in any fighting game and I think he can go really far. I think he still has a lot of undiscovered tech, and I don't think we've fully begun tapping into the WCC's either. I'm sure barring a nerf superman will always be a bad match-up for grundy, but I definitely think it'll become more manageable with time as will most of the match-ups we are currently losing sleep over.

But I don't have a lot of good competition to test myself against so maybe I just feel this way because I've been beating up on scrubs.


Bigg Burd
Well the games only been out for a month+ so most of us are really new here anyway, but welcome none the less, always nice to have more grundy players.

I was wondering, now that the games been out for a little while, how do y'all feel about grundy's overall viability? I really like the character, I honestly think he's one of the best designed grapplers in any fighting game and I think he can go really far. I think he still has a lot of undiscovered tech, and I don't think we've fully begun tapping into the WCC's either. I'm sure barring a nerf superman will always be a bad match-up for grundy, but I definitely think it'll become more manageable with time as will most of the match-ups we are currently losing sleep over.

But I don't have a lot of good competition to test myself against so maybe I just feel this way because I've been beating up on scrubs.
I agree with you. I think there is still much more untapped potential. Like the WCC you mentioned. He's one of my favorite characters in fighting game history. We will just have to see what future hotfixes and patches will bring. Like, for instance, I am able to pull this WC/C corner tech with Grundy so much more efficiently it's unreal, since patch 1.04 allows players to recover on the first frame. He is a very solid character indeed, but his bad match ups are reallllly bad. My local friend mains a beast Black Adam. Grundy hate Black Adam and Superman!!


Aspiring Fighter
What does Black Adam have that gives him the advantage over Grundy? I've played 2 in tournament and it was kinda underwhelming after hearing how badly Grundy loses the matchup.


Bigg Burd
What does Black Adam have that gives him the advantage over Grundy? I've played 2 in tournament and it was kinda underwhelming after hearing how badly Grundy loses the matchup.
I've fought him so much, and I still can't find out how to deal with him. Especially my friend's BA. He is just naturally good at video games, but man. I am learning to deal with his dive kick better though. Him and Superman are by far my worst two match ups. GL and DS use to give me trouble, but I can handle them a lot better.


I'm not at home to test but can Grundy back dash BA's divekick on reaction and then whiff punish instead of blocking and hoping to find something to punish him with?

Only thing I am thinking might be an issue with back dash is that it will not go far enough and you still get hit by the dive kick.
I'll be honest, I lack enough experience in the BA match-up to develop any kind of opinion on it, but I think we can all agree supes is just..... yuck. If those two match-ups either get better with experience or get better with nerfs I definitely predict more grundy's in top 8's and shit. The other bad match-ups(like sinestro) are probably only bad on paper or 6-4 at worst since most of the zoners in this game can't handle grundy up close(but for some reason they gave supes the tools to do so).

Oh and if any of y'all are bored, check out this stream http://www.twitch.tv/leveluplive/b/413214808 from 3:07:00, some nice grundy play from RDK Tyrant.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
I'll be honest, I lack enough experience in the BA match-up to develop any kind of opinion on it, but I think we can all agree supes is just..... yuck. If those two match-ups either get better with experience or get better with nerfs I definitely predict more grundy's in top 8's and shit. The other bad match-ups(like sinestro) are probably only bad on paper or 6-4 at worst since most of the zoners in this game can't handle grundy up close(but for some reason they gave supes the tools to do so).

Oh and if any of y'all are bored, check out this stream http://www.twitch.tv/leveluplive/b/413214808 from 3:07:00, some nice grundy play from RDK Tyrant.
BA can basically just stay completely away from you at all times...... and until you get a trait throw you'll eat his stupid amount of MB Lightning and Lightning chip... not to mention you always have to accoutn for the dive kick because Grundy can not punish it very well at all. On top of htat.... most of his strings are throw immune at some point... making it just as difficult if you don't armor confirm the strings.
Basically BA can run away and win. Stages help him more than Grundy..... and he can get almost the same damage on a good read.

Sinestro is far from a bad MU.


I think Superman is much easier than Black Adam...I actually know what to do when I fight against Superman, but against Black Adam sometimes I have no clue. lol.

Great matches from Tyrant :)
Yea tyrant showed just how good that chip chain really was. I mean he pushed sinestro to the corner literally on a pixel of health. In one of the matches the sinestro had to start rushing him down because of it, I couldn't believe my eyes lol.

STB CharlieMurphy: Yea that makes sense, shame grundy's two worst match-ups are probably the most popular in the game atm. *sigh* Life of a grappler. Yea I know, I was just in the sinestro forums yesterday and they were talking bout the match-up is at least 7-3 in sinestro's favor. I figured they're all in for a surprise when they actually play a good grundy.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Yea tyrant showed just how good that chip chain really was. I mean he pushed sinestro to the corner literally on a pixel of health. In one of the matches the sinestro had to start rushing him down because of it, I couldn't believe my eyes lol.

STB CharlieMurphy: Yea that makes sense, shame grundy's two worst match-ups are probably the most popular in the game atm. *sigh* Life of a grappler. Yea I know, I was just in the sinestro forums yesterday and they were talking bout the match-up is at least 7-3 in sinestro's favor. I figured they're all in for a surprise when they actually play a good grundy.

chip trait bodies sinestro. He doens't have the same mixup game that DS has to keep him alive.

I honestly don't know what to tell you against BA... There are things you can do with meter to stop some of his stuff..... but just about every punish you do then requires two bars..... and those are few are far between.

Superman isn't as bad as you think. You can actually WCC through most of his stuff (when not in trait of course) and make him make good reads.

My problem when using Grundy is that you can not dodge any interactable period. His jump doesn't make his hitbox any smaller... and its so floaty that he doesn't dodge them. So the supermans and black adams can runaway knowing they'll run into a free chunk of damage.