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Air to air jump kicks/punches

Alright, it's time I got this crap figured out already. I played this guy last night who was not really doing very long or damaging combos, but he was consistently beating me in the air game.

I would do a jump kick/punch to try to counter his jump kick/punch (which he did a lot), and he would always win. What am I doing wrong? What is the criteria for who wins when both fighters are in the air doing a kick or punch?

I was also consistently getting uppercut when I would try to jump in with a punch to start a combo. When I would try to uppercut him, (since he was jumping around like a rabbit), I rarely got it off. Is it just timing, or is there some other way to be sure you punish a jump in attack instead of getting hit by it?

I'm sick of losing to these noob tactics, but I can't seem to beat them. Help?
a lot of it is timing but i think it has to do with who gets in the air first, and to uppercut them you have to be quick and anticipate their jump, if your blocking and they jump in and you try to uppercut they will probably land the attack everytime, if you arent blocking and they try to jump in if your quick you can uppercut them but dont wait for them to start coming down out of their jump, you see them go airborne towards you uppercut and you will nail them, its the timing.

What character do u play, a lot of characters have tons of other options besides the generic ones.

Vulcan Hades

I think this is a good question and I haven't read/heard anything about it anywhere. You should ask that question in the STBL week 6 thread to get in depth response from Tom Brady.

I'm also having a hard time understanding who gets priority with air to air attacks. Sometimes it seems the person who jumps first has priority, other times it seems who attacks first wins. But other times it seems to be the opposite. I find it quite confusing tbh. Sometimes when they jump in I do a quick jump kick and it beats theirs. Other times, exact same scenario it seems but they beat me.
I think this is a good question and I haven't read/heard anything about it anywhere. You should ask that question in the STBL week 6 thread to get in depth response from Tom Brady.

I'm also having a hard time understanding who gets priority with air to air attacks. Sometimes it seems the person who jumps first has priority, other times it seems who attacks first wins. But other times it seems to be the opposite. I find it quite confusing tbh. Sometimes when they jump in I do a quick jump kick and it beats theirs. Other times, exact same scenario it seems but they beat me.
Exactly. I can't find any rhyme or reason to it. There has to be some kind of formula that the game uses to determine who wins.


Focused Grace and Intensity
Its def not alwyas the first initiative. Ive seen Kano's up ball punish Kit's sq Boost in response, and vice versa. I think its who's covered the most range by the time of collision to be honest. I guess the idea is, they've been in the air for a longer time gaining more momentum, thus winning out the exchange. It's like if guy 1 head butss guy 2, and guy 2 hasnt covered enough space and therfore gained enough momentum by collision time to not be worse for wear.
Its def not alwyas the first initiative. Ive seen Kano's up ball punish Kit's sq Boost in response, and vice versa. I think its who's covered the most range by the time of collision to be honest. I guess the idea is, they've been in the air for a longer time gaining more momentum, thus winning out the exchange. It's like if guy 1 head butss guy 2, and guy 2 hasnt covered enough space and therfore gained enough momentum by collision time to not be worse for wear.
I don't think that's true. I've done short, fast jump kicks/punches against someone who's on the downward leg of his arc and landed it.

Maybe it's another timing thing. Depending on the active frames of the attack, whoever is closer to some sweet spot in frames wins if both players have their foot out when they collide. I wish NRS would elaborate on the frame data. Why is it such a big secret anyway?


Well...the jump kick is not active for very long when you do it. Like, it can only hit right when your character kicks, and the rest is just recovery I guess. So if you jump kick early it will whiff and he would win for doing it later than you. If he jump kicks first at the right time he would win onviously. And of both of you land a jump kick at the same time the person with priority (decided at the beginning of the match) wins.