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Prometheus: I really liked it and wanna know why everyone didnt


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
and to be on topic, prometheus was ok but silly.

I'm however forever prevented from liking it because I was promised aliens and did not get aliens.
It wasn't good let's all be real. Everyone obviously wanted to like it and tried as hard as they could to like it...but it really wasn't a great film. I cared about none of the characters and 95% of the decisions they made made absolutely no sense in the context of what was happening.

A+++++++++++++ for the makeup job on Guy Pearce though.



Gaming4Satan Founder
It wasn't good let's all be real. Everyone obviously wanted to like it and tried as hard as they could to like it...but it really wasn't a great film. I cared about none of the characters and 95% of the decisions they made made absolutely no sense in the context of what was happening.

A+++++++++++++ for the makeup job on Guy Pearce though.

I can't even comment because my view on it will forever be clouded by anticipating a xenomorph so much and thennnnn credits.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
I can't even comment because my view on it will forever be clouded by anticipating a xenomorph so much and thennnnn credits.
Hey at least the biologist was super scared of whatever was in that room and then 5 minutes later ran into the room and put his face right up next to one of those alien pods. Makes sense.

If I was those cool white alien dudes I would have tried to wreck those humans too they were so dumb.


Your Emporer
Necro thread!

My tho...WHOOOOOPPPPP... ught's on the...WHOOOOOPPPPP... film can largly ...WHOOOOOPPPPP... be summ...WHOOOOOPPPPP... ed up by the ...WHOOOOOPPPPP... trailer.... ...WHOOOOOPPPPP... WHOOOOOOOOPPPP WHOOOOOOOOPPP


Prometheus has the best alien story plot i've seen in a movie. From beginning to end everything makes sense and it catches your eye. That movie gets you thinking like "what if".. Idk how people don't like it. Its a classic.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
dude, it was awesome. it set up a stage for a sequel and ties in the old alien movies. i liked it alot. but anything with aliens in it i generally like.
Not generally good when you like a movie because it set itself up for a sequel (since it literally did not answer any of the 7000000 questions it raised) and tied in the old Alien movies...and has aliens in it. What about it being a good movie? Doesn't that have something to do with liking it??


Short synopsis of Prometheus.
A bunch of incompetent morons on a expedition to uncover the most important scientific discovery in human history. Things unravel accordingly.
The end.



Sheesh you must be a very hard thinker. Everything in that movie was either self explanatory or left to your imagination.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler

Sheesh you must be a very hard thinker. Everything in that movie was either self explanatory or left to your imagination.
"left to your imagination"

I can appreciate that on most levels. However in this case I feel like half the stuff you would try to justify to me that was supposed to be left to my imagination would be a cop-out.


Confirmed Seeker

Sheesh you must be a very hard thinker. Everything in that movie was either self explanatory or left to your imagination.
I never understood what people thought was so complicated about this movie either. Made perfect sense to me. I thought it was great.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
I never understood what people thought was so complicated about this movie either. Made perfect sense to me. I thought it was great.
No one here is saying that it was complicated. It isn't, and I understood the movie completely. I mainly thought nearly all of the decisions the crew made were laughable and made no sense. There are times where certain left out information and plot holes created by bad script writing should not be confused as thought provoking or left to your imagination.


At the same time I can understand where he's coming from. Some of the important parts of the movie I demanded an answer and never got one..imagination wasn't enough.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
At the same time I can understand where he's coming from. Some of the important parts of the movie I demanded an answer and never got one..imagination wasn't enough.
For me it was more ruined by the idiotic actions of the crew on the ship. I literally did not care about any single character and a majority of what they did made no sense or contradicted what you think their character would be doing for no reason.


Confirmed Seeker
No one here is saying that it was complicated. It isn't, and I understood the movie completely. I mainly thought nearly all of the decisions the crew made were laughable and made no sense. There are times where certain left out information and plot holes created by bad script writing should not be confused as thought provoking or left to your imagination.
Was it that stuff was left out, or that things were intentionally left out for later sequels to explain? And I'm not arguing, I'm just curious: What was at least the biggest example of a plot hole from the movie?


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Fassbender carried the movie.

At the ended when the ship was rolling, I was literally yelling at my screen "RUN TO THE SIDE YOU STUPID BITCH!"
Thank you for supporting my plea. Runs for half a mile dead-on straight trying to get away from a mile-long 2-foot wide ship...falls and hits her head then rolls 2 feet to avoid ship. SUCCESS!


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
They could have made the story so much better :(
Like I said, the movie sucked but no one totally wants to admit it because like myself...EVERYONE WANTED TO LOVE THIS MOVIE! Thus, people are going to naturally try to find any way to defend it that is possible. I tried for a while until I came to the harsh reality after watching it again on Blu-Ray.


Where is crossplay?
Prometheus was fantastic. They developed the story very well, I saw it 3 times in theatres. People overhyped it in their head and that's why didn't enjoy it. I'm not exactly sure what they expected.