I was playing on the 360 a couple of days ago and ran into some guy named epickai in a standard player match. I used Lobo and beat his crappy Batman pretty easily. During the rematch, I used Hawkgirl and got a perfect opening round against his Batman and he left the game afterward.
I asked him why did he rage quit, to which he claimed that he didn't rage, but my connection was terrible. He proceeds to bombard me with messages for half an hour saying that I need to get my connection fixed before going online and that I was the only laggy match he had the whole night.
Of course I asked him why would he run it back if my connection was so bad that he couldn't play, to which he said that he wanted to earn the win back and that he quit because I didn't earn or deserve lag wins. He also said that he thought it was his connection and that he figured it would subside during the second fight.
I quickly pointed out that if I was supposedly the only person he played that night with lag, then he'd have no reason to suspect that his connection was at fault. He finally admitted that his NAT Type is sometimes at Strict. After that confession, I sent him this