PSN: SoaD_009
Ever since the patch the other day and they added this, I'm constantly ****ing up combos because my character uses an interactable instead of doing my dial combo. I'm testing it right now in training mode and I am not pressing 1 + 2 at the same time, but my Batman is still using interactables. I'm sure this is unintended considering if you use 1 + 3 to throw you literally have to press the buttons at the exact same time for your character to throw, but I'm looking at my inputs in training mode right now and I'm definitely not pressing 1 + 2 at the same time but my character is still using interactables.
Edit - I guess the one positive thing that has come out of this is that I unbinded the interact button and binded grab in its place. I give up on trying to grab with 1 + 3.
Edit - I guess the one positive thing that has come out of this is that I unbinded the interact button and binded grab in its place. I give up on trying to grab with 1 + 3.