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Match-up Discussion Bane Matchup Discussion


Aht Aht Aht!
I have ALOT of experience against a solid GL, and I know the matchup pretty well. Most of things people have posted about it being bad for bane are correct, but there are ways to mitigate it. I've learned to NEVER jump against him unless you can bait out the minigun from midscreen, at that point the startup on it is so slow you can jump and j.d3 or j.2 into combo on him..this is risky but it can work. Level 3 venom is useless against GL if the GL knows the matchup; they will trait up (or not even trait) and minigun all day. Lift and b.13 destroy Banes approach if GL plays cautious.
The best strategies I've found is to rarely ever charge. Instead dash in, activate venom, check with d1 cancel double punch or cmd grab, or just straight up dash in and venom double punch or venom uppercut if hes jumping shooting rockets. Once he's on the ground, you're golden as you can plow through his wakeups and if you decide to block on their wakeup, they will most likely use lift which you can punish with b.23. Also, you can back dash after blocking the first hit of GL's b.13...full punish with b.23 or 223. This is hard to do but with practice it works.

To edit a bit, as big_aug said, delayed venomed double punch or cmd grab will beat all of GL's wakeups. Just takes timing


Vertebral Subluxationist
^ This is EXACTLY how I feel about and approach the GL matchup. Also, I knew you could interrupt b13 with a venom special; did not know you could backdash and punish with b23. Nice.


The Green Lantern matchup is utter bullshit, It's so bad I don't see why anyone would invest time in this matchup. It's extremely lopsided. Midscreen you can't jump the rocket because it's not worth the risk. He can meterburn it into lanterns might and blow you up. The minigun destroys any approach bane tries. It is safe and if he meterburns it the pushback and chip are ridiculous. If he traits up the minigun covers even more distance, so he can sit back and use that gun to keep you out. You cannot level 3 venom through the minigun either if he meterburns it, it hits you out of it. You cannot jump against Green Lanetrn either. His minigun cannot be jumped either if he meterburns it, it will hit you. And jumping at him will just get you killed with a braindead lanterns might death combo. From a distance he can also jump in the air and do his angled rockets. You cant duck those or jump over them so you're forced to walk back and block, and this puts you even further from him. Dashing these "on reaction" is not possible because green Lantern can do them earlier or later and mix up the timing to fuck you up. Lanterns b1 has huge reach and can outfootsie you. Green Lantern hits hard and can put you in a 50/50 reset situation and rack up even more damage. All the while you must go through the obstacle course and make jedi reads to get in. If you do get in though, you can wreck him with good reads and venom but getting in against a competent Green Lantern is nearly impossible. It sucks but I think this matchup is more than just a 4-6 for bane. To me it feels like a 3-7 or worse for bane.


"The smart stuff"
Having trouble mostly against Batman. I don't know how to counter his rediculous crossups. The controls flip and I can't do a wake-up properly.


MK is kinda dope
Having trouble mostly against Batman. I don't know how to counter his rediculous crossups. The controls flip and I can't do a wake-up properly.
Block and backdash. Try to keep him in d1 range. It's a very difficult matchup but not impossible


Major breakthrough on the Green Lantern matchup guys.

The minigun operates in 3d space. The bullets actually travel side to side on the screen. You can charge it after he is half way through the animation.

Well, not the bullets. But they actually follow the path he moves the minigun in from side to side.


MK is kinda dope
Major breakthrough on the Green Lantern matchup guys.

The minigun operates in 3d space. The bullets actually travel side to side on the screen. You can charge it after he is half way through the animation.
You know what's funny? I thought of that but thought it would be too good to be true. That's actually really smart good post. I'm assuming you have tested this?


You know what's funny? I thought of that but thought it would be too good to be true. That's actually really smart good post. I'm assuming you have tested this?
Not in practice mode yet, but i just bodied this lantern and I punished his minigun every time from just out of chip range.


MK is kinda dope
So in theory (correct me if I'm wrong big_aug) I can block the first part and venom charge through the bullets? or must it be level 3? Or not possible at all?


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Honestly to my knowledge, MB minigun doesn't actually trigger until he hits that last 1/3 of his shot arc.


It doesn't work on the MB version though. Actually it might be the saem thing. YOu're getting him just as he's done. I'll test it more.


Vertebral Subluxationist
Well, that's not too bad. I'd rather GL waste meter trying to gun me down so he can't win clashes or go crazy with MB LM combos.


I guess my initial post wasn't accurate. You can still punish it from just outside of gun range though. You're timing has to be perfect or he will block. Worst case though is he blocks.

So a non-meterburn version gets you on top of them for free.


MK is kinda dope
So let's say I'm at mid range and he does the first one and I block it. Can I jump over the 2nd or do anything? Do we have any options?


I wouldn't jump over it. Best thing is to just block it out and move back and bait one. You can punish the end of both the normal and MB versions if you have the timing right. Like I said, worst case is you're a bit late and he blocks. He can't get another one out in time to hit us.


MK is kinda dope
big_aug So I'm clear, I can block the 1st and if my timing is right, I can jump over the 2nd? I don't even care if he's blocking, I just want to be in his face