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Road to Evo, UFGT9 Player Preview, Tournament Schedule, 16 Man INJUSTICE Auction


After many of us just recovered from the hype of last weekend another event is upon us leading towards the world finals of Evolution 2013. Keits will be running the 9th installment to his famous event, "Ultimate Fighting Game Tournament" this weekend of May 24-26 in Chicago, Illinois. This will be the 4th out of 5 Road to Evo events and that means skill levels are climbing, rivalries become even more 'salty' and hype makes someone famous. But who will it be this weekend?

Since both of NetherRealm Studio's games are at Evolution this year that means twice the hype and who will serve this, you ask? There are many top players expected to arrive at UFGT9 this weekend including EMP|Tom Brady, the Ghalloping Ghost Arcade crew, Perfect Legend, EG Justin Wong and you know there's more!

Below find a brief player preview, the event schedule and that the venue looks like!
EMP|Tom Brady: Perhaps turning a new leaf with Injustice: Gods Among Us... he is the best Aquaman player there is right now. As Aquaman fits his style of play perfectly, Tom showed us all how serious he is about returning to the higher ranks in competition. With his many years of tournament experience, Tom will not only a force to be reckoned with at UFGT... he will once again unleash Arthur on all who oppose him.

Team Galloping Ghost Arcade: Two of the Ghalloping Ghost Arcade's most fierce players, 16 Bit along with Dizzy are confirmed to be traveling to UFGT9 for likely both Mortal Kombat and Injustice. It is unclear who they use in Injustice as we haven't seen either one of them in tournament yet.

WoundCowboy: Hailing from NorCal we have received word that the infamous Shang Tsung player of Mortal Kombat will be arriving at UFGT this weekend. Last we heard, the Soul Stealer was using Sinestro. We will see if he holds the power of fear!

At UFGT9, we will be using the 5/21/13 balance patch, and we will also allow Lobo in tournament play. Batgirl will not be allowed in tournament play, but will be part of the Injustice Character Auction event.

Stage selection is a difficult issue, and a lot of players and regions have differing opinions on how to handle it. For that reason, we’ve decided to “play it as is”, so to speak, and just use the rules presented in the game itself to govern this. This means that both players get to choose a stage and the game will 50/50 between them each time. I personally don’t view this as ideal, but it will help to avoid confusion from players and keep the tournament moving on schedule.

Injustice has a huge turnout at UFGT9, and we can’t wait to see how the tournament plays out.



Source: UFGT.WordPress
Venue photo via Delriach



its going to be hype to see the mk evo champ pl play in injustice!! im rooting for the king of atlantis as well =)

1. tom brady
2. perfect legend
3. pig of the hut


STORMS, this is going to be such a great tournament, and you dnt have to bother listing a bunch of top players, bcuz there is too many to do a paragraph on each one lol.
Not only that, but the players that are listed, some of them end of not going... so I try to 'double-confirm'.
Not only that, but the players that are listed, some of them end of not going... so I try to 'double-confirm'.
aw ok, i believe that whoever is listed in the pools, almost all of them are completely confirmed, but some might not show up.


cr. HP Master
Damn, Keits must put on one schmancy ass tournament lol. That's impressive. I did not know pools for IGAU started on Fri. though.


cr. HP Master
its a joke that injustice top 8 is at 9:30 in the morning.... who the fuck scheduled that shit?
To Keits defense, the guy had Injustice top 8 scheduled for late Sat. on a secondary stream. He bumped it to Sun morning so it could be on the main stream and possibly get more views. It was all in good intention.

Immortal Kombat

almost moderate success
Very unhappy they are not allowing batgirl. Really wanted to see how she held up at a high level against the nations top zoners.


Its all about who Keits wants to cater to. He's a capcom guys so thats why Capcom games get the spotlight at his tournament. I think IGAU should have been at the 12:30pm spot, because AE is pretty zzzz.


Kuya Andy
please tell me that the sunday schedule in that image is a joke

3pm: keits jerks himself off on stream for 4 hours
7pm: marvel