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Stop overrating MK9's Balance, Injustice is better

Which game do you think is more balanced?

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I see certain respectable players posting in threads saying MK9 is more balanced than Injustice. Is this some kind of sick joke? You're telling me that a game that is dominated by one character who shuts down the entire cast (except for maybe two who can actually fight him) is a more balanced game than Injustice? MK9 is nothing more than a Kabal fest. Kabal has more major tournament wins than half of cast has appeared in top eight. Almost every top player who has won a major uses Kabal as a primary or secondary character in the past year.

And please spare me from the talk of "but REO, look how diverse MK9 top eights are". It doesn't matter because if our community was bigger and full of players that wanted nothing more than to win, top eights would be full of Kabal's around my level or higher, and there would be barely any character diversity. How hype would the game look then, seeing Kabal players run through all these 9-1, 8-2, and 7-3 match-ups? Only Kenshi and Kung Lao players would be able to put up a fight. And do not get me started on how imbalanced and preposterous characters like Kenshi were for 90% of the cast.

The days of 9-1 match-ups are over with Injustice. IMO, the worst match-ups I've seen or experience in this game tend to be 3-7 because characters are given more tools to work with. There are bottom tier characters, sure, but at least they have better chance than half of the cast in MK9 ever will. I don't want to hear this delusional talk about how MK9 is just as balanced or more so than Injustice just because your character choice this time is not top tier.

Aside from the upgrade in balance, what about the riddance of game-changing glitches? Do you guys remember losing matches because of a meter drain glitch? Imagine what could have happened if your special move actually came out when you input it? Would you have won the game? How many times has this run across your mind during a tournament match? Ridiculous glitches like this are not present in Injustice.
pig of the hut is quite funny calling this game unbalanced when he played a brain dead character in kenshi.
this game is far more balanced than mk9 ever was i mean only 8 characters were being used for over a 2 year period.
any character in this game has the tools to win deal with it.
i agree that the gap between top tier and low tier in igau definitely isn't as significant as it was in MK9 -- for now that is, we'll see after the patches.

with that being said there is some pretty ridiculous shit in injustice, lol.


Last Bastion of Arcades
I'll agree with this, although I still think the top, especially Superman, shut down some characters a bit hard, I think it's probably a 7-3 at worst.

But yeah, the balance is ten times what MK9 is. I remember going to my first serious tournament to support MK9, and actually MK9's first major, at Powerup 2011 and trying my Stryker against REO in casuals and just getting curbstomped in a way that was disgusting. The way Kabal ruined what was a "supposedly" strong zoning character at his own game beat it into me that MK9 had abysmal balance.

And that was just IAFB and the early non-block infinite dash cancels. It only got worse from there.


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
Yeah even going by yas pre mature tir list shows the lowest is C, didnt MK have as low as E not too sure, so 2 being n C is pretty good doesn't mean there not good just means they need more work,,,

Art Killer B

[Mid-tier Humble-man]
MK9 is nothing more than a Kabal fest. Kabal has more major tournament wins than half of cast has appeared in top eight.
And please spare me from the talk of "but REO, look how diverse MK9 top eights are". It doesn't matter because if our community was bigger and full of players that wanted nothing more than to win, top eights would be full of Kabal's around my level or higher, and there would be barely any character diversity.

Judge by yourself.

*USA tournaments (as of today).
**Will update the number of times each character has appeared in top 8

Character-------Number of Tournament wins ----------Has been seen in top 8?

Flash --------------------------(0)--------------------------------------------------No
Nightwing ---------------------(0)-------------------------------------------------Yes
Batman -----------------------(1)-------------------------------------------------Yes
Cyborg ------------------------(0)--------------------------------------------------No
Green Arrow ----------------(1)-------------------------------------------------Yes
Superman -------------------(6)--------------------------------------------------Yes
Raven -------------------------(0)--------------------------------------------------Yes
Aquaman ---------------------(1)--------------------------------------------------Yes
Wonder Woman ------------(0)---------------------------------------------------No
Hawkgirl -----------------------(0)---------------------------------------------------No
Shazam -----------------------(0)---------------------------------------------------No
Green Lantern ---------------(0)---------------------------------------------------Yes
Joker ---------------------------(0)---------------------------------------------------No
Harley Quinn -----------------(0)---------------------------------------------------No
Solomon Grundy ------------(0)---------------------------------------------------Yes
Lex Luthor --------------------(0)----------------------------------------------------No
Catwoman -------------------(0)----------------------------------------------------Yes
Deathstroke ----------------(3)----------------------------------------------------Yes
Ares ----------------------------(0)----------------------------------------------------Yes
Killer Frost -------------------(1)----------------------------------------------------Yes
Doomsday --------------------(2)----------------------------------------------------Yes
Sinestro -----------------------(1)----------------------------------------------------Yes
Black Adam -------------------(1)----------------------------------------------------Yes
Bane ----------------------------(0)-----------------------------------------------------No
Lobo -----------------------------(0)-----------------------------------------------------No

Characters that have been seen in Grand Finals (number of times):
  • Superman (8)
  • Doomsday (3)
  • Deathstroke (5)
  • Aquaman (3)
  • Green Arrow (2)
  • Batman (2)
  • Green Lantern (2)
  • Black Adam (4)
  • Sinestro (1)
  • Raven (1)
  • Killer Frost (1)

Darth Mao

Your Tech is Mine! #buffRaiden
Good information, but something to take into account: it is not a rule but a lot of people playing with the character of which they are comic fan, this fact leads to play with the most popular heroes/villains. You can also add the fact that some characters are still little explored, making them less popular in tournaments, i believe we'll have more variations of characters in Injustice than MK9.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Its pretty hard to make a game balanced without clones.

Even a game like skullgirls with like 8 characters isn't balanced. Try it with 25.

That said, injustice is better because everyone has more options in general. At least every person has an armored B3. That helps.


MK9's balance wasn't THAT bad but yeah, it was pretty much a kabal-fest lol

I honestly think it's too early to tell how balanced Injustice is at this point but from what I see so far, it seems like a lot of characters has the proper tools to compete.