I posted this in the combo thread for some reason (well, that reason being that it was asked in the combo thread...). Straight copy and paste below. Hopefully somebody else can comment on his close-up game as I don't know it well enough.
I don't know how Green Lanern's up-close game is, but Raven completely outzones him both in speed and range. Most of his specials can be beaten by Soul Crush, and Event Horizon (demon stance db2) beats literally all of his ranged options. Only thing that causes problems is the mini-gun, but that requires good spacing.
With regards to the air-turbine move, Shadow Raven will usually beat the non-MB version and will trade with the MB version (MB is that he throws the turbine). Both moves do the same damage, so you have an 8% damage MB move trading with an 8% damage normal special.
This could change up close; I don't have enough experience of the match-up to talk about that. From a distance though, Raven shuts down most of his options even if she can't combo off it. Demon Stance gives her a free combo the moment he tries to do anything from range.
edit: Soul Crush will beat minigun (in mini-gun range) on read or a fantastic reaction.
edit 2: forgot that the minigun has incredible push-back on block, which also works to Raven's advantage
edit 3: if Raven gets pushed out of range of the minigun when blocking before the final bullet comes out, she can reversal with Soul Crush.
I didn't realise how how punishable GL's specials are