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They need to fix 1 + 2 for interactables.


PSN: SoaD_009
Ever since the patch the other day and they added this, I'm constantly ****ing up combos because my character uses an interactable instead of doing my dial combo. I'm testing it right now in training mode and I am not pressing 1 + 2 at the same time, but my Batman is still using interactables. I'm sure this is unintended considering if you use 1 + 3 to throw you literally have to press the buttons at the exact same time for your character to throw, but I'm looking at my inputs in training mode right now and I'm definitely not pressing 1 + 2 at the same time but my character is still using interactables.

Edit - I guess the one positive thing that has come out of this is that I unbinded the interact button and binded grab in its place. I give up on trying to grab with 1 + 3.


Funny you mention this. I thought it was my inputs but its i never had it happen till this patch came out. It happening to me a lot


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I have had to adjust my timing to press my combo buttons slower and I have stopped getting the accidental interactable. It wasn't easy and sometimes it still happens.


F, D, F + HP
Definitely a pain, especially whilst in the lab using atlantis. Trying to nail down midscreens and getting throne bounces...grrr


The Ignore Button Is Free
This is probably the most ANNOYING thing in this game right now, next to the D/DB bug.

So.... FUCKIN... Annoying....

Vulcan Hades

This is most likely due to negative edge. You press 2 while the "release check" of 1 is still active. So the game reads that as 1+2.

I haven't really experienced this myself but then again I don't use a lot of 12 or 21 strings.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
This is probably the most ANNOYING thing in this game right now, next to the D/DB bug.

So.... FUCKIN... Annoying....
D/B registered as back input for specials in MK9 as well. Alt controls solves this.


PSN: SoaD_009
D/B registered as back input for specials in MK9 as well. Alt controls solves this.
Ok that's what I thought you were referring to. I switched to alt controls a few weeks ago because of this. I was always doing specials when I was trying to poke after blocking.


I suffer the same problem, it has nothing to do with the negative edge in the button config. The problem is when you are trying to press 1,2 while still being stunned from the string before, it registers as 1+2 = interactable. So you need to work on your timing.


I don't think I have this problem. The only issues I have are getting f.2 instead of double punch and f.3 over Body Press.

I'm pretty sure the latter is just me.


they "improved" 1+2 for stick users but in the end ruined the experience. so many input mistakes due to this new change.

you just have to delay the 2nd input of your combo even more and sometimes this will ruin your hit confirm convert


The problem is simple. If you hit two buttons fast enough in succession (I think it is the same frame at least that's how I remember MK9 worked) then the game registers it as being pressed at the same time. However it is inconsistent. Here is why:

Registered as "together": ------FrameEnd-FrameStart------Button1------Button2------FrameEnd------
Registered as "separate": ------Button1---FrameEnd-FrameStart---Button2------------FrameEnd-----

In both examples you are pressing both buttons in succession at the same speed but only the second example picks it up as separate. The success of your input is practically random if you do them really fast. I have the same problem when I slide my thumb across two buttons instead of manually pressing them separately. Pre-patch this didn't matter because the first example was treated the same as the second example.

It should be an option in the menu just like "release check". Of the global player base far less than 1% are using a stick where this even matters. But it screws over everyone that is used to "slide input" combos.


This is most likely due to negative edge. You press 2 while the "release check" of 1 is still active. So the game reads that as 1+2.
I'm not sure about that. I would need to test this with computer aided analysis. It depends how it was programmed. If they put some thought into it then negative edge should not affect double presses. If the engine just adds another button press to the queue upon release then yes, this would reinforce the problem discussed here but it wouldn't be the reason for it.

Vulcan Hades

Well, after testing in practice mode, this only happens to me if I slide 1~2 or 2~1 really fast. Not if I just do the string normally.

So I guess you need to slown down people lol. Which character requires you to slide buttons that fast?

Also, I noticed special moves have priority over the interactable input so that's good at least.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Ever since the patch the other day and they added this, I'm constantly ****ing up combos because my character uses an interactable instead of doing my dial combo. I'm testing it right now in training mode and I am not pressing 1 + 2 at the same time, but my Batman is still using interactables. I'm sure this is unintended considering if you use 1 + 3 to throw you literally have to press the buttons at the exact same time for your character to throw, but I'm looking at my inputs in training mode right now and I'm definitely not pressing 1 + 2 at the same time but my character is still using interactables.

Edit - I guess the one positive thing that has come out of this is that I unbinded the interact button and binded grab in its place. I give up on trying to grab with 1 + 3.
I agree with this 100% it's killed me so many times already...

Especially with how many chars have 112 strings...



Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
Ugh was messing with batgirl last night and shed always knock the dummy into the throne on Atlantis....

Sent from my iPhone


I don't think I have any of these problems.
My main problem with the inputs is that I use the god damn 2 meter cancel for some reason. I think, because I do the inputs way too quickly or something. Pesky.


You can find the results of my computer assisted analysis here. You have to delay for 4 frames to avoid using the interactable.


Administrator and Community Engineer
This happens to me a lot -- I get b1~interactable whiff insteam of b12 and then I'm full punished. You need to be able to switch macros off (in general) if you aren't using them. This is a pretty prevalent issues.