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Rage Quitters


Not a big thread, just felt like posting something:p The funniest thing just happened. I was playing this Deathstroke player and I picked Batman. He outzoned me, but I played a few games then I switched to Nightwing, I lost the matches, but then I decided to pick Deathstroke myself to mirror him, I knew I could win because he didnt do any combos, he just zoned me. I hope of a mirrormatch he picked Catwoman. I started to zone her and after she lost the first health bar he just quit the game.. The casual player these days lol...


PSN: KomboDrop
I hate rage quitters! All but two of my matches have been rage quits tonight. I'm so pissed, I just had to vent.
I hopped on my roommate's PS3 earlier; his record is a little below 500 so challenges were abundant. Eight people--in a fucking row--rage quit. All eight of them challenged me, not the other way around. (I only used Ares, was in the Elseworlds room, and have the best connection money can buy in Texas.)

I send the same PSN message to all RQers:

Title: Wallow, quitter
Body: ...in your cowardice

Anybody got anything better? ...something that conjures self-loathing...


I was playing on the 360 a couple of days ago and ran into some guy named epickai in a standard player match. I used Lobo and beat his crappy Batman pretty easily. During the rematch, I used Hawkgirl and got a perfect opening round against his Batman and he left the game afterward.

I asked him why did he rage quit, to which he claimed that he didn't rage, but my connection was terrible. He proceeds to bombard me with messages for half an hour saying that I need to get my connection fixed before going online and that I was the only laggy match he had the whole night.

Of course I asked him why would he run it back if my connection was so bad that he couldn't play, to which he said that he wanted to earn the win back and that he quit because I didn't earn or deserve lag wins. He also said that he thought it was his connection and that he figured it would subside during the second fight.

I quickly pointed out that if I was supposedly the only person he played that night with lag, then he'd have no reason to suspect that his connection was at fault. He finally admitted that his NAT Type is sometimes at Strict. After that confession, I sent him this


Get over here!
The biggest thing I don't get about rage quitters is why don't they just finish the match... and then leave? I never understood the difference of quitting in the middle of the match and quitting during the match. You get the lose anyways... so why bother?:16Bit


The biggest thing I don't get about rage quitters is why don't they just finish the match... and then leave? I never understood the difference of quitting in the middle of the match and quitting during the match. You get the lose anyways... so why bother?:16Bit
I'm hoping that the rage quit glitch being patched on Tuesday will cause the frequency of rage quitting to decrease. I'm pretty sure a lot of rage quitters in IGAU do an exit stage left to spite the winning player and give them an undeserved loss.
The biggest thing I don't get about rage quitters is why don't they just finish the match... and then leave? I never understood the difference of quitting in the middle of the match and quitting during the match. You get the lose anyways... so why bother?:16Bit
Its the whole mindset of im so pissed right now that im not going to give you the win. I just send them messages stating things like you better quit i break you and then that tends to make them super pissed. That or messages like so how many times have you disconnected so far today? I love rage quitters and id rather make someone RQ then actually win the match. I know sick right?


Get over here!
Its the whole mindset of im so pissed right now that im not going to give you the win. I just send them messages stating things like you better quit i break you and then that tends to make them super pissed. That or messages like so how many times have you disconnected so far today? I love rage quitters and id rather make someone RQ then actually win the match. I know sick right?
Yeah. That mind set isn't extremely productive. I just have a hard time understanding why someone would be so childish as to negate a win just because the other person was better. I just cant fathom what they must be like in real life. I definitely wouldn't want to be friends with someone of that nature. :16Bit
Yeah. That mind set isn't extremely productive. I just have a hard time understanding why someone would be so childish as to negate a win just because the other person was better. I just cant fathom what they must be like in real life. I definitely wouldn't want to be friends with someone of that nature. :16Bit
Thats what it comes down too adults taking a childish approach to losing. Not only that but im sure some of the kids who play this are rage quitting but thats more understandable.
Its a very interesting social phenomenom this "Rage Quitters" thing.

When i send some message to them, they responds with something like this: "i have a real life", "get a life" or something, they will justified themselves for be a bad players.


Worst Injustice Player
I get disconnected sometimes and sometimes the game completely freezes and I have to quit. Does it still say "ending game" when that happens?


I don't get why people are creating videos to expose rage quitters or even making threads in forums just to accuse and taunt them. If you're so protective of your W/L record then wait for tomorrow's patch to hit so you can get your precious wins when someone ragequits on you.

Just chill people :coffee: