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The Injustice Issues/Bugs and Minor Suggestions Thread


Should we lump massive disconnects and lag in here as well? I had the issue with disconnects before the patch (hence my 40 or so disconnects), but I have never experience this amount of latency. The lag has been getting noticeably worse since the patch came out and now it's at the point where I don't think I can play this game until another update is released.

5 out of my last 5 matches have ended with a disconnect over xbox live. Uncool dudes.
It's pretty awful... and as usual, KoTH is worse. Not sure how hard it is to get that part right when 1v1 works fine usually.

Rabid Justice

Your Soul Is Mine
the 2-in-1 cancels for interactables sucks...I can barely do any strings that include both 1 and 2 without getting interactable instead of the string. WAAAAAAY too sensitive for reading 1,2 or 2,1 as 1+2
this is happening to me so much. its almost like i have to relearn how to dial the combo in again.


Probably a lunatic
Interactable bug.
Wayne manor, the moto.
I can't seem to replicate it.
Aquaman vs Batman
Batman takes the bike, gets hit, the bike rolls towards the screen.
Aquaman doesn't follow up, and charges an armored f3
Batman hits the armor with b2 (I think), and here comes the bug :
Big camera spazz, then Batman repawns from where was the camera before the glitch, hits Aquaman with the bike interactable. The interactable then continues rolling towards the manor. Batman and Aquaman reset in the position they were in before.
Batman Flashpoint Skin redownloading "everytime" I enter online.

Lobo problem now fixed. It was happening during the first day of Bat Girl release. Lobo now appears in the character selection screen. I think this issue is resolved. At least for me.


Death is my business
Metropolis street stage , when you're in practice mode and use the minigun extender and hit select to reset position before the minigun becomes available again the minigun won't be able to be activated until you either go back to the select screen , just a minor thing but kinda annoying


Administrator and Community Engineer
So I encountered a bug today on PS3 where I'll be waiting for a Player Match, and it will say "Looking for Opponent".. Then it'll say "Opponent Accepted", but it doesn't show who the opponent is and there's no way to accept. In the middle of the screen it still says "Looking for opponent" even though it says they've accepted at the top.

It lasted for the entire session, and hopping in and out of online mode didn't help, so I had to restart the game.


I don't know if this has been said before but with Killer Frost if you win the round with her command grab then the next round the other player will look as if they're always covered in ice. It's not a major glitch but I still think its pretty cool.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Metropolis street stage , when you're in practice mode and use the minigun extender and hit select to reset position before the minigun becomes available again the minigun won't be able to be activated until you either go back to the select screen , just a minor thing but kinda annoying
i hate this too, what i did was just wait till you combo finished or dropped, then wait for the minigun lights to blink then press select so it doesn't so that, and if it does do it you can go into practice options change which level of the stage you are on, like rooftop or museum, then go back to street to reset it again.


King of the Jobbers 2015
-Random glitch when Flash gets hit out of his trait, but everything is still slow motion (without the color effect) and it lasts like 20 seconds.
- Game freezing after the game starts, or it slows than so much you need to reset your console.
I still have the same issue i have been having since i bought the game at launch...the game will NOT allow me to play surivor or TKOH for more than 3 matches basically. After like 10 mins it says "player left", but everyone is gone and it's just me. Every time witouth fail. Am i the one being disconnected? Then why does the game tells me it's the other players that left?...

It find it really strange since i play all my player or ranked matches witouth ever being disconnected o.0


Wonder Woman's df+1(mb) doesn't take effect until about 1-2 seconds after wake up, so the actual time you have to increase your damage is about 2 seconds(near useless considering how far away you are). I don't know if this is a bug from the patch or if its always been this way. I'd just like to see the time duration lengthened.
I still have the same issue i have been having since i bought the game at launch...the game will NOT allow me to play surivor or TKOH for more than 3 matches basically. After like 10 mins it says "player left", but everyone is gone and it's just me. Every time witouth fail. Am i the one being disconnected? Then why does the game tells me it's the other players that left?...

It find it really strange since i play all my player or ranked matches witouth ever being disconnected o.0
I got this bug before in a KOTH with friends. You are actually sent off into an empty koth room by yourself. It says they left but it was you. I joined them back they were all in the same room nothing happened to them
Love the game. Minor request:

Instead of making me check the Leaderboards to see which Battles I have and have not finished, could you just put a check or something by the ones I have please?


so i was playing injustice from about 9 am to 10 am, then turned off the xbox and went out. came back at around 1 pm and started to play again, but something is broken now.

on my qanba Q4RAF, all my inputs are fucked up. when i do up-back or up-forward, the game pauses. a forward input gives me forward, up-back, up-forward according to the input display. when i press b to unpause the game after i try to jump, i get Y, A, LT, down-back, lol.

i tried SFxT on PC and everything worked fine, then i tried SFxT on 360 and everything was fine so i am pretty sure it isn't my fightstick or xbox. anyone else experiencing this?
Rarely i try to select a character and it asks me if im sure i want to disconnect. The 2nd time i saw this i waited a sec then very slowly and deliberately told it no

But it went YES! ='(

Thats some weird shit that happened to you tho. im also on a q4raf.
im not sure if this is my xbox or something else with the game.sometimes my game will get stuck in parts of the loading screen and i have to restart my box.now this is with any loading screen sometimes when its loading the main menu .now none of my other games do this just injustice.so to fix it i have to uninstall the game and reinstall it.i just want to know has anyone else had this problem
okay, i don't know if this was mentioned before but apparently (at least on the madcatz TE stick), if someone crosses you up while you are crouching and then you go to block it

after you block and go to punish, if your character has a DB# on the attack you pressed, you'll get that instead of a normal attack

it's really annoying as i'm pretty sure no character has a DB1 faster than their standing 1 attack
Yea i get that too. U have to block the crossup, return to neutral, then press d1. It cant be diagonal either it has to be DOWN1. The only way to get d1 from diagonal is if you were already holding diagonal, didnt move, and pressed 1


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I think this has ran its course now so I'll send it off into the main glitch thread now. Good work guys.


Filthy Casual
The flash on Darkest Night keeps completely freezing. It looks as if he does a stance change on his own and puts his back to you and he locks up. This is on Xbox and I can still see my button inputs in practice mode and press start etc, the game works he just freezes.

if the last hit of a round is a flash freeze, the opponent will keep the frozen skin until they are hit with another flash freeze.

no use, maybe mindgames? just documenting.


Zatanna for DLC!
Wonder Woman B3 cannot be jump cancelable until very late after it hits. It happened in the Batgirl release as well. It got hotfixed, but I guess the New DLC character messed with things again. Everyone else's B3 works normally but WW. Don't know if it's happening on Ps3, but it's happening on 360