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Match-up Discussion Smarr's Post UFGT Black Adam MU Chart


What's a Smarrgasm?
So i wrote down a chart this weekend while at Dennys just with pig cowboy and some others. These are probly way off from some of the truth but i just wanted to see what people thought of my numbers.

Ill start with the best and then go down from there. I am open to all discussion as always so please just state your case if you disagree and we can discuss. A TON of this is probly just in theory right now but i think i have a decent idea of how adam works right now and how he can handle much of the cast.

Good MU's

Grundy 7-3 (cause BA has many unthrowable moves and ways out)

Lobo 7-3 (havent really played this but i can easily see it being super hard for lobo)

Shazam 7-3 (zoning is too strong and i have good ways out of his oki traps)

Bane 7-3 (also could be 6-4 but i havent played a good bane after the patch)

Lex Luthor 6-4 (After playing this with some good lex players like Rev its not that bad for him)

Joker 6-4 (his jumps are hard to deal with and its not easy to zone him either but BA wins)

Sinestro 6-4 (Ive played this more than any MU and Adam does well)

Flash 6-4 (this could change cause im a believer that flash is secret top tier and is just unexplored)

Arrow 6-4 (the damage gap is pretty big but arrow is dangerous up close and hard to keep out)

Harley 6-4 (she just doesnt have the tools to deal with BA)

Ares 6-4 (Adam punishes him hard for trying to use his best stuff)

Deathstroke 6-4 (could be 5-5 but i think if anyone has advantage its adam)

Frost 6-4 (the nerfs didnt make it any easier for Frost and Adam was already a pest)

Hawkgirl 6-4 (just...no)

Nightwing 6-4 (he cannot use staff stance very well at all, Adam truly limits him)

Doomsday 6-4 (i might get some heat on this but i dont lose to him anymore)

Catwoman 6-4 (She has to get in, and its not that easy)

Raven 6-4 (in your favor when shes normal, in demon mode i have NO CLUE)

Scorpion 6-4 (Used to be bad, then scorpion got manhandled by normalizations)

Even MUs

Aquaman 5-5 (difficult full screen without the lead, up close hes got dem mixups and trait)

Batman 5-5 (his offense is good but adam has the tools to deal and fight back)

Batgirl 5-5 (Lamest shit ever, weird MU but even. Just gotta guess right)

Superman 5-5 (f23 breath isnt super scary and neither is his zoning)

Green Lantern 5-5 (patience is key, this MU is annoying to me but i think its pretty even)

Cyborg 5-5 (thought it was bad but its all about patience and taking your shots when you can)

MMH 5-5 (played it some and i thing each has the power to make this just an all out slugfest)

Zod 5-5 (played pig and other zods and it feels good for Adam right now, but the zods are coming)

Bad MUs

Wonder Woman 4-6 (great air control and is good upclose, and once you are cornered its bad)


These are subject to change at any point. Discuss.

Joker8417 Qwark28 Vulcan Hades Killin Natzees Gruntypants @all black adam players that i didnt tag

Updated 8/22 with some changes. MMH, Scorpion, Batgirl, and Zod added. Zatanna not sure yet.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
back dash destroys the flash, and who has the best backdash in the game? yeah, visit the flash forum, we found dirty stuff, he still is mid tier at best.


What's a Smarrgasm?
back dash destroys the flash, and who has the best backdash in the game? yeah, visit the flash forum, we found dirty stuff, he still is mid tier at best.
You are right. Like i said i could be way off base with that claim but i think he could get good in time. As of now though you are right. BA has the best tools to deal with him. You agree 6-4 or do you think its worse?


Best Doomsday in the world
I really don't like the batman or doomsday matchups. And I think that hawk girl is even. Other than that I don't really disagree with much.

Vulcan Hades

Lex, 7-3? Have you played Fab or any good Lex? I'm not sure I agree with that one. Sure Orbs blow up his armor I guess but I really don't think Black Adam flat out dominates Lex. It certainly didn't look 7-3 when Fab was playing vs Godspeed/Rico Suave.

I strongly disagree with Harley and Hawkgirl being 6-4. When you play against a truly top level Harley or Hawkgirl you'll understand. Hawkgirl's mobility is just nuts and Harley has extremely solid space control. If a Harley player is trying to rushdown Black Adam it's not a good Harley.

Deathstroke is 5-5 imo. Though post-patch I don't know probably slight advantage BA yeah.

Not sure about Raven and Wonder Woman. Still haven't seen or played these matchups enough. PimPimJim, Forever King and Zaf are like the only good Raven players I know and I haven't seen either of them fight a lot of Black Adams so far. And I seriously don't know any high level WW aside from A Foxy Grandpa.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
You are right. Like i said i could be way off base with that claim but i think he could get good in time. As of now though you are right. BA has the best tools to deal with him. You agree 6-4 or do you think its worse?
6-4 is good for now, you should see if you can punish f21 (backdash here) 3 from the flash with a full combo.


What's a Smarrgasm?
Lex, 7-3? Have you played Fab or any good Lex? I'm not sure I agree with that one. Sure Orbs blow up his armor I guess but I really don't think Black Adam flat out dominates Lex. It certainly didn't look 7-3 when Fab was playing vs Godspeed/Rico Suave.

I strongly disagree with Harley and Hawkgirl being 6-4. When you play against a truly top level Harley or Hawkgirl you'll understand. Hawkgirl's mobility is just nuts and Harley has extremely solid space control. If a Harley player is trying to rushdown Black Adam it's not a good Harley.

Deathstroke is 5-5.

Not sure about Raven and Wonder Woman. Still haven't seen or played these matchups enough. PimPimJim, Forever King and Zaf are like the only good Raven players I know and I haven't seen either of them fight a lot of Black Adams so far. And I seriously don't know any high level WW aside from A Foxy Grandpa.
Ive played Pigs lex and a couple others and its just not good. He has to take risks for everything and the setups arent amazing against adam anyway. His axe is hard to deal with but thats all i see there.

Hawkgirl has been a huge question mark especially cause NOBODY plays her. People are just shitting themselves over it cause she can fly. It really doesnt mean that much cause she does absolutely nothing to adam up there and if he hits her out of the sky he gets like 40%. After that she has to come to me and thats not fun for anyone.

Harley ive played a bit and her stuff is hard to deal with at times but i dont see how she can truly compete with adam. I would have to play a really good harley to have this one changed.

Ive played foxy and we go even and ive played king and pimpim (he knocked me out) and i think she only doesnt lose cause of demon mode cause its hella good.


The Ignore Button Is Free
I don't see how black Adam and killer frost is even. I have Tons of experience in that match and I'm confident in saying black Adam wins that


What's a Smarrgasm?
I don't see how black Adam and killer frost is even. I have Tons of experience in that match and I'm confident in saying black Adam wins ghat
Im going off playing Bit. It could be in adams favor but shes just such a question mark if she catches you that its almost impossible to say i win this MU where i can lose by guessing wrong twice. After slide the options arent amazing for anyone, even adam, so just getting out at times is your best option.


The Ignore Button Is Free
Im going off playing Bit. It could be in adams favor but shes just such a question mark if she catches you that its almost impossible to say i win this MU where i can lose by guessing wrong twice. After slide the options arent amazing for anyone, even adam, so just getting out at times is your best option.
I agree with this. Once frost is in, she is hell for black Adam. But that's the problem, GETTING IN lol.

Your zoning is really good in this match as I cannot counter zone with spike or daggers, and you shut down a lot of my mobility lity thanks to lightning and dive kick.

Are you familiar with fighting KF's besides bit? astronout care to chime in?


What's a Smarrgasm?
I agree with this. Once frost is in, she is hell for black Adam. But that's the problem, GETTING IN lol.

Your zoning is really good in this match as I cannot counter zone with spike or daggers, and you shut down a lot of my mobility lity thanks to lightning and dive kick.

Are you familiar with fighting KF's besides bit? astronout care to chime in?
Well the only zoning i can use is lightning and if you jump and air dash it once you are easily in slide range. So its really not that hard to get in. Daggers and spike are good full screen cause i cant really counter cause divekick wont really reach from full screen. If i use black magic spike punishes EASILY and if you are close enough it means a slide. After a blocked slide i have to guess again cause of parry since it will beat d1 and thats my only really good option.

Master D showed me a lot when i watched him play bit but yeah i havent played to MU as much as some other MUs.


The Ignore Button Is Free
Well the only zoning i can use is lightning and if you jump and air dash it once you are easily in slide range. So its really not that hard to get in. Daggers and spike are good full cause i cant really counter cause divekick wont really reach from full screen. If i use black magic spike punishes EASILY and if you are close enough it means a slide. After a blocked slide i have to guess again cause of parry since it will beat d1 and thats my only really good option.

Master D showed me a lot when i watched him play bit but yeah i havent played to MU as much as some other MUs.
Why would you use black magic tho outside of combos against frost tho lol. And daggers are a nono, it can easily be dive kicked on reaction. Yea I can block lightning, then air dash, but then that's asking for a divekick. Spikes are a good check, but if you read that, dive kick.

Idk. Trust me, I agree with EVERYTHING you are saying. I just feel like the risk/reward factor is more in black adams favor. Also, I have to play your game a majority of the time. I can't zone, have to be careful about my movement, and I can't even sit on a life lead.
I know I mentioned dive kick a lot, so yes, I know how to deal with it lol. Jump Back 3, mbf3, etc, and I know your dive kick has ass priority. It's still very good in this MU tho Imo.

K I'm just ranting now lol. This match is annoying. Could be 5-5. Jer Konqrr GGA 16 Bit @ribbz24


I'm a literal Sloth
BA needs to go in the air and call it a day. Yes we can parry his one string or whatever, but you can just trait, divekick your way in and pressure. If you ever use black magic outside of a combo that's on you, because you should never use it to check a frost. KF can airdash, but you need to realize her options in the air are ass cheeks, and can't do shit. This MU is 6-4 for BA, 7-3 or 8-2 on Metropolis rooftop


see you at the top.
Playing both Jer's and Khaotik's KF's, im am confident in saying that Black Adam beats Killer Frost. He shuts down her slide metagame better than anyone else in the game. KF attempting to zone at all gets shut down with Dive Kick. Her damage is her only saving grace in this MU. Meter management is especially important in this MU for both characters. I'd say 6-4 BA.

On a side note, I do feel that Green Lantern is potential 6-4 MU is GL's favor.


What's a Smarrgasm?
Why would you use black magic tho outside of combos against frost tho lol. And daggers are a nono, it can easily be dive kicked on reaction. Yea I can block lightning, then air dash, but then that's asking for a divekick. Spikes are a good check, but if you read that, dive kick.

Idk. Trust me, I agree with EVERYTHING you are saying. I just feel like the risk/reward factor is more in black adams favor. Also, I have to play your game a majority of the time. I can't zone, have to be careful about my movement, and I can't even sit on a life lead.
I know I mentioned dive kick a lot, so yes, I know how to deal with it lol. Jump Back 3, mbf3, etc, and I know your dive kick has ass priority. It's still very good in this MU tho Imo.

K I'm just ranting now lol. This match is annoying. Could be 5-5. Jer Konqrr GGA 16 Bit @ribbz24
Yea im not saying i would throw black magic im saying you just completely take it away because you punish it easy where in other MUs i can use it. I will play it more but i definitely believe BA has the best tools to deal with her compared to everyone. Thats just how good she is especially after playing bit.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Why would you use black magic tho outside of combos against frost tho lol. And daggers are a nono, it can easily be dive kicked on reaction. Yea I can block lightning, then air dash, but then that's asking for a divekick. Spikes are a good check, but if you read that, dive kick.

Idk. Trust me, I agree with EVERYTHING you are saying. I just feel like the risk/reward factor is more in black adams favor. Also, I have to play your game a majority of the time. I can't zone, have to be careful about my movement, and I can't even sit on a life lead.
I know I mentioned dive kick a lot, so yes, I know how to deal with it lol. Jump Back 3, mbf3, etc, and I know your dive kick has ass priority. It's still very good in this MU tho Imo.

K I'm just ranting now lol. This match is annoying. Could be 5-5. Jer Konqrr GGA 16 Bit @ribbz24
It is 6-4 Black Adam. Probably Frost's only bad MU with the possibility of Hawkgirl but it is way too early to tell on that one. Anyone with the freedom to do whatever they want in the air is going to give KF massive problems because she has zero air control. BA can dive kick from side to side, make Frost chase him which is always going to give him an advantage. While he is doing this he is building meter for EX Lightning which catches Frost on the way down from jumps, blows up slide, and checks her when she is on the ground.

Daggers can be MB dive kick combo'd for a minimum of 40% with 1 bar and trait and the situation resets itself. On wake-up if you slide BA jump back 2 will blow it up for a full combo of around 45% with a bar every time. On any blocked slide there is no penalty for jumping back since BA can cancel into dive kick and go back to full screen or punish if you try to go for some sort of anti-air opportunity. On knock-down Frost's pressure on BA is not a great option due to the invincibility on lightning cage which the BA player can MB for a full combo punish. Absolutely her hardest MU.
seems I'm a bit late to this discussion haha. A lot of the 5-5's I agree with, although I feel that Doomsday could potentially be BA favor. GL I'm not too sold on it being even, but I just get destroyed by him haha.


The Ignore Button Is Free
Its funny how a majority of the kf players think it's in BA favor, and how a majority of the BA players think it's even. Which side needs to level up?!??