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Which game causes you more rage (when necessary): MK9 vs Injustice?


I want to know which game frustrates you more. We all have had moments that make us want to throw down the controller, break it, or junk the box. My question to you is which is worse MK9 or Injustice?

I play both games fairly well (online), and it seems as though I have been more successful with Injustice over MK. MK has forced more rage quits out of me (a few), and I wanted to see if anyone else shares the same sentiment. Don't get me wrong, I love the game, but it has cause me some serious irritation at times.

I feel like everyone in Injustice is more vulnerable without the "block" button. This makes it easier to beat up on those who normally spam, and are not technically savvy.


Tired, But Strong
I have a pretty tough time getting mad, thankfully. Neither of these fighters are among those that've really gotten me salty.


Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Injustice. I get MAD salty when I lose (online).

But it's probably because I don't know the matchups and mechanics as well as I did in MK9.


Injustice due to toys (background)
I have no problem with zoning but zoning and interactables from power characters such as Superman....... silent RAGE


Get over here!
I think Injustice causes me more rage. Just in general things like Interactables annoy me... the STAR labs annoy me more than the tower. None of them cause me TOO much rage. I just think Injustice causes slightly more.
both make me rage for different reasons, mk cus of massive delay, and injustice because its troll friendly. death stroke players really think they are styling and utilizing skill by jumping backwards and shooting. the general players the MK /Injustice community consist of piss me off too. Im primarily a SF player but i grew up on mortal kombat too. but anyways, in SF if you have a close match vs someone, you bet your ass they will hunt you down for a rematch, or vice versa, in MK ill go toe to toe with someone with a crazy record like 1000 wins and 20 losses, if its a close match and he wins, he leaves and thinks he outplayed me after one game. If I win, he gets butt hurt that i gave him a loss to his precious record, and leaves anyways to beat up on more noobs, its annoying. I enjoy having matches where the winner has a few pixels of life. also I will have more rage quitters and have received more hatemail in in one day of MK/Injustice then i will in 6 months of SF. in SF people take their loss without getting butt hurt.

TL DR; poor sportsmanship from the MK / Injustice online community.


Get over here!
both make me rage for different reasons, mk cus of massive delay, and injustice because its troll friendly. death stroke players really think they are styling and utilizing skill by jumping backwards and shooting. the general players the MK /Injustice community consist of piss me off too. Im primarily a SF player but i grew up on mortal kombat too. but anyways, in SF if you have a close match vs someone, you bet your ass they will hunt you down for a rematch, or vice versa, in MK ill go toe to toe with someone with a crazy record like 1000 wins and 20 losses, if its a close match and he wins, he leaves and thinks he outplayed me after one game. If I win, he gets butt hurt that i gave him a loss to his precious record, and leaves anyways to beat up on more noobs, its annoying. I enjoy having matches where the winner has a few pixels of life. also I will have more rage quitters and have received more hatemail in in one day of MK/Injustice then i will in 6 months of SF. in SF people take their loss without getting butt hurt.

TL DR; poor sportsmanship from the MK / Injustice online community.
I don't know... I think that might be generalizing too much. Especially considering the Injustice community isn't necessarily the MK community. However, I do see where you are coming from. I have similar experiences but on the Tekken side of things.


Play Monster Hunter!
For what ever reason, getting caught in Grundy's chain throws causes me to rage like no other.
Nothing else in the game even compares.

I don't even know why, I never got that mad at Marvel combos.


I've never raged in either. I play for fun and if I'm salty I'm not having fun. However, I enjoy Injustice online because i personally have experienced less tea bagging and other douchey behavior like fatalities and babalities from salty opponents.

DuBBer Kiir

I'm gonna have to go with Mk9, I play Injustice avidly and am able to contain my rage, however in the Mk9 days my anger levels became dangerous. Controllers were broken, anybody who tried to talk to me in real life was yelled at, my leg was bruised with my own fists, and I'm pretty sure I popped a few blood vessels in my brain here and there.

I remember this one motherfucker who used Sheeva and had that god-damn throw trap down to a laggy online science. Then had the audacity to send shit-talking messages, until one day I figured out how to break free from it and abuse Johnny's frame traps to turn the tables. After that point I don't think that doucher ever fought me again lol.