I read a couple pages and it was enough for me.
I'm loving Injustice. I'm loving it enough to make up for a lot of the hate the game is getting.
I love interactables. I'm loving them enough to make up for a lot of hate they are getting.
I love that there is little comeback factor. I love the footsies, the depth (yes depth), I love how easy the combos are. Lets be serious here, I'm able to keep my mind on the game instead of timing my reptile NJP.
I love how "pros" get to come in and call people they lose to, "scrubs", because they keep looking for their ex shoulder charge button.
This game ain't MK and I love it for that.
Dash cancel is scrubby
Tele 3 is scrubby
Unavoidable resets are scrubby
+ frame 6 frame armor is scrubby
Random Toasty Boost is scrubby
Combo breakers are scrubby
The best part about it is that I paid for the game just as all these "pros" and my opinion means just as much as theirs.
You are the minority. What you think about this game will have no impact on the future of this game. This game will not die because Scar and Pig and "others" think its scrubby.
Honestly, I don't think its scrubby enough for some of them to be as successful as they were at mk.
Don't get it twisted.