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MK is Dead, right?


Shouts to people fulfilling this idiotic prophecy fo MK being dead because they hear one idiot say it then think it is.

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
Wherever there is an MK 9 tournament in the Midwest, Semi Evil Ryu will be there.

And if there never ends up being another MK 9 tournament in the Midwest after UFGT 9, then I will be curious to see who ends up retiring me from the game. lol


Master of Quanculations
It`s dead on my end of things for a couple reasons.
- there are no more MK tournaments in Mexico
- online is unplayable
- my team of 4 was reduced to a team of 2 when one of them stole drugs from the other

I have a new Injustice team and a lively environment locally to compete in. As for MK, it`s still alive in my heart. I still want to read about new things, and I`ll watch any major stream. But all there is for me to do is play in training mode alone.


Other games like SF4 and SKxTK have received updates and continue to get updates to extend their life.


Yes Capcom games receive updates every year. But they also have much more entrants and way more hype.
If NRS would do an update and fix the Kabal shit, + new characters, then MK9 would get more attention.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Only reason MK9 has been on the backburner is because there's too many players trying to avoid in MK9 what's inevitable in Injustice.

Everyone else will make MK9 just as memorable at EVO as last year and the year before. If all goes to plan, count me in for it.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Yes Capcom games receive updates every year. But they also have much more entrants and way more hype.
If NRS would do an update and fix the Kabal shit, + new characters, then MK9 would get more attention.
What does Kabal have to do with this? Most outside FGC players probably think Lao is the best character in the game followed by Mileena and Raiden LOL


False Information Police Officer
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
A few regions/scenes definitely haven't kept up with MK9 recently, that's apparent. Injustice still hasn't proven itself in my eyes as a game worthy of travelling for, maybe I will see the light after UFGT.

Anyway, I definitely will continue to play MK9 through the 2013 tournament season at the very least.


Original OBS mbr/VSM/G4S
Okay, listen up because I've officially gotten tired of hearing about "MK is dead" now.

How long since Mortal Kombat received an update?
Without the hard work and support of the community, MK9 would not be at Evo this year...
MK9 is going to Evo for a third year in a row.

Other games like SF4 and SKxTK have received updates and continue to get updates to extend their life.



Want him to embarrass your asses again?
Its not dead to me. I own mk9 on xbox 360, ps3 & vita. I also hope the rumors are true and mk9 comes to steam. I dont care if its just a port from xbox without the vita extras/nerfs. I am getting it.

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Steam / Twitch: Apsasu
well, MK9 is only oficially dead, when the main goal focus point, the major interested people who play it at competitive level, top pro players, just get the point they are fed up and bored with the game, not recognizing it anymore as a cool game to spend time training and improving for competitive scene.

when the main MK9 community stop supporting competitive scene for MK9, the game can be considered dead and just gonna fade away, simple like that.

IF and WHEN this day comes, we can surely consider MK9, as competitive fighting game, as done and dead, and so, not worth such amount of attention.

fact is, nowadays, some technical fixes are necessary to try to balance a fg what major goal is to be competitive and bring attention for people who enjoy to watch competition at high level skill, so, since NRS seems to have abandoned MK9 at its own luck, so, people are tired to see the same more or less characters winning from time to time, with lack of surprising variation in the top 8 , normally .....

anyway, it's obvious , and we cannot deny, that the major game , at the moment, that is on the spotlight, and being the highlight for competitive scene, it's IGAU ..... IGAU brings fresh air, new blood, and some interesting elements that MK9 lacks , and so, it's time for IGAU shines, and MK9 is nothing, but a secondary game at this moment ...... I really doubt that MK9 can be able possible to participate a 4th Evo, and so, the MK9 time, at least for Evo, after 2013, is passed .... the same will happen to IGAU, when MK10 come out, it's just a natural step : a new game from the same developer, just bring the present attention, and turn it into the main focus for gameplay and questions discussions

MK9 is cool and fun, but, IGAU is better in some areas and aspects. It's truth and deny it, it's just pointless.
46 commas in 11 sentences. Impressive.

Vulcan Hades

MK9 isn't dead, it's just dead to a lot of players who have moved on to other games. But some people will always play all MK games no matter what so the games will always live on.

MK9 was dead to me the day I learned they would never bother fixing/improving practice mode and all the other stuff that just was bothering me too much (random advantage, random armor, input drop bugs, netcode, hitbox issues etc). It was just hard to take it seriously at that point and I saw no point to invest more time into it. Which sucks because I really loved the game it was trying to be.

I feel like this community is being torn in half but it really shouldn't be. Some people prefer Injustice over MK now and don't feel like playing the 2 games, whatever. Why is this even a problem..


Online Punching Bag
Mk isn't dead, it's just not as interesting as my new toy to play with. I like playing these games to get better at them and for the challenge. I'm still learning more and more everyday about injustice but MK I think I hit my limit a long time ago.


I know I said and done some fucked up shit towards the MK9 community and NRS. But this is the one time where everything you're about to read is 100% me being absolutely honest/real. And NOT TROLLING:


I do in fact HAVE and ALWAYS HAVE...loved this game...and community. There's a reason I kept coming back to streams, forums, and to events that had MK present. If you couldn't tell by now, you don't really know me at all. Hell I'm here now posting...am I. ;)

The fact that a game like Injustice, which I 100% think is a joke, boring, and lame, might over shadow MK9...really angers me! -__- I'm only one person, and this is my opinion. But I'm sure a ton of you share it that: MORTAL KOMBAT 9 IS MORE FUN TO PLAY THAN INJUSTICE!

I don't give a shit if MK9 is unbalanced or if it has tons of issues. It is the sole game that truly brought out the best and worst in me...as a member of the FGC and as a competitive player. And I truly...honestly thank NRS for that. And I thank you all as well! :(

MK9 will only...die, if the players of this community allow it to happen. By not supporting it, by not continuing to play it. I hope this doesn't happen (I supported this game in the past. I also wanted to see nothing more but this game die in the past. I've been on both sides of the fence. I know what it's like). I think we, and yes that includes me, have worked too hard for this game...to just let it drift off into everyone's memory. I don't want another UMK3 dead-ish MK game.

I really encourage everyone who still LOVES MK, who still LIKES to play MK, who still wants to SUPPORT MK...to do so. Don't let anyone sway you otherwise just because a new game has been released and you want to "fit in". Play what the fuck you enjoy people.

What you enjoy > balance. What you enjoy > barely noticeable better netcode. What you enjoy > my opinion and others. Etc.

MK9 hasn't received a final patch IMO because I feel the community didn't strive hard enough to demand one. I will NEVER accept, that WB/NRS doesn't have the "money/resources" to fund it. They simply just chose not to. If there's enough demand from everyone through a petition, fundraiser, etc. then our voices will be heard. It's tried and true for other fighting games/their communities. <-------- is the sole reason for my past anger towards MK9 and this community. It truly killed me that this gdlk fighting game (it's honestly one of my favorite fighting games ever, that has a ton of potential to be even greater) was going to be left the way it is...and no one seemed to care. Back then you were all telling me, "to STFU the game is fine". Now, look at what the community is saying. :( Regardless we're past this, but I want it to be noted that all that rage, anger, and salt was towards the love of this game and for the community to DESIRE A BETTER MK GAME (not just run to injustice because it had things added that MK should have had...NO that's not the same shit).

We might just have to wait til MK10, FOR A BETTER MK GAME (I'd rather we get a slight balance patch in the mean time, that matches both vita and console version). But I'll be got damned if I stop playing MK9. I'm going to go back to my roots and fully support a game I love (MK9) and a community I grew to respect (this one). I don't give a fuck what anyone says or does about/towards me.


DO NOT LET THIS GAME DIE PEOPLE! If it dies, we only have ourselves to blame. :(
