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Prometheus: I really liked it and wanna know why everyone didnt


Confirmed Seeker
I mean it has been a while since I have seen the movie, but check this out it sums up a lot of stuff.

Just finished reading. I gotta wonder if the guy who wrote this actually knows what a plot hole is, or paid attention to certain aspects of the movie. Some of the stuff is just gripes that he had with it. But then he claims that one of the major plot holes was, "Why did David poison charlie?" I thought it was pretty self explanatory that Charlie had pissed him off and he wanted to see what the DNA would do to him. I'm not saying I disagree with everything he had to say, but some of it was over the top/overly harsh, in my opinion. Lots of hyperbole. But hey, that's the internet for ya. :p
Thanks for linking me to that, though. :)

EDIT: Also, he talks about when Shaw is trying to get away from the falling ship and refers to it as a plot hole. That's not a plot hole; that's just a character/writer being stupid. Lol
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Was the movie a somewhat entertaining distraction? Sure. Was it at all memorable, or legendary like the first two Alien movies? No.

With the exception of Michael Fassbender, the acting was crap (Idris Elba's accent was particularly horrible). Furthermore, a lot of the writing and dialog made no sense (the two scientists are running through the halls, scared out of their minds, and then out of nowhere they turn into dumb horror-movie teenagers and start screwing with an extraterrestrial snake. Wasn't one of the two of them the team's leading biological expert? Yeeeeeeeah.) Then, as many have mentioned, there's the scene with the giant circular spaceship of doom. I also enjoyed how the main character was running through the ship like a crazy person at the end of the movie, stumbling about covered in blood and rags, and no one seemed to notice or care.

I don't regret spending time watching the movie, but I'm sure the script was better before the rewrite.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Just finished reading. I gotta wonder if the guy who wrote this actually knows what a plot hole is, or paid attention to certain aspects of the movie. Some of the stuff is just gripes that he had with it. But then he claims that one of the major plot holes was, "Why did David poison charlie?" I thought it was pretty self explanatory that Charlie had pissed him off and he wanted to see what the DNA would do to him. I'm not saying I disagree with everything he had to say, but some of it was over the top/overly harsh, in my opinion. Lots of hyperbole. But hey, that's the internet for ya. :p
Thanks, for linking me to that, though. :)

EDIT: Also, he talks about when Shaw is trying to get away from the falling ship and refers to it as a plot hole. That's not a plot hole; that's just a character/writer being stupid. Lol
hah technically I agree with you, but it is such a stupid thing that it degrades her intelligence to the point of not being able to believe this woman has any brain power, let alone enough to be an esteemed scientist picked to be a part of a revolutionary event to uncover humanity's origins...

Wrecking this believability almost justifies him saying that it is a plot hole.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Was the movie a somewhat entertaining distraction? Sure. Was it at all memorable, or legendary like the first two Alien movies? No.

With the exception of Michael Fassbender, the acting was crap (Idris Elba's accent was particularly horrible). Furthermore, a lot of the writing and dialog made no sense (the two scientists are running through the halls, scared out of their minds, and then out of nowhere they turn into dumb horror-movie teenagers and start screwing with an extraterrestrial snake. Wasn't one of the two of them the team's leading biological expert? Yeeeeeeeah.) Then, as many have mentioned, there's the scene with the giant circular spaceship of doom. I also enjoyed how the main character was running through the ship like a crazy person at the end of the movie, stumbling about covered in blood and rags, and no one seemed to notice or care.

I don't regret spending time watching the movie, but I'm sure the script was better before the rewrite.
Thank you, well said.
and that is funny that the guy said all other animals do not have the same dna. yes, we do. its made of the same basic building blocks. the only know animal to have variations are the mitochondria in our cells that is the primary power creator. this was probably the biggest evolutionary step in on history.

anyways... that is THE BIGGEST question researchers want to know. if we find bacteria or somethign on a meteor/mars ice/et cetera ... if it has the same dna building blocks that would cause a huge ruckus


Dojo Trainee
The movie was visually, aesthetically and auditory pleasing. The story was good and engaging enough even with the plot holes. I knew it had NOTHING to do with the Alien movies and only happens to play in the same fictional universe and timeline. This much was made abundantly clear and I can't fathom why anyone would have thought otherwise unless they didn't check on the movie and just assumed on the top of their head. So it was fine. I liked it and watched it three times since I came out because I love the mood and art style of the movie.


Waiting for Havik
This is too funny and must be shared :p :
"Plot contrivance: The effect of the black goo is all over the place and unpredictable like a diva on PMS.

- An Engineer drinks it; it dissolves him in a river and creates life on a planet.

- Worms are covered in it: they become giant vagina-cobras with an oral fixation

- A geologist gets his face in it: becomes a gymnast zombie from Resident Evil

- A human drinks it: make him impregnate an infertile woman with a giant space squid

It must be great to be a screenwriter who can pull so many different things from his asshole: it’s like your own personal backpack in-between your legs."


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
The Grey was garbage. Shite movie.

Prometheus was awesome. Very intriguing.

Pig Of The Hut is awesome. One of my favorite players. But he failed the douchebag test by saying Moholland Drive made sense. So now I'm not so sure. Maybe I would've played some pre-tourney casuals with him if he passed the test. :p


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
The Grey was garbage. Shite movie.

Prometheus was awesome. Very intriguing.

Pig Of The Hut is awesome. One of my favorite players. But he failed the douchebag test by saying Moholland Drive made sense. So now I'm not so sure. Maybe I would've played some pre-tourney casuals with him if he passed the test. :p
I passed the douche bag test by knowing Moholland Drive isn't real. Mulholland Drive did make sense though since most of the movie is a dream which integrated several moments of Naomi Watts's life that she wishes would have happened. The dream of a successful career and a bangin' lesbionic relationship quickly ends to her crappy life, failed acting career, and the girl she is in love with getting married to someone successful.

Dude, the movie has Billy Ray Cyrus in it as Gene Clean and that alone starts this movie out as a 7/10.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Prometheus was fantastic. They developed the story very well, I saw it 3 times in theatres. People overhyped it in their head and that's why didn't enjoy it. I'm not exactly sure what they expected.
Just finished reading. I gotta wonder if the guy who wrote this actually knows what a plot hole is, or paid attention to certain aspects of the movie. Some of the stuff is just gripes that he had with it. But then he claims that one of the major plot holes was, "Why did David poison charlie?" I thought it was pretty self explanatory that Charlie had pissed him off and he wanted to see what the DNA would do to him. I'm not saying I disagree with everything he had to say, but some of it was over the top/overly harsh, in my opinion. Lots of hyperbole. But hey, that's the internet for ya. :p
Thanks for linking me to that, though. :)

EDIT: Also, he talks about when Shaw is trying to get away from the falling ship and refers to it as a plot hole. That's not a plot hole; that's just a character/writer being stupid. Lol
You both really really need to watch this.

Post 36 in this thread. Here is a link:



Where is crossplay?
RiBBz22 I'm at work and can't see it. People are hating on Prometheus for the writing, but the Alien franchise wasn't exactly known for oscar worthy performances of acting either. Let's be real, we love it cause of the actual aliens. Same shit as predator (I'm assuming you're an 80s baby like me. If you were born in the 90s and don't remember the originals I'll cry and then discredit you), wasn't known for it's acting. It's a science fiction movie, all of them have plot holes. Every single major franchise has silly plot holes and acting. That's my only point my man


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
RiBBz22 I'm at work and can't see it. People are hating on Prometheus for the writing, but the Alien franchise wasn't exactly known for oscar worthy performances of acting either. Let's be real, we love it cause of the actual aliens. Same shit as predator (I'm assuming you're an 80s baby like me. If you were born in the 90s and don't remember the originals I'll cry and then discredit you), wasn't known for it's acting. It's a science fiction movie, all of them have plot holes. Every single major franchise has silly plot holes and acting. That's my only point my man
Yeah I was born in 81. The Aliens (first 2 really) had a sort of magic about them whereas this one really had way too much bad writing and stupid stuff in it to keep me from hating it. Trust me, I tried to defend this movie to myself for a week straight after watching it but I just couldn't.

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
Lol... i saw the movie thinking like a cynic: "Im going to like it cause everyone hates it". And still it managed to suck beyond imagining, i don't know how people can like such a disgustingly horrible movie. Plot holes and things that just didn't make sense even by sci fi standards.

One thing i will credit is the art direction, felt so unique and to a point that it felt kinda real. But other than that, lmao one of my top 5 worst movies ever seen.


Where is crossplay?
I saw it 3 times. I think I loved that IMO, the chars seemed weak and ignorant and that's how I feel a prequel should be. They shouldn't be well versed in what they are going against, and they played off their ignorance of what they unleashed very well. And how can you NOT love the end?!? Forget the fact Charlize Theron was beyond fucking stupid and didn't go left to right.

Mt. Mutombo Damn dude, little harsh. Bottom 5 of all time? Have you ever seen Tomb Raider 2? Sahara? Batman and Robin? Darkness? You might be exaggerating just a tad sir:) If you didn't like it, no problem, that's your opinion but certainly nowhere near bottom 5 movies ever


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
I saw it 3 times. I think I loved that IMO, the chars seemed weak and ignorant and that's how I feel a prequel should be. They shouldn't be well versed in what they are going against, and they played off their ignorance of what they unleashed very well. And how can you NOT love the end?!? Forget the fact Charlize Theron was beyond fucking stupid and didn't go left to right.
luls, there is a difference from not knowing what they are dealing with and not having a lick of common sense


Gaming4Satan Founder
Live and die on this day. That poem gave me chills at the end of that movie. The Grey was so excellent.
the poem was actually my least favorite part of the movie, unless you're going to argue that Liam's dad was just a blue collar working class guy and not a writer and not expected to write good poems in which case I will concede that


Where is crossplay?
haha, there are varying degrees of common sense. this one is absolute zero!
IMO, the main point was to introduce alien and set it up. The graphics and scenes were amazing looking, I think everybody is agreeing on at least that much. Visually, it was amazing.

I guess I kind of walked in the theatre w/a certain expectation. I didn't expect it to be capture me like Alien and Aliens did. I believe they are making Prometheus 2 and I expect the acting to be the same, decent. White people in horror and sci fi movies have zero common sense, you know this:)