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UFGT9: Day 1 Recap, Update, and Stream Schedule -- Updated With IGAU Top 16


Dojo Trainee
Not logical at all unless you are a whore trying to pimp out your inferior product. Ok fine, you are associated with the game and want people to see it. Put it on the main stream in the morning or at noon. But to take a brand new hype game like Injustice and replace it's time slot with divekick is pathetic. No one wants to play or buy the game. It is a joke. Watch the stream numbers disappear when that piece of shit comes on stream.
Money talks bullshit walks. Isn't NRS located in Chicago and their homebase? Why didn't Warner Bros. throw some money at this tourney?

This guy Keits is still a jerk even if I do think DiveKick is an amusing game that I want to play.
Worst tournament ever. This guy Keits is a piece of shit. Doesn't show hardly any Injustice action and then the top 8 is at 9:30 on Sunday so he can show DIVEKICK? I mean what is this guy thinking? No one in the world wants to watch that piece of shit trash game.
The real problem is that within this gaming community there are a bunch of wanna be's trying to promote their own agenda rather than promote the community. Look at the train wreck tha is competitive fighting games. Poorly run events. Amateur announcing on streams. People cursing while broadcasting the streams. Sub par sponsors. Tournaments played for $10. Money matches for $5.

If someone would like some advice on marketing and business as well as running events, I would be more than happy to assist.

We need a change here people. Lets get going.


My blades will find your heart
Not logical at all unless you are a whore trying to pimp out your inferior product. Ok fine, you are associated with the game and want people to see it. Put it on the main stream in the morning or at noon. But to take a brand new hype game like Injustice and replace it's time slot with divekick is pathetic. No one wants to play or buy the game. It is a joke. Watch the stream numbers disappear when that piece of shit comes on stream.
Injustice wasn't even going to be on the main stream originally, he moved it to the morning so it could be on the main stream. He actually did injustice a favor, but people are too pissed to realize it.

As for divekick he is trying to promote his.own game, and is getting sponsored to do so. It may not be optimal but it is 100% logical.


My blades will find your heart
So let me get this straight. He is running a "major" fighting game tournament and he wasn't even planning on having the newest and hypest game on the main stream? Makes sense. Guy is a joke.
Newest game is technically divekick. "Hypest" is subjective, if you mean most viewers then marvel has that in the bag, which is why its being streamed today.

Btw there are like 3 games that are getting NO stream time. So maybe we shouldnt bitch about 6+ hours?


cr. HP Master
DJT and MIT are both disqualified? That's harsh. DJT probably bought a bunch of single malts last night from winning the auction. Hang over city. lol

I understand business, but I think it's wrong to make a tournament you organize about selling a game you're a part of. It would be one thing if they had booths to play if you wanted, but a stream? lol


My blades will find your heart
DJT and MIT are both disqualified? That's harsh. DJT probably bought a bunch of single malts last night from winning the auction. Hang over city. lol

I understand business, but I think it's wrong to make a tournament you organize about selling a game you're a part of. It would be one thing if they had booths to play if you wanted, but a stream? lol
It's not just him, THE ENTIRE COMPANY is sponsoring the tournament.


cr. HP Master
With that said, Persona 4, SCV, TTT2, and Skullgirls shouldn't be bumped because Injustice is a new game. Those are also EVO games you know. It's vile to say, "fuck those communities, push them aside and give us what we want." I believe that kind of thinking is why some countries have starving children. LOL


My blades will find your heart
With that said Persona 4, SCV, TTT2, and Skullgirls shouldn't be bumped because Injustice is a new game. Those are also EVO games you know. It's vile to say, "fuck those communities, push them aside and give us what we want." I believe that kind of thinking is why some countries have starving children. LOL


Where is crossplay?
So let me get this straight. He is running a "major" fighting game tournament and he wasn't even planning on having the newest and hypest game on the main stream? Makes sense. Guy is a joke.
I get that you're mad, I'm annoyed too that it's not streamed but it's like your parents paying for your house, they kind of have you by the balls now. If Divekick pumped a lot of money into the tourney, they will be catered too. It's just economics. There will be many other tourneys streaming IGAU but again, I get your frustration
With that said, Persona 4, SCV, TTT2, and Skullgirls shouldn't be bumped because Injustice is a new game. Those are also EVO games you know. It's vile to say, "fuck those communities, push them aside and give us what we want." I believe that kind of thinking is why some countries have starving children. LOL
Dumb people running events is why kids are starving in other countries.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Injustice wasn't even going to be on the main stream originally, he moved it to the morning so it could be on the main stream. He actually did injustice a favor, but people are too pissed to realize it.
Putting a top 3 game with 180 entrants on Sunday for Grand Finals isn't a 'favor' -- it's what every other major in the country does :p


Dojo Trainee
Newest game is technically divekick. "Hypest" is subjective, if you mean most viewers then marvel has that in the bag, which is why its being streamed today.

Btw there are like 3 games that are getting NO stream time. So maybe we shouldnt bitch about 6+ hours?
Actually no. I was at CEO last year and Divekick was there.

And I honestly don't consider a game that you would buy from the app store for .99 a real "game". Trying to compare DIVESHIT to Injustice is just laughable. You are trying hard to defend this guy for some reason.