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Maybe its just me...


cr. HP Master
I would like to point out 1 thing. Godspeed is a Tekken player? and has been doing well at WNF's and traveled to a major with strong competition and made top 8. No offense to the guy, but he isn't even the best player at WNF's if we're going by winning percentage. Personally, I look forward to seeing players like Aris and Rip compete against the top players in Injustice. I think they'll do extremely well.


cr. HP Master
again, doesnt matter, locals.
you're right, i'm sure in south korea tekken players are winning more than mk players, but that's not majors that matter.
I know it's not a major, but it's safe to say the Tekken scene is doing well at this game. Godspeed is a good example of this.


Name isn't Chris, Doesn't have pads
Injustice is also not even hype to watch! A lot of wins that are neck and neck are won by an interactable -_-. To me the hypest thing so far is chrisg winning with green arrow ;_; but i don't want chris to dominate injustice like he does in umvc3


RTSD All Day. I'm going in. No Vaseline.
Ah, okay.

Some characters still have really good sweeps. You sure you want them to have better ones? :p

I would've just liked the option of getting in with, let's say a D4 from MK or a Crouching medium from SF4. Something along those lines.


Name isn't Chris, Doesn't have pads
I know lol... they totally missed the old school arcade fighting game hype annoucer voice. This is especially true when you win a match... it just "ends" no epic KO, no fatality, no buzzer, no sirens nothing. You get a kneeling submission. rofl
lol when they lose they fall to the ground and then get back up to kneel fast as hell! Its not satisfying for a victory.


cr. HP Master
Well ill put it this way

I know how to deal with my bad match ups in this game w Sinestro

Jump around like a lunatic on rooftop metropolis and throw as many starship enterprises as I can and yes that is very scrubby
I feel like we're choosing to jump around like idiots because its a new game and we don't 100% understand how to deal with things yet. Watch tournament matches from the first couple of months of MK's life. People were jumping a lot at that time as well. Also, you use Deathstroke as well right? He has a few solid anti airs. neutral j3, sword flip, ags. I just think this game is very different from MK and players aren't adjusting to how the footsies work in this game so it's easier to say it's scrubby.


I would've just liked the option of getting in with, let's say a D4 from MK or a Crouching medium from SF4. Something along those lines.
Well, there's a lot of advancing moves or pokes that grant advantage. The only person I know with a d.4 like poke though is Bane.

I see where you're coming from though.


The one guy hoping for Kai
Can we chalk this up to 'I like one game more' now and try to actually find tech for Injustice? Kthx I came to a competitive forum to discuss that, not this
Haha This garbage community would rather complain about Injustice than go and make a MK tournament worth a shit.


cr. HP Master
Well, there's a lot of advancing moves or pokes that grant advantage. The only person I know with a d.4 like poke though is Bane.

I see where you're coming from though.
Most of the cast has advancing normals lol, but you can't play this game like SF because......well......it's not SF lol.


Live by the sword, Die by the sword
I actually really enjoy this game. I'm glad its different than MK. I see it so much more interesting to adapt and learn something new and develop skills in. To me it was a good move to make the two games different.

The only complaints I do agree with is to tone down on the damage the intractables and AA. Right now I do feel like jumping is to strong but that could be due to the fact the game is just new and we haven't discovered everything yet. I think its too early to write the game off. I'm sure once we give it time people will feel more comfortable with the game.

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
i like Injustice alot, i watch many vids, i also think this game has better gameplay than mk9, but maybe mk is too important to me hahaa, mk is more fun too :p. i was back in tym after almost 2 years, and when i came back, full of injustice, no mk, it was like a big "wtf" to me, so it seems like i'm the only one in here who still love mk9 and like scorpion dlc in injustice. now people on stream say something like "mk is dead", "mk wut?", "injustice beta", it's really sad :(. i remember when this site was really mk community, and was so much fun, mk9 was hype. maybe just because nrs and players don't support mk9 anymore, or maybe because people think injustice is better mk9, who knows? i wish people can play and support both mk9 and injustice.


Its part 1 of a fight game. Its not mk9 or sf4version10000. Its cool but by no means could it stand up to other fight games that have been around for decades. Id buy part 2.I'm going to save myself the disappointment and not wait on a game fever like mk9. I have been waiting for socom2 to happen again and it probably never will.


I feel the same way about this game too. There is not a competitive scene where I live so my only options are online and SP. Unfortunately I realised that (unlike MK9) the online community of this game is really toxic and I got much more frustration than fun out of playing online...I can't see myself abandoning MK9 till MK10 hits though

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
i think people should support both games and stop that "injustice is not mk" bullshit. injustice has something like mk9, and it's better doesn't mean you can't play play both games, so bullshit, it's like "we have sf4, who gives a fuck about marvel 3". nrs stop supporting mk9, but with the pc version, we can support ourselves, i hope we can bring mk9 community back :).

Groove Heaven

I'm pretty much playing Injustice casually (online). I like MK9 more than this game, but it's still kind of fun.

I'm waiting for the metagame to develop, though. Injustice matches now look like MK9 matches from 2011.
Omg people...cmon already, u are all reiterating the same thing for 20pages now..."I'm being beat by bs..even winning to bs..the game doesn't take nearly as much skill..is too random..was designed for scrubs"...


TURN OFF INTERACTABLES AND STOP WHINING...u just eliminated 75+% of your argument...correct me if I'm wrong, but NRS included that feature for all of you tournament players, so y arent you using it!?!


1 2 3 drink
Haha This garbage community would rather complain about Injustice than go and make a MK tournament worth a shit.
If were such a garbage community, then why do you have like 20 posts in every thread?

Btw im finding injustice alot more hype to watch then mk9, unless i see high skilled shang tsungs play. I mean how more hype could those finals be then the finals at ect?


Mk its more fun, and i feel injustice a little clunky sometimes and so much jumping damm.

TURN OFF INTERACTABLES <--- standart we need more clean fights.


For me personally, it is the franchise.
I mean come on, Mortal Kombat?!
This words have written history!

I could imagine if MK had the style like Injustice right now, I would play it like die hard.
But Injustice and the whole system "Don´t suits my purpose" ;) .
Its a great and fun game to play , I don´t deny it .
But I could never play this game like MK.

I don´t care how the next MK will be, I am going to play it again like in the old days.



Salt Proprietor of TYM
No, I'm not bored with Injustice. I don't even know where my copy of MK9 is laying around these days, and I am just fine with that. As long as this game continues to improve itself like it has been, then I'm going to be balls deep in it. I have had way more fun playing this than I ever did MK9. However, if NRS shoots themselves in the foot again, then I'm going to be on that AE 2013 hype train.
No, I'm not bored with Injustice. I don't even know where my copy of MK9 is laying around these days, and I am just fine with that. As long as this game continues to improve itself like it has been, then I'm going to be balls deep in it. I have had way more fun playing this than I ever did MK9. However, if NRS shoots themselves in the foot again, then I'm going to be on that AE 2013 hype train.
This is exactly how I feel. Thank you Joker.